5 Signs You’re a Unicorn Person Who Everybody Loves

Ok, so not everyone in the world is actually going to like you, we all know that. But there are people out there whose luminous hearts attract others like magnets.

We don’t try to, it just happens. And if you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re one of us and:

1. You don’t have a mean bone in your body, honestly.

If people have a problem with you, it’s probably because of a mistake you made rather than you being a terrible person.

2. You try to dislike those who aren’t on good terms with your besties, but you can’t get past the fact that “they haven’t done me wrong.”

3. You’re not acting nice because you’re afraid people won’t like you otherwise.

This is just who you are.

4. You’re constantly being told you’re easy to talk to.

Sometimes people are thrown off by how easily they let you in. You listen well and are incredibly trustworthy, and it shows.

5. People tell you that you’re different from most people they’ve met but they can’t quite figure out why.

6. You can make friends anywhere!

In an elevator, a bar bathroom, a grocery store, you name it.

7. You feel humbled by your ability to accept people for who they are and not their past.

8. Your intuitive instinct helps you uncover the real person behind the masks people tend to put on.

9. You have high emotional intelligence.

You watch and listen intently and are able to detect a person’s emotional state fairly easily. If you really know someone, you can tell when something is off and you know how to use that information appropriately.

10. You know how to fake your way through small talk like the pro you are.

11. Others constantly confuse your kindness with a romantic interest.

“No, I don’t want to go home with you – I was just being nice. I know that’s hard to find these days but c’mon.”

12. When someone gets close enough to open up to you but doesn’t stick around long enough to create any sort of friendship, you feel hurt and used.

13. When heavy stuff is dropped on you, you take a while to process it.

14. You can be a little naive about others and their motives.

15. No matter what, you love who you are.

You love being open, letting people in, and making an impact on their lives because you know they won’t forget about you.

10 Things All Outgoing Loners Will Understand

Outgoing loners are compelling humans because we get called ‘intense’ but never actually overwhelm anyone – in fact, we often energize the people around us. We’ve never been told to shut up for talking too much, but we can talk a lot with certain people, and often with our hands, maybe even too much.

Sometimes we’ll have those “OH MY GOD I NEED TO BE AROUND PEOPLE?? days, and sometimes, we’ll sort of isolate ourselves, definitely needing to be alone to recharge our social batteries after we come home from work.

Certain people and crowds can recharge our batteries too, but we’re definitely not as simple as either being a loner or really outgoing..we fall somewhere in between, but exactly where we fall is a conundrum… 

1. It took us years to figure out that we don’t actually love to talk

We just surround ourselves with people who we connect with on a deeper level, so we can talk to them for hours, about everything. But overall we actually kinda hate talking because we feel like most conversations are pretentious and we’d prefer not to be involved.

2. It all depends on the company.

We ebb and flow between over-thinking before we speak, to saying whatever is on our mind – with zero filters or shame.

3. That goes for everything in our life, too.

 One moment we’re over-thinking everything – we’ll delete texts, hesitate over writing emails and Facebook messages, delete and re-write tweets. And the next we’re living in the moment, thoughts that spark in our mind come out of our mouth and we really don’t give a damn about how we’re perceived by others.

4. It’s not that we don’t love meeting new people and hearing about their lives, we do.

It’s just that it has to feel authentic, we will never do something just to say we did it; we have to be genuinely interested. We’ll never talk just to hear the sound of our own voice. If we feel like the company is ungenuine, we will get really uncomfortable, and most likely withdraw into ourselves. 

5. That’s why social situations can be tricky. 

We can be loners but not because we dislike people – it’s actually the opposite. We dislike the barriers like small talk (which often comes with going out) creates between people, and try to avoid it at all costs.

6. Dating is weird.

 Like extroverts – we can be extremely charming, laughing and being very talkative, genuinely having fun and connecting on a date. But then, we won’t want to answer their texts for a few days, because like, we just want to be left alone…

7. Because this facet is such a contrast to our big, bold personalities.

It’s really hard to explain to friends. But we really do have a tendency to isolate ourselves to recharge and be left alone with our thoughts.

