40 Signs That Labor Day is Almost Here

Follow these signs and you’ll be enjoying an exciting Labor Day weekend in no time:

  1. The leaves are really turning red, it’s not just a dead branch stuck up there.

  2. The Halloween candy is already picked over in the grocery store.

  3. Back to School supplies are on clearance.

  4. You can’t get a reservation at the lake; they’re booked.

  5. People are stocking up on Hershey bars, marshmallows and graham crackers.

  6. No one is using the pool.

  7. You’ve given up on your flowerpots.

  8. The dog is shedding ferociously.

  9. You took your window air conditioner out.

  10. Thanksgiving decorations are already in the drug stores.

  11. The catalogs are already stressing you out about Christmas.

  12. You finally found the perfect pair of white shorts, but you can’t wear them now.

  13. The NYS thruway is peppered with overloaded cars with university stickers.

  14. The school buses are doing their dry runs.

  15. Guidance counselors are hiding under their desks because of the barrage of parents.

  16. You haven’t uncovered the lawn furniture in a week.

  17. It’s dark already at 8:00.

  18. You need a jacket to go out to dinner.

  19. Starbucks is featuring their Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  20. Ice cream stands are out of your favorite flavor.

  21. Radio stations are doing “end of summer” mixes.

  22. The cooking shows are featuring oven dinners.

  23. Your favorite brewery is featuring the winter brews.

  24. Everyone is wearing boots again.

  25. You feel stressed that you haven’t taken the boat out “one last time.”

  26. Your hallway is laden with paraphernalia for a dorm room.

  27. You’re switching from light fruity drinks to dark, dry, red wine.

  28. The soccer coach has already called with the fall schedule.

  29. You’ve received a list of items to buy from your child’s teacher.

  30. It’s almost the playoffs in baseball.

  31. You find yourself making hot tea.

  32. The thunderstorms are furious.

  33. It’s really hurricane season.

  34. You’ve given up on achieving your bikini body for this year.

  35. You brought your sweaters to the dry cleaners.

  36. The florists are featuring mums.

  37. The apple stands are open.

  38. Suddenly, you’re craving homemade maple syrup.

  39. You feel an intrinsic urge to buy new pens.

  40. You got the school calendar.

25 Reasons Why Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte Is So Irresistible

The upside of the end of summer is the fact that it’s officially Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte Season. Yay! There are so many reasons why it’s so irresistible. While I won’t break into song, I will share some of the best ones with you.

  1. Standing in line with all those other coffee patrons, you know yours smells the best.

  2. Everyone knows that cinnamon is magic. Look it up.

  3. The froth on the top looks like heavy dew on fall mornings.

  4. The spicy flavor that stays on your tongue even after you’re finished.

  5. That very first sip of the season is something special.

  6. The cup even has fall decorations on it.

  7. It’s the perfect cozy drink with a sweater.

  8. It makes their pound cake even more decadent.

  9. The whipped cream melts just a little bit so you don’t need a spoon.

  10. It doesn’t even need added sugar. It’s already perfect.

  11. The smell of the pumpkin and clove is like perfume.

  12. Pumpkin is really healthy for you….

  13. It tastes better on a road trip.

  14. It feels like home no matter what Starbucks you get it from.

  15. If you drink it with a skinny straw, it will last longer.

  16. It doesn’t matter if you drink it too quickly, you can still get another.

  17. The season is just starting, there’s lots of rendezvous ahead.

  18. It’s perfect any time of day.

  19. It doesn’t make you hyper.

  20. But it doesn’t make you sleepy.

  21. You feel satisfied when you finish it…

  22. But just a little sad.

  23. It’s richer than regular coffee.

  24. It’s a bedtime story in a cup.

  25. They are always perfect. Every. Time.

20 Signs You’ll Never Be Over Your Love of Starbucks 

10 Annoying People Sure To Be At Your Thanksgiving Table

With Thanksgiving Day fast approaching, not everyone is looking forward to squeezing around the grown-up table (or worse, trying to balance on a too-small chair at the kid’s table) for an afternoon of forced conversation.

