The Eight Secrets to Becoming Rich, Successful, and Happy

Here are eight secrets to becoming wealthy, successful, and happy that will help ensure that you are on the way to living life to the fullest.

If you’re looking to make life improvements, success and happiness are two things that can significantly impact the way you live your life. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula that guarantees success or happiness; instead, it’s all about taking action and learning from past experiences to grow as a person and achieve your goals. The following eight secrets to becoming wealthy, successful, and happy will help ensure that you’re well on your way to living life to the fullest.


1). Stop letting fear guide your life

Fear is a massive obstacle in life. Fear of failure. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of rejection. Most fear comes from your imagination, not reality. 

We often fear things that won’t happen because we imagine they will—and we never let ourselves dream about what might be possible if we took risks and trusted our judgment instead of giving in to fear. 

Once you start letting go of your fears, you can break free from self-imposed limitations (which may hold you back from becoming wealthy, successful, or happy).


2). Don’t listen to naysayers

What’s more important is to listen to naysayers. Remember that you are an entrepreneur; not every deal will be a winner. What’s wrong with having a few flops? We also learn from our mistakes in life, so too can use our mistakes to educate others and make ourselves better.


3). If you believe it can happen, it will

If you want to become successful, wealthy, or fulfilled in your personal life, it’s not just about working hard. It’s also about believing that good things will happen—because they do happen. Of course, they happen every day—but only if you think they will. If you feel something is possible, it is much more likely that it actually will be. 

One of the famous quotes from Mahatma Gandhi states: A man is what he thinks all day long. The more positivity and belief you put into your thoughts about something, the better chance it will happen for you.


4). Find happiness in others’ success

Pleased people build their happiness around the success of others. They find contentment in knowing that those who are doing well deserve it. So it means the world to them when someone with big dreams achieves remarkable things and proves that there is a way out of poverty or self-sabotage. 

We’re all capable of looking past our struggles to see what makes other people happy, successful, and prosperous. If you ever stop being able to do that, then something is wrong because your happiness shouldn’t depend on your progress but rather on everyone else’s success. However complex your life has been until now, it can only get better if other people around you do well for themselves.


5). Enjoy the journey

You won’t succeed at anything if you can’t enjoy the process of struggling toward your goal. The struggle to pursue your dream is where we learn the most about ourselves. 

The moments when it all seems hopeless are often the best teachers. So take a quick moment today to reflect on your journey and reflect on what you have learned – then use those lessons to fuel new dreams and new opportunities!


6). Solve your money problems

If you have money problems, you are certainly not alone and try to solve your money problems. But unfortunately, many people end up with money problems due to mismanagement, unforeseen circumstances, or a lack of planning. Having financial problems is no fun, so what can you do? Here are some quick ways that can help solve your money problems fast: 

• Get rid of any debt you may have by using a personal credit card consolidation loan. Consolidating your debt helps reduce your monthly payments, which frees up more cash in your budget; 
• Establish multiple streams of income. Not all jobs bring home excellent wages, so it’s essential to create multiple sources of income for yourself.

7). Cultivate dignity and respect.

Every successful person understands that dignity and respect are integral parts of what makes a life well-lived. So be kind and courteous in all your dealings, and you’ll find that not only do you make more friends along the way, but you’ll also feel more confident and booming yourself. 

Don’t cut corners when it comes to crucial relationships; as they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Relationships are forged through hard work and time; don’t shortchange them. Respect others’ opinions even if they also differ from yours, understand other people’s cultures by taking an interest in their lives, and learn how best to communicate with them.


8). Do more of what you do best

You can’t be great at everything. The most efficient way to spend time is to focus on what you do best and outsource or delegate everything else. The more you work on something—anything—the better you’ll get at it. 

The more experienced you are in an area of expertise, be it business development or graphic design, the easier it will be for you to market yourself and demand higher pay from clients. If a client needs your service (and with today’s competitive job market, there are millions), you have to figure out how much they are willing to pay for it.



It becomes easier to emulate successful people. The most important takeaway is that success is a product of our habits. Don’t be afraid of failure. Be afraid of being too risk-averse for fear of failure. 

