Here’s A Breakdown Of How To Play ‘True American’ From ‘New Girl’

If you’re a fan of the TV show New Girl, you know that the game “True American” is the most fun you can possibly have with your friends and a lot of booze. The game, which is shown throughout the series, is a mix of U.S. history, drinking, and fun. If you have a pretty big apartment/home, and you’re trying to mix it up with your friends, here’s a breakdown on how to play one of the best drinking games known to mankind.

1. You need at least 4 people.

You need 4 or more people to play the game. You make teams of at least 2, therefore you need 4 people to make the game work. Getting more players involved makes the game more fun.

To make teams, everyone holds up a number on their forehead with their fingers, between 1-5. The people who have the same numbers on their head are on the same team. If you don’t have the same numbers, repeat until you do.

2. You need a flat table/surface for the castle.

You need to find a center, flat piece to be the castle. This will be placed in the center of the room and the game really revolves around it. You put a bottle of liquor (of your choice) in the center of the table, and line up the beers around it like a giant X. This is the “king” and his “pawns.”

3. Set up the “game board.”

The floor is lava in this game, so you’ll need to set up spaces to stand on throughout the game. It’s like “Candy Land,” where you move spaces. The spaces surround the castle. You want to make at least 5-8 spaces on each side of the castle. Only 4 spaces touch the castle itself—therefore, if you land on this space, you get to take a beer.

4. After making teams, shotgun.

The game begins with a shotgun tipoff, so all players need a beer. The person who wins the shotgun (finishes first) screams “1, 2, 3 JFK!” The rest of the players yell “FDR.” Everyone grabs one beer and retreats to a space of their choice, excluding the four touching the castle.

The person who wins the shotgun also goes first. He/she moves one space—clockwise—towards the castle. Every turn, players decide on minigames they want to play. A minigame is played every turn.

5. Minigames.

There are three different minigames you can play.

1. The player who’s up screams “1, 2, 3” and everyone puts a number on their forehead (like you did when choosing teams). The player who picks a number that no one else has picked can move forward one space.

2. The player who’s up begins reciting a famous American quote from a famous person in history. The player who finishes this quote correctly can move forward two spaces.

3. The player who’s up names two famous American people, places, or things. The player who can name what all have in common can move forward three spaces.

6. Winning.

The game is played until a) all the pawn beers are finished and a player reaches the castle to sip from the “king’s cup.” The game is played until there are no pawn beers left. Players in the game must have a beer in hand at all times. Additionally, the floor is lava, so you cannot fall of your space.

Players who do not have a beer or fall into lava will be disqualified but can get back in the game if they shotgun a beer.

So suit up, grab some beers and a bunch of friends—and shotgun!

‘Rage Yoga Class’ Uses Beer And Profanity To Help Reduce Stress

Everyone has different ways of coping with stress. Some people like to go to the gym and let their rage out through a good workout. Others light candles, take a bath, and listen to some music. Some like to curse up a storm and scream. Others like to drink until they forgot why they were stressed in the first place. Everyone’s different—so, that’s why we need to cater to everyone’s needs at once, not just some.

For many, yoga has been a way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. For others, having to breathe, inhale, smell lavender, and keep silent can be even more stress-inducing than calming. So, instead of having a regular ol’ “namaste” yoga class, there’s a brand new kind of yoga class on the market catered to those who need to scream it out.

Rage Yoga, according to CBS News, originated in Texas by yoga instructor Ashley Duzich.

Duzich understands that yoga is about relaxation and union—which, can mean different things for different people.

“We are all angry about something and we all have been holding onto an ‘F’-bomb for a little bit too long,” she says. “So that’s what this does – is – it allows you to have a safe space to let go of your and frustration and rage in a healthy way… and then also wash it all away with some ice cold beer.”

She added:

We actually take beer breaks during the class. It’s definitely not for everybody and that’s totally OK… I also don’t recommend bringing your children.

Sign me up!

h/t: CBS.

Restaurant Offers To Pay For Your Wedding If You Propose There On Valentine’s Day

For many individuals in the world, they find someone they truly love and begin to plan a future with them. For some, this means the standard “engagement, marriage, kids, family, retirement,” mindset. While finding someone to spend your life with can be difficult as it is, having to pay for a ring and a wedding can be a lot of stress and pressure on an individual.

But, now, there’s a restaurant that is offering to pay for your entire wedding if you propose to your lover at their restaurant—on Valentine’s Day.

Primanti Bros. Restaurant and Bar is offering lucky and lovely couples all over the chance to not only have a delicious proposal—but, also, the ability to have a wedding that’s totally, 100% paid for. According to the details on their website, as long as you drop down on one knee at one of their restaurants in the U.S., they’ll pay for you and your wedding party to have a reception this summer:

This Valentine’s Day, Primanti Bros. Restaurant and Bar is giving you the chance to declare your love AND earn an all-expense-paid group wedding and reception to be held in summer 2019.

