Category: Social News
F–k The Fourth? Why Women Are Protesting This New America.
Summer is in the air, and the Fourth of July is here. While this “Celebration Of America” holiday is usually reserved for barbecues, fireworks, and anything watermelon, women and some strong men are taking to the streets to protest the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade. F–k The Fourth symbolizes a women’s right to choose their healthcare decision when it comes to keeping or aborting a child from their own body.
Women in America are fed up. America is no longer supporting their freedom of choice. So why should women support an Independent America that seems selectively reserved to support men’s rights only? At what point is it just pure hypocrisy to eat a red, white, and blue frosted cupcake, turn up the grill, and don stars and stripes?
Perhaps this new America needs to learn to expect that women will vote, voice their anger, protest and take a knee at the misogynistic society we now find ourselves in. Maybe America needs a wake-up call from women and the strong men that support them. A Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe Vs. Wade was a final nail in the coffin for any hopes of an equal society for Women and Men. In addition to glass ceilings, sexist behavior, and other vulnerabilities as a functioning female in America, our reproductive rights are now at the mercy of the States and a bunch of old white men.
So America needs to accept that we will not allow it. We will not go quietly, and the last thing we will do is submit.
America will watch us wear green today, protest, prepare to vote, and donate to causes that support the Ban Off Our Bodies Movement. And if we feel like it, we may eat a cupcake, drink a beer and celebrate with our friends the strength that we have as we come together to fight this new America. Because an Independent culture no longer resides here. And Fourth of July is now F–cked.
What you can do. Wear green today in solidarity.
- Find a protest near you.
- Support Planned Parenthood
- Vote
Women Are Empowered. And We Will Not Go Backwards.
The Bipartisan Gun Bill: Is It Gun Reform?
The Senate has announced a bipartisan bill on Gun control. The first major gun reform laws since Sandy Hook. Since then the united states has seen 2654 mass shootings. We need to be very clear that this bill does not solve all of the problems in gun control. However, it is a start. I like most who work in education wish that it would have come sooner. That when lawmakers said this would never happen again after Sandy Hook they would have fulfilled their promise.
I also wish I could say that I felt that this is something that we in education, that our children could count on. However, with the Supreme Court ruling, I cannot say that I feel it will be something that we can count on. So this is my appeal to voters. When you sit down to fill out your ballot this is what I want you to think about.
I want you to think about the teacher in your life. Picture his/her face. Now think about them sitting in their car before they walk into their building. Think about them praying to their higher power that today is not the day. Today they will not be forced to make a decision that will change the lives of their loved ones forever. One that could potentially lead them to not come home to their families. I want you to think about that teacher who would do everything in their power to protect their students from harm. We need you to think about educators because this is what educators are thinking.
What if it’s today? Will I be prepared enough to keep my students safe? Should I move my classroom around again to ensure that we make a make-shift barricade in the event the worst happens? Will I have time to his my students and shield them from the pain and trauma? What if I cannot protect them? What if I can’t protect myself? Will I make it home today?
Then I want you to think about the children. The true innocence in this whole situation. Going to school is their only job. In most cases it is the only time they are safe. However, now that’s not something we can guarantee. As an educator, it breaks my heart to say I cannot guarantee that my students will be safe. I can hope, and I can pray, but at the end of the day, their safety and the ability to live free of trauma at school is in the hands of our lawmakers.
So when you sit down with a ballot this year, please think about the fact that everything but a gun is regulated in this country. That a gun literally has more rights than all the minorities in this country. That there are people out there who will fight for the right to a gun before they will fight for the right of a school-aged child’s safety. That we as a nation are divided.
I urge you to think about these things; then I urge you to do your research. It’s time to tell our lawmakers that we are in control. The only way to do that is to mobilize, register, and vote!
Stay safe, go vote!
The Divided States Of America: The Overturning Of Roe Vs Wade
Today we watched on as the Supreme Court took down fifty years of precedent when they overturned Roe v. Wade. Today we watched as they told women and really any minority in this country was told today that they are less important than someone’s right to carry a weapon.
Yes, we knew after the leak that this was coming, however, the assault on Women’s fundamental rights seems to be so traumatic that there was no way to prepare for this. Now I will say that from the Supreme Court leak what we should take is that Abortion and women’s fundamental rights to their bodies is not the only assault that will come into play. We should take the Supreme Court leak very seriously. They are coming after all of our rights. So what we need to do now is mobilize. It’s time to show the people who are so eager to take away the rights that we have fought for so long to keep. We will stand up to this. We will keep voting and fighting until we have fair rights and protections.