Every year, it’s the same people with the same irksome habits making the same idiotic statements. I really hope you don’t have to experience all of these—but I’m certain that a few of you will definitely recognize these annoying people sure to be at your Thanksgiving table:

1. The Late Arrival.

Does dinner start at three? You can bet that this person will stroll in just after four and wonder why everyone is staring at them as if they’re starving. This person is also sure to blow a gasket if you start without them.

2. The Holy Terror.

Kids, in general, tend to run around, roughhouse, or even yell occasionally. But then there’s the one who hits, kicks, swears, bites throws things, and simply will not listen to instructions. That’s also probably the kid who spills grape juice on the new sofa, and wails like she/he is dying if anyone dares to tell them “No.”

3. The Religious Zealot.

Whether it’s a devout Jesus enthusiast or a militant atheist, there’s always someone at dinner who wants you to know that they would be happy to manage your spiritual journey for you. The idea that you might know what works best for you never occurred to them.

4. The Unwittingly Un-PC.

Political correctness hasn’t reached everyone yet, so don’t be surprised by that one relative who doesn’t understand why they shouldn’t refer to “coloreds” or “illegals” in disparaging terms, or why homeless veterans are more than simply “lay-about freeloaders.”

5. The “I hate football” Guest.

Not everyone loves football—I know I don’t. But not only is it rude to complain about what the host puts on the TV, but it’s also pretty much a given that Thanksgiving means watching the Lions lose at football.

6. The Lush.

If booze is found on your Thanksgiving table, you can bet at least one relative will over-imbibe. This could lead to orneriness, crying, passing out, or having to watch them tell everyone what they “really” think of them.

7. The New Guy.

Whether it’s your Aunt’s new boyfriend or your cousin’s college roommate, there’s bound to be someone at the table who doesn’t know everyone. This can be fine unless/until they ask why Uncle Sappy is missing a foot, or when someone is finally going to make deer hunting illegal.

8. The Politically Active.

There’s sure to be someone who insists on a political rant despite no one else wanting to talk about politics. Watch for dismissive over generalizations, un-sourced ‘facts’, and dickish words like “sheeple.”

7. The Harried Host(ess).

Chances are, there’s at least one person scurrying around like a maniac checking to make sure everyone drink is fresh, hors d’ouvres are hot, and that everyone is comfortable. You might be tempted to offer help, but your best bet is to stay out of their way.

8. The Braggart.

Everyone is glad that little Hannah passed her spelling test, or Trent Jr is on the JV football team—but the braggart just can’t shut up about how much better their kids are than yours. Chin up though, after Thanksgiving dinner is over, you won’t have to hear about it again until you get the bragging Christmas letter!

23 Reasons to Bow Down to Pumpkin Season

Ah, fall. Nothing marks the first few murmurs of the pumpkin season like a pumpkin on someone’s porch, desk, or dinner table. The pumpkin, though most of the time it just seems to sit comfortably, minding its own business, really does a lot for us. For this I believe we owe it thanks.