8. It’s especially hard to keep up with old friends. 

It’s not a lack of love or interest – we always have mad love for them. Sometimes we’re just not so good at replying and talking on the phone. It’s not personally –  we screen our phone calls, even from our closest friends.

9. Outgoing loners sometimes hate the phone.

Because it’s all, like, intrusive and tears our minds away from whatever we’re deeply focusing on (and we are always deeply focusing on something).

10. Our mind doesn’t change direction easily.

Listening to one thing and seeing something else is a lot of sensory input piled on top of everything that’s already going on in our heads. But when we do see our friends, there is nothing in the world we’d rather be doing.

10 Struggles Of Being An Old Soul But Also Spontaneous At The Same Time

On one hand, we’re very old school – we feel like we just don’t fit in with this hook-up culture where Facebook is an attractive people menu and everyone has one eye wandering at the options. But on the other hand, we couldn’t be more spontaneous.

It’s like our head and heart are a paradox all within themselves. We feel as though we’re always going back and forth between searching for security, but also never wanting, or actually never being able to settle for a life that is “normal.”

1. Enigmatic traits rule our life.

On one hand we value stability, but on the other hand, we also require a lot of freedom in our lives and in our relationships, so it can get a bit tricky.

2. We have a lot of conflicting emotions.

At times we need some time alone to reflect but sometimes we’ll just need you to get us out of our heads. We’re often conflicted about what we want – it’s very hard to find the balance between our big hearts and our creative, constantly thinking minds.

3. We need freedom but…

We also need a lot of security from the people we surround ourselves with. If we feel secure with you but also that you give us independence, we will really thrive.

4. We’re unconventional in everything except our relationships.

In our personal lives, we’re very old school. If we’re involved with someone in any way, it means we feel a connection that goes beyond the surface level. Try as we might, we will never be able to have a casual encounter with someone who was romantically involved with, we can’t just “date” or “Netflix and chill.”

If we like someone, we really like them and we either get into a relationship where we know that we’re putting our time and energy into something that will ultimately pay off or end in a serious commitment… or we’re just not going to bother. We’re either 100 percent in, or we’re out.

5. We love old-school romance and dates.

Take us dancing, not grinding at the club dancing, but the old-fashioned dancing, cheek to cheek, and we’ll actually melt. The same goes with all the old-fashioned stuff, like calling us – (it’s sad that making phone calls is now considered a dying art) or picking us up for a date.

We need our romantic experiences to have a deeper meaning. So yeah, if we get romantically involved with you it means we won’t stand for communication that’s detached or impersonal. What can we do; we want and need real passion.

6. But our lives couldn’t be further from conventional. 

We hate the concept of how things “should be.” We couldn’t live a “normal” life if we tried. We have no desire to follow the pre-determined form which means we will never just accept something, we question everything and investigate things for ourselves.

In our careers, we see right through existing structures and methods, and all the ways they’re terribly inept and unnecessary. It’s our intolerance of how things are “suppose to be” that has sparked us to innovate the lives we actually want to live.

7. Communication is actually the greatest form of intimacy to us.

Communication is one of the greatest forms of intimacy to us. Old souls are very cerebral people. Hearing about your history, learning about the way you look at life, and how you understand the world around you based on your past experiences, is exactly what helps us to better connect with the person we’re dating. None of your stories are unimportant. We want to hear it all.

8. We also see the world and our life on a much larger scale.

We’re old school romantics at heart – even our constantly thinking, mind-numbingly introspective minds can’t stop us from believing in ‘the one,’ but we still see breakups and problems as a learning experience and consider our struggles as just a part of our overall journey.

9. Our lives consist of always searching for ways to improve things.

We see the potential for humanity and have a lot of faith and expectations so this can sometimes be the cause of a lot of pain and disappointment, but that still won’t stop our creative minds from making plans to execute our big goals and dreams.

We’re always thinking outside the box, for lack of a less cliché term.