The most outstanding teachers are usually our failures, so don’t be afraid of failing on your way to success—because one thing’s for sure: You can fall on your way there… or succeed by not trying at all. Good luck!


12 Advanced Life Hacks That Everyone Needs to Know

Because who doesn’t want to do things a little bit easier?

I think we can all agree that life is made a little easier with some easy-to-use life hacks. These 12 tips have gotten me through holidays, financial topics, skincare problems, college crises, and so much more. So, if you’re looking for some behind-the-scenes hacks that can help with your daily life, read on.

1. You can save money on a coffee order by ordering a grande iced vanilla latte with caramel drizzle ($4.95) instead of a grande iced upsidedown caramel macchiato ($5.25) since it’s the same recipe.

2. Using aloe vera gel as a buffer between your skin and a topical drying acne cream can reduce the burn of chapped skin while your skin adjusts to a harsher medication (usually in prescription medications).

3. If you want to leave your house to work or study but don’t want to spend money at a coffee shop or cafe, your local library has quiet places to work – and most even have private rooms you can reserve.

4. For students, using a picture of your schedule as your lock screen for your electronics can save time and confusion while trying to get from class to class.

5. Using a pencil holder/cup to store remotes is usually cheaper than purchasing an actual remote control holder.

6. A candle jar lid can make a great last-minute coaster.

7. If you have a long document (essay, book, proposal, etc.) and need to remember something from it, highlight it in a bright color and/or increase the font size so it’s easier to find when you’re scrolling.

8. Use a paper clip as a bookmark to show exactly where you stopped reading.

9. Create a separate folder in your email for receipts/order confirmations from online orders you’ve placed so you have all of them in the same spot without littering your inbox. You can also do this for offers and coupons you get from stores that you want to save.

10. Buy birthday and Christmas presents throughout the year so you’re not rushing the week before.

11. When traveling, cover the top of a liquid-filled bottle with saran wrap before screwing on the top. This will help stop any leaks that may happen when your bag is being tossed around.

12. Fill your carry-on bag with heavy products while traveling (books, shoes, electronics, etc.) so that your checked bag will weigh less. Not only could it save you from paying extra money, but you’ll be able to handle your heavy (and maybe more valuable) products yourself.

Whether traveling, shopping, cleaning, or anything else, these hacks will help you save money, travel easier, clean more efficiently, and overall save you some time and effort. Try some out and see how much easier your life may get!

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About the Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

How To Avoid Toxic Situations Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Toxic Situations To Avoid For Each Sign

It is no surprise that Astrology explains many aspects of our lives based on our Zodiac signs, such as our preferences and compatibility, destructive occasions. Toxic situations are different for each sign, and in order to understand them, one can start by reading Astrological books for beginners, such as “The Private Lives of the Sun Signs” and “The Astrology of You and Me”. Another way to dive deep into each sign is to take a look at astrology websites like Cafe Astrology or Horoscope, which are run by Astrologers. You can also consider taking a look at the brief info on horoscope signs, and have a deeper understanding of why certain situations are considered toxic for different signs.

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

Taking on the leadership role means taking on stress from other people. Aries need to create better boundaries and to be firm. Avoiding toxic relationships by working with people that are efficient and sensitive to others time and energy. When it comes to dating, an Aries needs a partner that trusts their leadership abilities and who listens to their needs. In return, an Aries will show support for their partner and be willing to go the extra mile for the one they love. They just need a partner that does not take advantage of their work ethic, loyalty and kindness.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Taurus are always willing to play along with others until there are specific things that they do not disagree with. It is truly important for a Taurus to be heard. Especially when they are asking repeatedly for the same things. In short, a Taurus does not ask for much. So when they do, they deserve respect. A Taurus needs to schedule time for self-care and insist on space. Because a Taurus has a tendency to take on more than they can handle, boundaries must be set in work and romance to avoid toxic situations.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The toxic part of being a Gemini is that they are so hard on themselves. Their inner dialogue makes them their worst advocates at times. Being a good partner to a Gemini means hearing them out. And giving them the space they need to improve themselves. You cannot really upset a Gemini by being hard on them, because there is nothing that you can say to them that they have not already said to themselves. Encourage a Gemini to take space, and to figure out what they want. They are goal oriented and want to be the best version of themselves. A Gemini will always be a great listener, and not place judgement. Doctors and Lawyers and Social Workers are a Gemini’s ideal career path.


Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)

All a Cancer wants is a happy family and a happy home. A Cancer can fall into a great depression if they are not given the room they need to brood, breathe, ruminate, dream and sleep. Cancers love a good home cooked meal, so that is the way to their heart. A tidy house and creative space is important to a Cancer. So declutter that closet often and avoid people who are all over the place.


Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)

Leo’s are up for a great time, and they love to win. A Leo is happy for last minute invites out and is usually the plus one to that unusual party or outing. Leos take on a lot though and they will go until they are out of steam completely. So a Leo needs to be on a schedule so they get enough sleep to recharge their batteries. A Leo likes to know what is next on their schedule if possible, so a planner is a must have item for them. Because a Leo needs to avoid emotionally heavy partners who ask too much from them because a Leo will take it all on which can lead to a toxic situation.


Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

The best part about a Virgo is their ability to spot errors and color within the lines. It is also their downfall at times. The Zodiac sign always striving for perfection in themselves and in others, they can appear harsh at times. A Virgo needs permission to relax and take a break. They are best suited with partners that know when to work and when to play. Accepting their own flaws and flaws in others and letting things be a little messy is healthy for the perfectionist Virgo.


Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

The mission of a Libra is to constantly strike a balance. And because of this trait, it is difficult for them to make decisions. Libras are usually better off working solo or under a strong leadership role where they have guidance and know their objectives. A Libra needs to challenge themselves by making decisions regularly to break the pattern of being slow to choose what they want and need. Learning to trust their choices and being with partners who also trust their ability to do what is best for themselves will empower the scale based Libra to go after what they want.


Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Passionate Scorpio always knows what they want. And they usually go for it. What can stop them is being around negative, narcissistic people who do not have the same drive and optimism that they do. A Scorpio needs to be able to cry and vent so that they can move past whatever is bothering them. Because, despite how upset they get, Scorpios have a strong work ethic, are extremely loyal and smart and genuinely care about the people they love. Scorpios do well in a leadership role but they can do great under strong leadership. A Scorpio can be very empathic and can enable their partners bad habits So it is best for them to steer clear of partners with addictive personalities or those with drug or alcohol problems.  A Scorpio needs to take long vacations in order to reset.


Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

This is the sign with the most to offer their partner but the least awareness of that fact. A Sagittarius loves being generous and kind to their partner. So being with a partner that truly appreciates them is all they really need to feel love. A Sagittarius can constantly reinvent themselves, so a career path for them could be a zig zag of short term careers. By allowing themselves to explore opportunities in love and in career and with lots of travel, a Sagittarius will find happiness in the journey.


Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

A patient sign that is fiscally conservative and thrives on positive affirmation, Capricorns are extremely sensitive. They like to socialize! A Capricorn should avoid negative people that are always telling them what is wrong. They avoid toxic situations by focusing on their strengths and staying goal oriented. Capricorns are easy to please. So be the type of partner that encourages them to enjoy the little things in life.


Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Wherever the wind blows for the Aquarius, the wanderlust follows. Solo travel, romantic travel, and call me anytime and I will be there kind of friend. The Aquarius has a problem not judging people and situations correctly. So it is best for the Aquarius to always have that friend who they can run things by to keep themselves out of trouble. A conservative partner can do wonders for an Aquarius. Letting them be the spontaneous one in the relationship while also helping them stay grounded. An Aquarius does best as an entrepreneur that can set their own schedule. Because time for them is as the wind blows…


Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Two fish swimming in opposite directions. Emotional, dreamy and the adult of all the Zodiac signs. A Pisces thrives on intuition. Things have to feel right for a Pisces to go there. A Pisces can thrive in a work environment that is playful and less strict. It is important for a Pisces to be organized, so a Marie Kondo closet makeover is a must. Post it notes and a planner sound great to a Pisces but likely tasks will be accomplished based on desire to tackle. So expect procrastination from your Pisces partner when they just don’t want to do something. Avoid getting too far behind, Pisceans by setting daily goals to tackle just a few specific things each day. A great partner for a Pisces is someone who keeps their voices down, and never demands anything. Asking politely to a Pisces goes a long way. Because Pisces are empaths, they need to avoid toxic situations. So be careful not to date arrogant douchebags. Finding someone who cares about their wellbeing and respects their desire for wellness and self care.