  1.  Pumpkin spice lattesLiquefied deliciousness.
  2.  They’re so damn cheery. You brighten my day. Flowers be damned.
  3.  They come in so many different sizes. Pumpkin on the stoop, pumpkin on my desk, pumpkin in my bathroom, pumpkin on my keychain.
  4.  The seedsThey’re chock full of magnesium! You need magnesium.
  5.  They take on a starring role in CinderellaWithout it, she would have never gotten to the ball.
  6.  It’s the world’s most favorite pet name. What’s wrong, Pumpkin? Now now, Pumpkin. Aww, Pumpkin, you shouldn’t have!
  7.  Pumpkins are versatile. Pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, pumpkin beer…pumpkin beeeer.
  8.  Activities revolve around the pumpkin. Pumpkin picking, pumpkin carving, pumpkin painting, pumpkin smashing…Smashing Pumpkins.
  9.  They’re the subject of so many great Children’s books. Too Many Pumpkins, Pumpkin Soup, The Runaway Pumpkin…
  10.  When someone dresses as a pumpkin for Halloween, it’s so darn cute. No matter what age they are.
  11.  They stay fresh forever. We can keep that thing for two months if we want to.
  12.  They can be dressed up or dressed down. Ever put a bowtie on a pumpkin? How about overalls? It’s easier than dressing a dog.
  13.  They’re the perfect gift. Who can say No to a pumpkin? Fascists, that’s who.
  14.  Pumpkins know how to listen. You can talk to one all day. They don’t change the subject or try to fix anything. But they can also keep a secret better than anybody.
  15.  And they provide more American jobs. They’re native to North America – Finally, something that doesn’t have to be imported.
  16.  They can protect you. Thousands of years ago, Jack-o-lanterns were used to ward against bad spirits. If it was good enough for people then, it’s good enough for people now.
  17.  They make us feel skinny. The largest pumpkin weighed over 2,000 pounds. That really puts the pizza splurge this weekend into perspective.
  18.  They’re quite the conversation starter. How about them pumpkins? Why, they’re very orange this year, aren’t they?
  19.  You can roll them. No need to throw out your back – just roll that sucker down the hill and into the back of the pickup.
  20.  They always photograph well. Give me sexy, give me sexy… pumpkin season is sexy. 
  21.  They’re low maintenance. No watering, no pruning. Just give them a surface and they’re good.
  22.  They have inspired extreme sports. Some compete in Pumpkin Chunkin, a sport in which teams build catapults that are designed to chuck a pumpkin the farthest.
  23.  The Pumpkin has saved countless lives. Pumpkins helped the Native Americans and early settlers survive long, cold winters when nothing else was available.

If you’ve read all of this irrefutable evidence of the pumpkin’s amazingness and you still don’t like pumpkins, well…I guess haters just gonna hate. Enjoy pumpkin season.

Quiz: How Self-Sufficient Are You?

Being independent has been a big deal for a few decades now. Destiny’s Child rode the wave of the buzzword at the turn of the century, and we haven’t let go of the dream.

We all would like to believe that we could make it just fine without an emergency phone call to a parent, ex, or total stranger that would charge an arm and a leg for a simple service. Well, let’s test that theory out. Grab a pen and give yourself 4 points for every skill you’ve mastered.

  1. Can you change a flat tire?
  2. Can you give yourself a haircut?
  3. Do you know how to sew on a button?
  4. Can you properly hem a skirt or pair of pants?
  5. Do you know what to do, and can you act, when you get a cut, burn, or scrape?
  6. Do you know how to check the oil in your car?
  7. Can you get non-pet visitors like frogs, roaches, and mice out of your space?
  8. Do you know how to light the pilot on your stove? What about in your oven?
  9. Can you change a lightbulb? What about the ones with fixtures that need to be unscrewed, and then replaced?
  10. Do you know what to do when your toilet won’t flush?
  11. Can you attractively wrap a gift?
  12. Do you know how to put out a fire? And do you know when a fire extinguisher is – and is not – a good idea?
  13. Do you know how to do laundry?
  14. Can you troubleshoot computer and networking issues on your own, without the help of the internet?
  15. Do you know how to get to and from work, home, the grocery store, a doctor’s office, the hospital, and the police station using public transportation?
  16. Can you afford to live on your own with your current income? If you had to move out on your own tomorrow – paying the first and last month’s rent plus security deposit – could you do it?
  17. Do you know how to jump start a car? If you own a car, do you have jumper cables in it?
  18. Can you put together an appropriate outfit for any occasion without assistance? Interviews, days at the office, casual Fridays, concerts, school plays, beach days, movie nights, balls, and workout sessions included.
  19. Can you drive a car with a manual shift?
  20. Can you prepare a 3-course meal without any recipes?
  21. Do you know how to properly fold a fitted sheet?
  22. Can you assemble furniture on your own?
  23. Do you know how to fix a leaky faucet?
  24. Can you find ways to legally make money without a job?
  25. Tally up your points and find out where you stand.

90-100: You’re pretty darn self sufficient. You can work your way out of any situation.