All you’ve got to do is get down on one knee, declare your love and ask your sweetheart to marry you on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, 2019, at any one of Primanti Bros. locations in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio or West Virginia.

Additionally, the fine print reads:

The wedding ceremony and reception will be held in summer 2019 at Primanti Bros. original location in Pittsburgh’s Strip District Neighborhood, with the exact date to be determined based upon availability. The ceremony and reception will be held for all participants simultaneously and the total number of allowed guests may be limited. Specific details about the wedding ceremony and reception will be shared with participants after they’ve gotten engaged at Primanti Bros. on February 14, 2019. No purchase is necessary to be eligible.

You don’t even have to buy anything at the restaurant in order to get your free wedding, y’all—just go there and propose! What a treat! What a deal!

Check out more in information on how you can get a free wedding, all expenses paid, here. Happy love-day, y’all!

Twitter Is Rooting For These Parents After Son Tweets Their ‘Getting Back Together’ After 7-Year Divorce

When your parents get divorced, it can be a difficult experience to go through. Many people feel as though it’s “their fault” for their parents splitting up, especially when they’re young. But, we all know that’s not true. Many adults grow out of love with each other, have issues that cause them to drift, or are just better off as friends than lovers.

But, what happens when your parents split up for 7 years and then magically find their way back to each other? Apparently, they get an entire social media network behind them rooting for them to make it happen. Twitter user @VirgoVonnie shared a text from his mom saying that she “kissed his father.”

He told his followers that his parents got divorced 7 years ago and both became recently single. Apparently, love is in the air, because his mom ended up kissing his dad and it was so good—she’s about to get her man back.

Obviously, people on Twitter were rooting for a family reunion. Who doesn’t love a happy ending? It’s so rare to see parents find their way back to each other, actually seeing it happen is a true blessing.

We wholeheartedly agree—we need updates. I want wedding photos!


This Bride Asked Her Guests To Wear Their Old Wedding Gowns To Her Wedding

White Wedding

Most brides would frown on guests showing up to a wedding wearing white. Audrey Moore asked them to come in their old wedding dresses.

The actress felt that it was “sad that most women only get to wear their wedding dress once,” according to a Reddit post written by her husband, producer/writer Jesse Lumen. “So we invited all the women coming to our nontraditional wedding to wear their old wedding dresses again.”

A Sea Of Wedding Gowns

On the day of the wedding, dozens of women showed up in their wedding gowns. “I’m the last of my friends to be married and I went to most of their weddings. They’re all such beautiful women inside and out and I had heard so often that they were really sad they couldn’t wear their wedding dress again,” Moore told TODAY. “So then I decided I really wanted to be surrounded by a bunch of my beautiful princess brides and have a magical, fun day together.”

All the women were worried about outshining Moore on her big day. She jumped on the Reddit thread to elaborate: “I knew I was wearing blue but kept it a secret from everyone except my dressmaker, and my hair and makeup artist. I’d been to almost all their weddings and knew they’d be in white. Plus I’m 5’10. In heels I was 6’1. I told them, “I DARE you to upstage me.”


Those who had never been married were either asked to come dressed in character, or in “that one dress they only wore once.”

“Some women borrowed wedding dresses from their mothers or other family members,” Lumen wrote on Reddit. “If they didn’t have a wedding dress or didn’t want to wear one, we asked people to wear black and white or a costume!”


Moore herself donned a beautiful icy blue (“something blue”) princess gown. Once she realized how closely it resembled Elsa’s gown from Frozen, she decided to add the cape to really complete the Disney look.

The online response to the Moore-Lumen wedding has been nothing but positive.

“I told my seamstress I’m so excited to dress up as Elsa and Cinderella for every costume event till it turns to threads,” Moore wrote on Reddit. “She was a bit horrified by the thought of her dress being worn to costume events but she’s used to me by now.”

h/t Today

We’ve Finally Been Blessed With An Emoji To Respond To D*ck Pics

Every year, iPhone users are blessed with some new Emojis to add to our collection of little symbols that we use to replace actual text messaging and words. With every passing update, we get some incredible new cartoon symbols that will immediately become our favorites. But, this time around, we’ve got one that will change our lives for the better.

Introducing: the brand new emoji that will make its way into being your favorite emoji in the world—the pinching hands.

Coming in every skin color and style, this emoji will immediately be every woman’s favorite response to annoying boyfriends, creeps in her DMs, and unsolicited d*ck pics online. The pinching hands obviously looks like someone comparing the small space between the thumb and the index finger to the awfully small size of someone’s…nether regions.