10. But in our romantic lives, at times we need someone to ground us.

Sometimes our view of love and romance is too romantic, we can idealize and romanticize things too much and become let down by our own expectations. We love when someone can get us out of our heads and make us live in the moment.

10 Signs You’re The Quirky Friend In Your Group

Every group of friends is made of different personality types. There’s the gossip, the overthinker, the old soul…and you, the “quirky” one. Maybe you’ve been called a goofball, living somewhere between awkward and weird, a few miles outside the box.

If you’re one of those awesome people that makes life a lot more fun for everyone else around, then you most likely share some of these quirky qualities:

1. We have questionable conversations.

At some point, you’ve gone on and on about what you think your life would be as an astronaut, or an avocado (or you’re maybe considering a career as an astronaut…or an avocado). We tend to talk about things people think of but are too embarrassed to talk about. We have to work out the crazy things that run through our fuzzy minds and we’re pretty grateful to have friends to work it out with…even if they might get a little weirded out about them.

2. Going out for us is always random…and a little scary.

 Quirky friends redefine the concept of hanging out. Going out for us is mini-twerking while waiting for our burritos at Chipotle, skipping or doing cartwheels down a bridge, dancing on a ferris wheel, shopping for top hats at thrift stores, and more. There is no such thing as “chilling” with us quirks because “chilling” with us will be an indie film-like adventure. So be prepared, be very prepared.

3. We have outrageous dress codes.

For us, fashion is the perfect opportunity to express our creativity. Quirky friends love to add that flair to their wardrobe – brightly colored corsets with long skirts, large red bow ties as tube tops, kaki trench coats, sunflower crowns (and this isn’t just for girls – quirky guys can get away with these things, too!) – the list goes on. We pick out outfits that make our friends scratch their heads, yet nod in approval at the same time because as strange as our fashion is, it’s also alluring.

4. We notice the weirdest things about our friends…

that they don’t even know themselves. It’s true that quirky see quirky in this case. We’ve pointed out to our friends about how their freckles look like a birthmark, how often they put eyeliner on in a day, or the adorable look on their face before they sneeze. It’s not because we’re stalkers, we just really love our friends…maybe a little too much.

5. We speak in run-on sentences. 

The dialect of quirkiness is speaking in sentences that can go on for paragraphs without going off topic. A conversation with a friend about a weird guy you met on the train can become a novella that lacks periods and commas, “This guy who was sitting next to me on the train told me he could travel to other universes, can people really do that? I think I saw something like that on the Discovery channel, actually. It was like Interstellar…come to think of it, he did look a little like Matthew McConaughey. Do you think…” On the plus side, our friends never get bored with us.

6. Platypus!!

That’s it…just felt like randomly and excitedly typing “platypus.”

7. We get excited…like really excited.

Whether it’s seeing a little golden retriever at the park or Tom Hiddleston on screen or hot dog stands, your friends have to get ready for your cry of excitement. When quirky people get excited, they get really excited. Our friends enjoy watching us jump up and down, twirling them around, and the wringing of our hands every time we see something that pinches our hyper nerves.

8. We always twist our “rites of passage.”

Nobody would be surpirised that your first ‘seven minutes in heaven’ consisted of pitching someone’s nipples or your prom night involved you table dancing. We always get nervous during bar conversations about “rites of passage.” Our friends will talk about their hilarious first times or getting their licenses, while we sit there looking at our fingers, trying to see how we could talk about that time when we tried smoking weed for the first time and ended up running out of the house screaming because we thought we saw the Kool-Aid man in the flesh without sounding disturbed.

9. We’re not shy eaters.

Our friends always wonder where we put it all. Quirky people are usually foodies. We love trying different foods and we’re always the one person in the table who will get more than one appetizer. We’re not calm about it either. You’ve definitely hit the quirky line if you’ve attempted to feed your friends. Extra points if you made airplane sounds while doing it.

10. Cartoons and snacks are our Friday nights.

A bowl of popcorn mixed with M&Ms, skittles, and Reeses buttercups with episodes of Hey Arnold! ready to be watched on Netflix? That’s definitely our Friday night and we’re not secretive about it at all. Quirky people will proudly drag their friends along for the ride when it comes to these things. They may not like it, of course, but secretly, we know they love it.

What It’s Really Like To Have An Outgoing Personality But An Anxious Mind

Outgoing people with anxious minds – or minds that overthink – tend to feel anxiety the most intensely, often because we don’t talk about it. And by “often” I mean never.

Our anxiety is a contrast to our big, bold personalities. Strangers would never guess it. We never know when to fight or flight, and our self-angst is maxed out. We are often the life of the party but can also be mind-numbingly introspective, questioning everything.

1. Our day normally goes something like this…

Anxiety: Okay but what if – Me: Homie we went over this a thousand times and we totally resolved it. Anxiety: Yeah but I’ve looked at it from a new angle and there are like 15 more reasons why you should worry about it. Me: ……go on.

2. We’re kind of a conundrum because we love people and need to be surrounded by people to be happy…

…but our over-thinking and our apprehension to immediately trust someone is, in fact, what makes us very selective about who we surround ourselves with.

3. That might mean we’ll have lots of friends or acquaintances but very few close friends who we share our world with.

But when we do, they become our entire life.

4. We still find it easy to talk and connect with people.

we can be charming creatures and when we do choose to grace a party with our presence, we are the life of it.

5. But then we wake up in the morning and of course, we are over-thinking everything.

Ahhh what did I say to that one person that rather die than act like an idiot in front of? Did I talk too much? And what did they mean by “I’ll see you soon???? What does “soon??? even mean? Like soon, soon? Or “soon”? 

6. Although we are very bold and outgoing, sometimes even the smallest things can stress us out and override our nerves.

Whether it’s picking up our dry cleaning, finishing a project for work or making a call to our doctor, just the thought of having to deal with it makes our minds race.

7. Dating is hard.

we have to explain that we’re not insecure control freaks, we just think. A lot.

8. I mean you don’t have to call us back right away when you’re out…

…but just know that our mind is playing out a bunch of horrible scenarios in which you’ve cheated. Or died. That’s right, if we reach your voicemail, we can’t help but consider that you might not be alive.

9. Even the smallest gestures make us melt.

We tend to be overwhelmed very easily, so anything you do to make our life easier is greatly appreciated. Picking us up for a date, playing with our hair when we’re watching a movie, calling to see how we’re feeling or making us a cup of tea comes with the highest of thanks. We will never take your gestures for granted.

9. We’re hardest on ourselves.

We are always gripped by the feeling that there’s more that we should be, or could be, doing in our life.

10. We try to trick our brain by doing as many things as we can during the day so we can fall asleep at night.

HAHA what were we thinking? This is our brain’s prime time to annoy us; it won’t miss this opportunity.

11. We ebb and flow between wanting to be surrounded by many people reveling in the attention we receive…

…to be very selective and sort of wanting to isolate ourselves to recharge and be left alone with our thoughts. Needless to say, we’re enigmas wrapped in bacon.

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To All The Girls With Soft Hearts And Stubborn Minds

You overthink things because your heart and your head can’t always sync up and come to an agreement. Your heart wants to let people in and give them a chance to get to know the real you, to fall in love with who you are. But your head shouts a different story.

Your head says “slow down, wait up a minute and let’s think this through.” In other words, “lets over think this and overcomplicate it” because there is absolutely no way you’re letting yourself get hurt again.

You put up a guard; in fact, your defenses are spot on.

You’re the girl that guys can’t tell is into them because you put on a tough front when you’re around them. But secretly you’re just hoping they give you the opportunity to lower your walls a little bit.

When it comes to speaking your mind, you never hesitate. You’re bold with what you say and you stick to your guns. It’s refreshing because girls sometimes think they need to hold back what they’re feeling or thinking in order to impress a guy. However, you know that you want a guy that will respect everything you’re thinking, not just the good stuff.

When it comes to love you don’t half-ass it, ever. Once your heart takes control and your head takes a backseat, the real romance comes out. When you fall in love you love with every fiber of your being. Your heart swells ten times the normal size and you can’t help but want to share that with someone else.