80-89: You’ve got some skills, and they’ll keep you going for a bit, but it wouldn’t hurt to learn a few things.

70-79: You could survive on your own… For a while. Not for a long time, but probably long enough for someone to come along and rescue you.

60-69: You’ve still got a lot to learn, and the sooner the better.

Retro Games That Will Never Go Out of Fashion

So, everyone kind of lost their minds for a few days when Fortnite had its infamous “black hole” moment. Then, there was a collective sigh of release around the globe when Fortnite Chapter 2 went live. The panic was short-lived, of course, and was something of a marketing ploy by Epic Games.

People are now appraising the new updated game, and it seems the Fortnite phenomenon will roll on for a few years yet, much to the chagrin of parents around the world no doubt. But will it be popular 10 years from now? Doubtless, it will be replaced by some shiny new game.

Indeed, despite Fortnite’s claim of being the world’s most popular video game, it has a long way to go to have the longevity of these classics. These four games we love and they will never go out of fashion:


For many of us, Pac-Man is a big bulky machine that sat proudly in arcades in the 1980s. For others it is the curse of the global economy. Let us explain: Back in 2010 when Google released Pac-Man Doodle, a free to play game to celebrate the anniversary of the original, it was estimated to have caused the loss of around 500 million hours of productivity, costing global business around $100 million. Next year, Pac-Man turns 40, and you can bet that there will be plenty more office hours lost due to employees guiding a yellow disc chomping round a maze. Now, ask yourself if people will be playing Fortnite in the year 2057?


Another one which capitalized on the video game console and arcade boom of the 1980s, Tetris was famously designed in the Soviet Union in 1984. The history of the game’s evolution is fascinating, especially against the backdrop of the Cold War. The cold hard numbers don’t like, however, as Tetris is estimated to have sold over 170 million physical copies. Like Pac-Man above, the game moved seamlessly online and on to free mobile apps, where 100s of millions of versions of the game have been downloaded. Amazing when you consider it’s all about lining up falling blocks.


The casino game that vies with roulette for supremacy among gamblers around the world. It’s hard to discern which of the two is more iconic as a casino game, but our preference is for blackjack as it requires more skill. We tried it at Casino.com, and found that there are lots of different variants of the game, and thus lots of ways to keep it fresh. The classic version, with Vegas Strip rules, has a very low house edge, and should be considered one of the ultimate battles of wits in casino games.


There were those of us who wasted early childhoods in the arcades of the 1980s, and some of us didn’t have our brains completely melted by Pac-Man and Asteroids and went on to college in the 1990s. The only problem was that those shiny new PCs that we used for our studies and assignments came loaded with Microsoft Solitaire. Internet was slow back then, so choices were limited, and Solitaire was king. Microsoft has claimed Solitaire is one of the most played games on any Microsoft OS in history, and there are estimates that the game has over 50 million plays daily.


Check out our other article on horror flash games.

13 Strange Addictions You'll Be Glad Aren't Yours

“OMG! I’m like sooo totally addicted to that!???… We’ve all said those words, especially when talking about chocolate or HGTV. 

But these readers take addictions to a whole new level! Here are the 13 weirdest addictions we’ve ever heard of!

1. The adult Linus…

“I have a pillow I take with me anywhere I sleep. I sometimes bring it to work and take a nap on my lunch breaks. But the thing about it is…. I haven’t washed it in a little over two years. Me and my pillow are like a little kid with a blanket. I can’t sleep without it!???

-Lauren, 25

2. I guess this girl plans on getting lucky… every night.

“I bring my toothbrush and toothpaste every time I leave the house, just in case. I hate leaving someone else’s place looking like a hot mess.???

-Kimmy, 22

3. That must be the cleanest damn apartment in America.

“I need to vacuum and wash all of my dishes before leaving my house. Every. Single. Time.???

-Sarah, 27

3. Well, we all get off on something!

“I am always on top. The only way I get off is if he squeezes my ribs to get me to cum. The pressure is amazing.???