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22 Life-Altering Amazon Finds For Anyone Who’s A Perpetual Hot Mess

Does your bed store more clothes than your closet? Do you show up to work meetings with chocolate on your face? Do you look like you just stabbed someone to death every time you eat spaghetti? Then you’re in luck. You see, the slobs of the world have come together and invented incredible technologies to make life easier. These products are affordable, creative, and a must-have for any true slop-monster.

*We hope you dig the products we recommend or just enjoy reading our content. In the spirit of full disclosure, we may receive a portion of the sales made on this page.

22. Can’t drink wine like a normal adult? Try out these sippy-cup style wine tumblers.


You’ll probably still find a way to spill it on your white shirt, but at least you’re trying.

Get it on Amazon for $10.97

21. Oh, and you bet your sloppy ass there’s a beer version as well.


Drink like a baby while you get drunk like an adult! It’s the best of both worlds.

Get it on Amazon for $17.95

20. For those inevitable stains, there are these nifty instant stain removers.


Get it on Amazon for $6.40

19. Stay clean and classy with this adult bibs.


Literally, no one will be able to tell you’re not really wearing a 3 piece suit.

Get it on Amazon for $23.99

18. You’ll never have to worry about spilling wine again with this combo stopper/pourer.


Not only do they seal in the wine’s freshness, but they also keep you from panicking when you knock the bottle off your coffee table and onto your rug several times.

Get it on Amazon for $8.28

17. And when you somehow find a way to spill it anyway, just grab some of these wine-wipes.


They’re made with natural ingredients and come in a sleek, sexy package. Just like you! ?

Get it on Amazon for $6.97

16. Stop trippin! Literally, with these no-tie shoelaces.


Perfect for when you’re drunk and a little klutzy or totally sober and a little klutzy.

Get it on Amazon for $9.99

15. Painting your house? You need this pouring paint lid.


Unless you want to stare at a green spot on your hardwood floors forever. Trust me.

Get it on Amazon for $6.20

14. Ever heard of the Staybowlizer?


No, it’s not a hemorrhoid donut. It’s a stabilizer for your mixing bowls, so you can toss a salad without getting dressing all over the floor and lettuce all under the stove.

Go ahead and keep salad tossing jokes to yourself, please.

Get it on Amazon for $34.99

29 Surprisingly Effective Products That Will Solve All Of Life’s Little Problems

Life is full of little problems. Sure, there are plenty of big problems too, but we’d like to take a moment to focus on those minor everyday problems that always seem to add up to an unnecessary mountain of stress. Say, for instance, coming home after a particularly long work day to discover your last avocado has gone bad, you’re out of toothpaste, and your roommate left dirty dishes in the sink for so long that you’ll have to spend your evening scraping away old food just so you have something to eat off of. Ugh. We’re only human and there’s only so much we can handle in a day, so why not try and simplify some of the problems you do have control over with these useful products?

*We hope you dig the products we recommend or just enjoy reading our content. In the spirit of full disclosure, we may receive a portion of the sales made on this page.

29. Some mini charcoal deodorizer bags to keep your shoes smelling fresh and new.


Encouraging Review: “My mother needed to save a pair of shoes and this did the trick, after a few days with it the shoes were almost good as new. They have a very nice finish and look really great. I haven’t had it for long so I haven’t “recharged” them yet. But I’m optimistic about this.” – Gabriela

Get it on Amazon for $9.95

28. A pair of nail clippers that catch all of your trimmings so you can dump them directly into the trash afterward.


Encouraging Review: “It struck me that there must be a clipper that doesn’t launch clippings across the room. Sure enough, I found this on Amazon. They work as promised and are quality items. The only surprise is that the fingernail clipper is about as large as a typical toenail clipper, and the toenail one is larger still. I don’t have a problem with the sizes, but it was unexpected.” – Joe Wiesenfelder