You’re the girl that gives second, third, even umpteenth chances because deep in your heart you secretly wish there had been times others extended you that same courtesy.

You probably come across as uninterested at first, perhaps a little standoffish. It’s fair to be cautious, just don’t be overly cautious because you could miss out on so many new opportunities.

The biggest problem with having a soft heart and a stubborn mind is the ability to allow yourself to ruin your own happiness.

You let yourself think of everything that could go absolutely wrong and start mentally prepping for Armageddon. Meanwhile, your heart is screaming, “STOP! GIVE ME A CHANCE, STAND ASIDE IT’S MY TURN.”

Calm your worries and listen to your heart, I promise it isn’t always going to steer you in the wrong direction.

This doesn’t mean that you shut your brain down completely because that would be plain silly. But, it does mean to turn it down a notch or two- and if we’re being honest, there is absolutely no way that you could function if you tried shutting down completely.

Lost would be an understatement because the type of girl you are requires a balance between your stubborn mind and soft heart to keep you going.

There is going to be a guy out there who is going to appreciate the time you put into making life choices, the careful consideration you put into relationships and the ability to make decisions on your own.

He’s also going to love you for how kind you are, for your generosity, your flair for romance, your ability to make others happy just by being yourself and for the amount of love that is just pouring out of your heart.

Take a deep breath because life is going to work itself out the way it’s supposed, to when it’s supposed to, and there are most definitely worse things that being a girl who’s a little stubborn but full of love.

18 Things You Only Understand If You Are An Anxious Over-Thinker

Anxious Overthinker

It seems today there are a million things you can worry about.

While technology continues to advance in social media, it adds a bit of confusion, among relationships with people. There is a new form of unkindness. With every unfollow or not liking a picture. It’s passive aggressive. Where there was once a time, people could argue face to face, you don’t need to anymore.

But for the anxious over thinker, social media and a million outlets, just leave us wondering, confused and worried. If there is something to over think we’ll analyze it to the core, like it’s a research subject.

But inside the mind of an over-thinker, is a dark and scary place to be. It’s made up scenarios and feeling like a prisoner inside our own minds. It seems like there’s no way of escaping. We just want to do things right and not hurt anyone. But above all not hurt ourselves either. Sometimes, the hardest thing about being an over-thinker, with anxiety, is just going with the flow of things, because we like understanding things, we like things being made simple. But it’s never that easy.

1. We read between the lines of every text.

We wonder how to respond? What is really being said? When to answer? What punctuation and emoji’s to use? We don’t want to seem to excite. We don’t want to seem like a bitch. While others, may think nothing of a text, that took us 15 minutes to write, we’re shaking in our boots wondering.

I Didn’t Choose the Twenty-Something Grandma Life, It Chose Me

Grandma Life For Me

Some girls like the night life. Some girls prefer the Netflix life.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with going out and living it up, that just may not be your version of a good time. And, that’s okay. After all, there are plenty of totally legit reasons why you do things your way.

The twenty-something grandma life is an art form. And, while there are misconceptions, this life choice does not mean you’re boring or unadventurous. It just means you know what you enjoy and how you like to spend your time, so keep doing you, girl!


1. After a busy week, sometimes you need a night or two to have alone time.

It gives you a chance to decompress and catch your breath. It may even just be the one thing that helps you maintain your sanity after a stressful couple of days.


2. Yoga pants. Oversized t-shirts. Cable knit sweaters.

The second you get home from work, the jeans come off and the outfit goes from business casual to mismatched comfort. No shame.


3. You’ve been waiting for days to find out how the latest season of your favorite show ends. 

Or maybe you’ve been itching to finish the last few pages of your most recent reading venture. The weekends are your time to play catch up and do some serious binging!


4. You enjoy the occasional girls night out, but you’re much more in your element at home with your besties. 

You want to be in an environment where you can have a deep conversation and not worry about having to yell over loud house music. You’d rather have a few good friends to chill out with than a million friends you meet up with at the bar.


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