-Stef, 24

4. That’s a new security blanket.

“I NEED chapstick on me at all times. Ever since I was in high school, now an adult in the “real world,” the chapstick is my safe place. When I have it on, I feel content and calm. When I’m nervous or excited, I reach for it- even if I literally just applied it. The plus side is my boyfriend says I always have soft lips!???

-Kaitlyn, 22

5. …and how exactly would the phone help??

“I refuse to leave the house without my phone. I think I will get kidnapped if I don’t have it…???

-Joan, 20

6. This is a routine not to mess with!

“In the mornings I have to have a cup of water, then my coffee, wash my face, then have my breakfast. In that exact order. If not, my day will go to shit!???

-Hannah, 22

7. That is one concise list!

“My addictions? Snickers. Hickies. Ice cubes.???

-Valerie, 27


“Not anymore, but when I was younger, I thought sacrificing my hamsters was the only way to get my crush to ask me out!???

-Jade, 29

9. Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!

“I don’t leave my house without my double blade batman knife. I feel like I’m going to be attacked if I don’t have it.???

-Margaret, 23

10. Cleanliness is next to godliness…?

“I am such a germaphobe! Not only do a wipe down my computer after work, I sneak around to my co-worker’s stations and wipe down their desks. I’m just terrified of getting sick!???

-Amanda, 25

11. That must be a loud bedroom!

“My boyfriend can only cum if I describe to him exactly what he feels like in me. I need to tell him how big he is and then tell him how he’s making me cum.??? 

-Jess, 23

12. Staying hip to the trends?

“I have to double check every social media app I have and check urban dictionary for new words and stalk all my exes before I can fall asleep.???

-Fran, 20

13. Just… eewww…

“Thank God this is anonymous… I need to shit like three times a day because I’m on a special diet. Because I spend so much time in the bathroom, I smell a lot of things. 

I’ve gotten addicted to guessing what a person just ate by smelling their poop! It makes me look forward to my next trip to the bathroom!???

-Rachel, 23

Mommies and Aunties and Nannies, Oh My!: 10 Crazy Moments With Those Little Humans

We love those tiny humans in our lives… aka kids! They are endless balls of energy and give the most unconditional love.

Our readers told us some of the funniest, craziest, and scariest moments they’ve ever had with the children in their life!

1. That scare tactic backfired!

“My child watched ‘The Labyrinth’ with me and was scared of the goblins. He wasn’t listening and I was losing my mind so I knocked on the wall without him noticing and said the goblins were coming if he didn’t listen. 

At first it worked… then he started trying it on me by knocking on the floor and growling and saying ‘they’re coming’. It made me laugh. He’s too smart.???

-Tracey, 32

2. THAT is sisterly sacrifice.

“I was watching my younger brother while in line at a baseball game and we were pushed from behind. He went down, face heading straight for the concrete stairs in front of him. I barely caught him in time. 

Luckily he wasn’t the one that ended up hurt… I, on the other hand, fractured a bone rushing to save him.???

-Kim, 26

3. Monsters ARE real!

“My niece has been told that monsters aren’t real to keep her from getting scared. But I told her that there is one monster left and he lives in my ‘time out corner’. So if she doesn’t behave she’ll have to sit with the monster.???

-Shayla, 25

4. That’s one way to keep a kid occupied!

“I told my 8 year old cousin I needed to know how many ridges were in a dimes edge.???

-Chelsea, 23

5. Sure, that sounds like a medical diagnosis!

“I told my little brother that he would get booger-loogeritis the next time he ate his snot. As soon as I said that he took his finger out of his nose and wiped on his pants.???

-Lauren, 19

6. Maybe you should leave the phone at home next time…

“I was babysitting and the kid was jumping on the couch. I was fifteen so I didn’t really care because I was busy texting…until she slipped and hit her mouth on the coffee table! There was a lot of blood and I immediately freaked out and called my grandma. 

No stitches, no lasting problems, but I was scared shitless!???

-Miriam, 21

7. That poor kid’s going to be terrified of Christmas!

“I tell my son things are hot when I don’t want him to touch them. He wouldn’t leave the ornaments on the tree alone, so I told him that it was hot. He hasn’t touched it since!???

-Lacey, 28

8. At least it wasn’t the pool boy!

“I was a nanny for a very well off family who brought me to the Hamptons to watch their kids. I had to go into the mom’s room for a diaper and found her mid-climax with her ‘trainer’. I tried to walk out as quietly as possible, but I was never asked to nanny for them after that summer!???

-Madison, 25

9. That’s some sweet, sweet revenge.

“My 12-year-old niece was being especially bratty one day. She looked at me and said, ‘Ew, Your hair looks so greasy’. 

Later on, she was telling me that she was going to see Frozen that weekend. I decided to tell her the entire ending. She said ‘Hey! You just ruined it for me!’ I said, ‘Well, you shouldn’t have told me my hair was greasy’.???

-Amanda, 23

10. Kids are just little sponges!

“Growing up I was always very sarcastic. My grandfather would always say ‘okay, smart ass’ and I would always retort with ‘in a world full of dumb asses there needs to be at least one’. I guess my niece heard that a few times over the years. 

When she was 4, her daddy was trying to get her up to the table to eat and she refused. He asked her ‘well how are you gonna eat if you’re in the floor?’ She pops off ‘with my mouth’. 

My brother mumbles ‘smart ass’ under his breath and she hears him. She responded ‘well daddy there’s a world full of dumb asses’. That was a fun phone call…???

-Sarah, 23

The 13 Naughtiest Things We've Done at Our Parent's House

The holidays are a great time of year! Presents, parties, dinners… and family. Lots and lots of family.

Many of us will be traveling home this month and shacking up with our parents again. Lying in our twin size bed under Little Mermaid sheets, we just have to think about all of those awful things we have done under our parent’s roof!

1. Poor Granny,

“My grandma walked in on me giving my boyfriend a blow job.???

-Chelsea, 22

2. Cold, wet, AND naked!

“My parents have a Jacuzzi off the back porch, so when they were out visiting friends my boyfriend and I decided to skinny dip. But my parents came home early and walked into the house right as we were streaking butt naked up to my room. AWKWARD.???

-Lauren, 27

3. That’s one cool mama!

“I drank a little over half a gallon of Fireball the night I graduated. Needless to say, I don’t remember that night at all. I woke up on the bathroom floor with my mom standing over me going through my phone and laughing at last night’s drunk selfies with friends. 

Luckily, she’s pretty awesome and just handed me Aspirin and left me to suffer the worst hangover in peace.???

-Barbara, 21

4. Must have been one hell of a workout…

“After having sex with my bf at the time, I threw my back out (I was only 22). It wasn’t even enough time to put my shirt back on. My bf went downstairs to tell my mom that I couldn’t move and we were pretty sure I threw my back out. That was embarrassing.???

-Sandra, 24

5. …or will they?

“I live away for college, but I visit a lot, and every time I go I usually bring something of my mom’s or my sister’s closet without letting them know. There’s no harm, they’ll get it back in a few months right????

-Justice, 21

6. Just. Gross.

“Mom found my vibrator post use.???

-Devon, 19

7. When ANY excuse will do…

“We’re getting it in on the couch, my boyfriend is on top of me. Then my parents come home from the grocery store while we are mid-cum. We pretended that I was popping a painful zit- which is why he was making those noises.???

-Colleen, 23

8. Who steals a vibrator!?

“My boyfriend bought me a new vibrator and I was pretty excited. I put it in a safe place where I would remember to grab it before I went back to university. When I went to grab it- the vibrator was gone! I’m pretty sure either my mom or sister stole it… but I don’t want to know.???

Michelle, 20


“His dad was on the roof and saw us lying naked through the window and he knocked on it.???

-Jillian, 20

10. Yea, they probably knew…

“My mom and dad both opened the door while I was masturbating- under the covers (thank God!) You could hear the vibrator and I was reading some dirty stories on my phone. 

I couldn’t decide whether to turn off the vibrator and they would know, or if they would just think the humming was the fan. I just left it on and had a conversation with my parents while masturbating. 