These are issues that are going to affect real people. So those real people need to protest in the most American way. They need to continue to make their voices heard. However, that is going to start at the local levels. Make sure that the extremists know that we will not stand for this. That we will be at voting booths, we will be voting them out. There will be nothing that they can do about that. We will vote people in who are going to protect us no matter who their funding is coming from. That we will vote for people who know that lives matter more than guns!
Show the same group of people who keep talking about how we are going to take their right to bear arms away, that we will not let them take our rights as human beings away. The right to our own bodies won’t be taken away without a fight!
Yes, I’m angry. I’m angry because I love this country with my whole heart. However, I cannot sit here and pretend that we are the greatest county in the world. We have so much work to do. When a country puts the rights of a gun before the rights of any human being we have a problem. So let’s stop being a part of the problem. Let’s be a part of the solution. Let’s make this country the greatest. Let’s fix the things that need to be fixed. Starting with protecting women and their rights to their bodies.
Stay safe. Stay informed
Head to the voting booths
Make a change!
An Open Letter To Parents and Students As I Walk Into My Classroom.
Today as a teacher, I walk into my classroom I think about the two teachers and 18 students that were killed in a place that should be safe. The place that they go to smile and laugh everyday. The place where they are growing and learning. As an educator everyday that I walk into my building, I know that there is the potential for something like this can happen.
As I walk down the hallway, I think about what my reaction would be, if I would be able to fight, or would I run? What if I had a student with me? What would I be able to do to keep my student(s) safe?
Unfortunately, I know that I am not alone in my thinking. I know that I am not the only one who has made a plan if something like this happens. I know that I am not the only one who thinks about how we would keep our classroom quiet in the world. I know that I am not the only one who prays everyday that my family never gets the call that something has happened to me. I also know that I am not the foremost educators who hope that being slain in my classroom and keeping my students safe is my legacy.
This morning walking into the building was hard. Getting my students off of their perspective buses or from their parents was even more complex. I know that they should not have to worry about this. Knowing that if they heard on the news last night about the Shooting in Texas, and they most likely did, it is not supposed to be like this. For some kids, the only safe place in school is the kids that make today a little more complicated. The hard reality of today is that we just do not know, and we cannot promise our students that school is a safe place to be. However, knowing that I would do anything and everything in my power to keep them safe. So here is the raw truth from an educator
Dear Students,
Coming into school today is hard, but you did it! For that, we should all be so proud. In the coming weeks, we all know that we will hear about the lockdown drills and what we should do if an emergency arises, like the one in Taxes. I know it is scary, and we will all be a little more on edge. We will get through this together. No, this is not how this is supposed to be. You should be able to come to school and know that you are here and safe. Your only worry about the test that you are studying for or what your summer plans will be. There are no right words to put you at ease right now; this I know for sure. However, know that I will do everything to keep you safe when you come into my classroom. No, I know that is not enough. I also know that there need to be changed so that this is never a worry again. For now, let’s focus on what we can do. It is not enough, and it won’t be until this never happens again. For now, at this moment, we are safe, and we are here to learn. More than anything, I am here for you! Keep your head up and keep going.
Dear Parents,
Today you are sending your precious child to me. I know when you get them back, you will hug them a little tighter after you get them home when you can finally sigh in relief. When you woke up this morning, you went into that child’s room and looked at them peacefully sleeping, and you thought, maybe, just maybe, I’ll keep them home with me today where I know they will be safe. Thinking about the parents in Texas who are not getting the same sight you are right now! I understand that this was a tough decision, and I want to thank you for trusting me with your precious baby. I know that is how you still see them. I promise if a situation arises, I will do everything in my power to ensure that your baby makes it home safe to you again. I also know that this will be no small task. Just know that when you send your babies to me, I am doing all that I can to keep them safe and sound. I am doing everything I can to keep them growing, and I know that every other teacher thinks about this as they walk out of their house this morning. So thank you for trusting me with yo child and know that I am feeling every bit of your heartache today alongside you today and everyday.
Dear Family,
This is something that we think about often, far too often. Know that everyday that I walk into work I know that there is a potential for a tragic event to happen. It stays in the back of my mind. Today you are going to tell me that you love me and to keep myself safe. Just that is what I intend to do, not just today but everyday. I know that it all feels very real right now. Know that everyday that I walk into my classroom it feels very real. Despite this very real threat, I come to work today ready to do a job that I love and help the kids that I love. I also want you to know how much I love you! If something ever does happen I do not want my legacy to be the “Heroic Teacher that was slain protecting her student.” Mostly because this should never ever have to be a headline. You are so right I should never have to think about this when I walk into my job as an educator, but I do. Please tell the world about me and my life. Tell them that I was a college student who had a whole host of hopes and dreams to help children. Tell them that I was the best big sister and so proud to be that. Tell them that you had the most loving girlfriend even when I was hard on you. Tell them how I would drop everything to come help. Tell them how much I loved my fur baby and really felt like she was my child. Tell them how much I loved and hated to exercise. But do not let them call me a hero when I should not have had to be one. That was not my intention when I walked into work. My intention was to help a child grow, my intention was to help a child learn, and my intention was to help a child heal. Make those things my legacy. I love you all so much! Know that I am always going to do my best to keep my students and myself safe.