Women online are utterly excited to put this bad boy to good use.

Can’t wait.

Man’s Post About His Ex-Wife’s New Engagement Photos Goes Viral For All The Right Reasons

Divorces can be pretty hard on families and individuals when they happen. Some get married, get divorced, and end up absolutely hating each other for the rest of their lives. But, there are others who defy the odds and decide that maybe marriage isn’t for them—but, they can still be friends. This is vital for couples who are going to remain in each other’s lives, especially when they have kids.

One man posted a status on Facebook about his ex-wife’s new engagement and it’s going viral because it’s definitely out of the ordinary. While many believe that an ex-husband may be bitter and salty that his ex-wife is moving on, Blake Higginbotham has a different mentality on this. He wrote:

This is my ex wife. The mother of my 3 children. The woman who brought all 3 of my children into this world.

We got married young , had 3 beautiful children and had a bitter divorce.
3 years later , that relationship is much different. We share the kids evenly and support them in everything they do. We act as a team.

The man she’s with is a great guy. He’s great to my kids and they love him to death. As a father , I couldn’t ask for anything more. I sincerely wish you both the best. I’m thankful for many things including yalls relationship.
To anyone divorced, I encourage you with all of me to try and look at this from a different angle. Just because you didn’t workout as husband and wife doesn’t mean you can’t be mom and dad.

Many people online were shocked and almost emotional over the bond that Blake and his ex-wife still have, and how they have worked to keep their friendship civil and alive to make sure that their kids have good role models in their lives.

We totally agree—this is how it should be.

20 Emo Kid Glow-Ups That We Clearly Don’t Deserve

Everyone went through an emo/scene phase at one point in their life. Whether it was Taking Back Sunday, or those choppy cover-the-eye bangs—we all went through those few years where we edited all of our pictures with skulls and sad quotes and used way too much eyeliner for our liking. But, we all know, emo kids grow up to be bad-ass, chic rockstars. Therefore, to make you all feel better about your own emo pictures you hide in your closet, BuzzFeed users are sharing their “glow-ups” to show that we’ve all been there.









































Celebrate Valentine’s Day With This Double Headed Sweater For You And Your Dog

Let’s face it, everyone knows that dogs are the very best thing that ever happened to us. No matter who we date or marry or love, our dogs are always going to be our first love. They’re there for us through thick and thin — they’re always there to lick our wounds (literally). And, because of this, they deserve to be celebrated like the good boys and girls they are.

So, this Valentine’s Day, why not get a sweater set that truly showcases how you feel about your puppy BFF — a double-headed sweater that you rock together. Available on Zulily, the sweater can be yours for only $39.99.

But, if you don’t want to rock the blue, why not grab one of these other adorable double-trouble sweaters for you and your furry boo. There’s an LGTBQ-friendly “love is love” sweater. Also, a “heart breaker” sweater in pink. And, our favorite, the “double trouble.”

Each sweater is $39.99 and if you order before January 31st, you’ll get it in time for a Valentine’s Day photoshoot for you and your puppy.

If you really want to wear it with another person (I mean, why would you), you totally can. But, wouldn’t you rather be attached to a dog all day? I know I would!

American Eagle And Aerie Have Stopped Photoshopping Their Models And We Love It

Throughout the years, women have felt insecure in their bodies and their looks. Why? As the years and decades have progressed, magazines and advertisements have featured models and influencers who are airbrushed, photoshopped, and edited to the point where they don’t even look real. No woman walks the world with absolutely no cracks, crevices, or wrinkles on their body and it’s time that we stop with the bullsh*t and start embracing women’s real bodies.

Luckily, some companies are putting the right foot forward and showing women that natural is beautiful. Recently, American Eagle and Aerie have decided to showcase models and women with no photoshop and no airbrushing. The results? Amazing.

The #AerieREAL campaign features women, not only without photoshop, but also with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and of all sizes.

They’ve also featured natural women with no edits in their underwear ads, bra ads, and swimsuit ads. Recently, one photo has gone viral on Reddit because people are shocked to see natural bodies—noticing that elbow wrinkles, and butt wrinkles, are real.

People on Reddit were leaving comments on all the things they never noticed in women—like, elbow creases. Additionally, women think the photos are inspiring and have helped them become more comfortable with their own bodies.

It’s a unique experience seeing the elbow skin creases. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture with those.


Comforting to see I’m not the only one in the world that skin thing by the bra happens to.


The more I see these honest photos, the closer I get to being brave enough to wear my swimsuit in public.


I even like that she has a bruise. Cause we are humans and bump into things and it’s normal!


Thank you Aerie and American Eagle, us women all over the world thank you.

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