It was pretty awkward, and I don’t know if they knew… (they probably did).???

-Stephie, 19

11. Sometimes you just need the essentials.

“I steal leftovers and toilet paper!???

-Victoria, 22

12. Some items do NOT need to see the light of day!

“While on vacation, the cleaning ladies found my vibrator behind my nightstand and for some reason they set it on top of my desk for my whole family to see. Which they did.???

-Emma, 25

13. We love this dad!

“I forgot to clean out my bedside drawer when I left for college. My dad texted me a couple weeks later asking if I would like the handcuffs and condoms mailed to me so I could use them at school. FML.???

-Hannah, 19

Broken Girl Code: 9 Chicks Confess Their Sins

Move over Regina George, there’s a new Queen B in town.

Girl on girl crime is running rampant! We asked our readers to tell us the worst things they’ve ever done behind their best friend’s backs. 

The most interesting thing isn’t what they were doing, but WHO they were doing it with!

1. But, was it worth it??

“I told my best friend I would never sleep with her brother. I have twice, he's got the smallest dick I've ever seen- but he's so goddamn hot!”

-Margaret, 20

2. Revenge is a dish best served cold…

“As revenge, I had sex with my BFF’s boyfriend. He told her, then broke up with her and we started dating. Me and him are still together to this day, and she still hates me.” 

-Rachel, 28

3. Little did she know…

“I hooked up with my friend's ex-boyfriend. Doesn't sound too horrible right? But what if I told you she was pregnant with his babies, yes BABIES, TWINS! She went on to have an abortion. 

Weeks passed and he tried confessing to her that me and him hooked up. She told him that I would never do anything like that to her. 

OOOOPS. Till this day she does not know; 10+ years later.” 

-Deidre, 26 

4. That’s not the best way to celebrate the big 3-0!

“We had my 30th birthday party at my house and my boyfriend of over a year got a DJ to play music. We had a large group of friends over all night partying. A few people stayed the whole night. 

The next day I was nursing my hangover and laying down in my bed. I heard a funny noise coming from the living room so I go to look. The noise was from the couch rocking back and forth. 

My boyfriend and one of my girl friends were having sex… Happy 30th birthday to me!” 

-Jamie, 32

5. We’re not really sure who the “Joke’s On”…

“One of my ex-best friends posted on social media that I had a nasty STD, told everyone in town and constantly talks about it when I'm around. But jokes on her, I got it from her ex-boyfriend.”

-Steph, 19

6. Now THAT is a true Girl on Girl crime!

“My friend had just come out of the closet. I'm straight. She was in love with this woman. I stole the woman and dated her for a year behind her back. Then we broke up. My BFF knows and luckily forgave me. She is my ‘person’. Has been for 25 years.” 

-Lesley, 33

7. Trading a brother for an ex- that’s one way to lose a friend!

“I hooked up with my best friends ex-boyfriend… after I broke up with her brother after dating him for 3 years. Her ex-boyfriend and I are happily dating now. 

They live beside each other so it makes family functions and leaving in the morning around the same time as they do very awkward.” 

-Kim, 27

8. Ex-Boyfriends are one thing… ex-husbands are a whole different level!

“Right after their divorce he and I hung out regularly- behind her back because we knew she would be upset. One night it just happened- with no liquor in our system to blame it on. I kissed him and after making out we proceeded into the bedroom for more fun. 

After that night we agreed to take it to our graves. Him and I still are friends and talk regularly even though we are both now in committed relationships.

My friend on the other hand suspects something happen. She will never know that her ex was not only one of the best kissers I ever had but also my first one night stand!” 

-Pamela, 29

9. That would be one messed up family tree!

“My best friend was sleeping with my boyfriend during our whole relationship. Meanwhile, she was in a relationship with my brother. 

She found out she was pregnant and told my brother it was his, but when the baby was born, it was the spitting image of my boyfriend. 

They both confessed that they were cheating, yet she still had the audacity to ask my brother to be the father and for me to be the godmother.” 

-Caity, 23

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