This was by far the hardest post I have written, however, I think hearing someone who lives this reality every day is so important. I hope that together we can fight for change so that no child or educator has to worry about walking into work and losing their life. Until that day there is never going to enough. Until the students and educators do not have to perform lock down drills, until educators and students do not have to look for potential blind spots in their classrooms, until educators and teachers do not have fear the screams in the hallways that should just be sounds of children being children. Until this day there is never enough.
Stay safe
Deaf People Teach How To Swear In Sign Language And It’s Hilariously Informative
I’ve found out in life I’m pretty good at picking up languages. From years or taking Spanish in school, to working with ELL individuals, and traveling abroad, I’ve always been quick to pick up on other languages besides English. But, I’ve definitely never been able to master sign language. My sister, who works with deaf adults in her profession, took sign language courses throughout college and I was always fascinated with the ability to communicate through signs and gestures. But, I’d never seen people actually curse in sign language, or, maybe I have and didn’t know I was being called a horrible name because I don’t speak the language. But, thanks to a video from Cut, a multimedia channel, deaf people taught us all of the bad words our mommy’s washed out mouths our with soap for sating, via sign language. While it’s wrong to laugh at anyone, I can’t help but say that some of the signs are way too funny. And, if you ever want to know if a deaf person is giving you a stern cursing out, memorize these.
These Are 10 Ways You Can Help Your Community
Communities are essential for economic and social growth. Having strong neighborhood bonds makes you happier and gives you people to lean on during a crisis. Here are 10 ways you can help your community.
Volunteer at Your Local Soup Kitchen
Soup kitchens are vital resources for homeless people and might even be the only meal they have that day. In fact globally, 820 million people are hungry. You can help to serve food or cook meals.
If you want to work directly with people, you can greet regulars and welcome newcomers. Plus, you can meet various types of people, from veterans to children. It can allow you to connect with community members and be more accepting.
Support Your Church
Churches often need volunteers, especially for community events. These activities usually require people to help organize and run them. You can also help during the service or sing in the choir. Many churches also offer mission trips.
These are a great way to connect with others and help out struggling communities. For example, you could build homes or teach English in schools. These trips go to multiple places, such as Mexico or Costa Rica.
Be a Summer Camp Counselor
Volunteering at a summer camp is a fun way to spend the summer. You can help assist children and even engage in fun activities, like swimming. You also have a chance to teach kids valuable skills, like maturity.
Plus, it’s a fun way to bond with your campers and let out your inner child. If you went to that specific summer camp, it could even bring back fond memories.
Tutor or Mentor a Child
If you have math or reading skills, then you can help students while earning some extra cash. Teaching can be a rewarding experience. You give the kid one-on-one attention and help them learn the material in their own way.
As a tutor, determine the kids learning style, such as auditory or visual. If they are more visual, use graphs and images to explain complex materials. You can also mentor a student through programs like Big Pal to help them socially. Often these kids didn’t have a good role model growing up.
Donate Items
Donations can give your items a new life while helping the planet. Give your things to thrift stores, shelters and charities. Goodwill and Salvation Army are popular options. Think about items you don’t use anymore, including clothes, blankets and shoes.
Consider donating unwanted books as well. It can help parents who can’t afford children’s books or schools with lower budgets. Besides helping the community, it gives you an excuse to declutter. .
Clean Up Your Local Park
Organize a group of people to help pick up trash from the park. This debris can be carried into oceans and harm marine life. Plus, when the litter breaks down, it pollutes the air. Along with the park, collect trash along roadsides.
Cleaning the place helps the environment and makes it more visually appealing. To enhance the park’s attractiveness, consider petitioning for a community playground. These help encourage physical activity and social interaction.
Serve at a Homeless Shelter
About 15,000 Pennsylvanians are homeless. These shelters give people a place to crash until they figure out their situation. Giving your time can be a rewarding experience. You could cook food, clean common rooms or teach them a new language.
If you want to work with children, you can do an arts and crafts project. Suppose you have a busy schedule during the week. