Husbands Confess The Craziest Secrets They Keep From Their Wives

There’s no such thing as a perfect marriage. Even the healthiest relationships have their secrets, but some secrets are far worse than others.

Take these husbands, for example, who are confessing the craziest things they’ve kept from their wives and oh, boy.

1. Some have different tastes.

2. Some aren’t as happy as they seem.

3. Some have been unfaithful.

4. Others have secret side jobs.

5. Things happen when she’s gone.

6. Everyone has a hidden past.

7. Some have secret hobbies.

8. He knows her secrets.

9. He stepped out with more than one mistress.

10. His lies go too deep.

11. He has untold curiosities.

12. He flirts behind her back.

13. He thinks about her friends.

14. He hides his good deeds.

15. He fell for her best friend.

16. He’s busy without her.

17. He can’t tell her he’s unhappy.

18. He has secret fetishes.

19. He’s been trying other things.

20. He’s on dating apps behind her back.

21 Guys Explain Why They Send D*ck Pics

Anyone who has ever been the unsuspecting recipient of a dick pic knows how truly assaulting it can be on the eyes. Not to say the subject of the photo is unattractive, but most of us aren’t excited by the idea of some random genitals showing up in our DM’s without permission. So, why do guys do it?

Well, fortunately, several men decided to answer that exact question on Whisper and their responses might just surprise you…or not at all.

1. It’s all about the rush.

2. It’s an insecurity thing.

3. Sometimes it’s just to liven up a conversation.

4. Maybe it’s just for kicks.

5. It’s an ego boost.

6. Sometimes it’s just a couple thing.

7. It lays the groundwork.

8. It helps with low self-esteem.

9. To manage expectations.

10. Sometimes we have to turn the tables.

11. And sometimes they do it just to offend us.

12. It’s just lazy.

13. They’re hoping for something in return.

14. They assume it’s what we want.

15. It gives them a heads up.

16. Some men just need feedback.

17. Some like it when we’re mean.

18. It’s not just for you.

19. It makes them feel special.

20. It’s just for a reaction.

21. They’re fishing for compliments.

Women Are Sharing Their Mansplaining Horror Stories And We’re Fuming

Anyone who’s ever had the extreme misfortune of encountering a mansplainer know just how insulting it can be. It happens all too often and is honestly one of the most infuriating situations to be in.

At the very least, we can take solace in the fact that these mansplainers make complete idiots out of themselves and get roasted into oblivion on Twitter.

Nicole Froio, a women’s studies Ph.D. candidate, recently asked her Twitter followers about the most obvious thing a man has every mansplained to them.


Froio also clarified the definition of ‘mansplaining’ for any naysayers who might decide to chime in.


My personal favorite definition is one provided by Urban Dictionary: “A man whom by virtue of the authority and privilege vested in him by society feels entitled to preach or explain how the world works. Bonus, if he is speaking to women, whom he perceives to be naive and ignorant, about problems and concerns with which women have real life every day experience, and the man has NO f***ing clue what he is talking about. This is usually done in a patronizing insensitive manner.”

Unsurprisingly, the women of Twitter had plenty to share.


Oh, boy.

This woman had her own heritage mansplained to her.


Scientists aren’t even safe from mansplainers.


Neither are the female academics of the world.


Nor the education professionals.


Mansplainers have gone so far as to patronize women about things like childbirth…


My eyes have never rolled so hard.

And the functions of breast milk.


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