Get it on Amazon for $16.95

27. These ingenious little plastic caps that keep your high heels from getting stuck in any tricky outdoor turf.


Encouraging Review: “I went to a wedding in a grass field but I did not want to give up my heels! I got these and was able to keep my balance perfectly. I didn’t sink or wobble at all! Gonna get more for every heel size.” – Izzy

Get it on Amazon for $9.99

26. A friction defense stick that’ll help put a stop to uncomfortable chafing.


Encouraging Review: “I had some serious rubbing from my bra that left sores under my ample decolletage. I put a little Friction Defense under there every morning and it helps prevent chaffing. It could be used on inner thighs, too.” – S. Horton

Get it on Amazon for $10.46

25. This barely-there setting powder that will make your lipstick last all day long.


Encouraging Review: “This stuff is amazing. I bought it to put on top of my lipstick to make it stay longer, and it definitely works for that. It also keeps my face from getting oily. I haven’t tried to set any makeup other than lipstick because I don’t wear much makeup, but I have oily skin and I put a tiny amount on a makeup brush and put it on my face and it keeps it from getting oily for hours.” – Angela Hernandez

Get it on Amazon for $6.99

24. A pack of stain-preventing teeth wipes for after your morning coffee or happy hour red wine.


Encouraging Review: “Really happy with this. I work in a call center and I can’t go brush my teeth after every meal. This helped me get rid of that film that coffee and cola leave behind. Sitting for 2 or 3 hours with that film on my teeth was really discolor info them. The wipes help me keep my teeth whiter and not undo the work I put into whitening them.” – Me

Get it on Amazon for $7.29

23. This activated charcoal teeth-whitener that’s proven to give you a brighter smile.


Encouraging Review: “This stuff is AMAZING. I used it for about a week before I was completely sold. Day one I saw a change, however, I wanted to be sure I wasn’t buying into the madness. The results are certainly REAL! I would recommend this product 10 times out of 10.” – Steve

Get it on Amazon for $19.99 (33% off) 

22. A super easy to use makeup brush cleaning mat that works wonders with just soap and water.


Encouraging Review: “This is a great idea. I used to use the bottom of the sink to clean the brushes but this is so much better to clean the brush faster and better.” – Janine M. Parokian

Get it on Amazon for $9.99

21. This automatic toilet-cleaning device that’ll save you from ever having to scrub again.


Encouraging Review: “I’ve installed these in all six toilets in my home and they are a great idea. I’ve been using this for about 4-5 years. This device circulates bleach product into the toilet bowl after every flush where it is needed to prevent staining such as water lines from calcium build up. However, the chlorine water is restricted to the bowl, not the tank. If chlorine is in the tank it will erode away the “flapper” and foam seal which separates the tank from the bowl, requiring more expensive repairs. This product solves that problem with no drawbacks and doesn’t look unsightly like the clamp-on bars of chlorine that are permanently inside the bowl.” – Dr. D123

Get it on Amazon for $10.48 (48% off)

20. This stainless steel odor-absorbing soap bar that’s proven to rid your hands of any leftover cooking smells.


Encouraging Review: “I was skeptical of this but it really works! I’ve had garlic or onion smells stuck to my hands that soap doesn’t get off and this does. I dunno how it works but it does!” – Mallory K

Get it on Amazon for $8.99 (22% off) 

19. A useful slicing tool for anyone who’s ever been intimidated by the thought of cutting open their own pineapple.


Encouraging Review: “I love this gadget. It cores and slices beautifully and easily and makes it very simple to prepare pineapple; all I need to do is cut down the “stack” after this cores and slices it, for smaller pieces. It also saves money every time I use it, so it won’t take long to pay for itself.” – Craftergalore

Get it on Amazon for $8.99

18. Some filtered plastic containers to keep your produce fresher for longer.


Encouraging Review: “This tubberwear is absolutely amazing! My veggies last a week to two weeks longer, and I don’t have to throw out too much food! Highly recommend.” – Claire

Get it on Amazon for $9.99

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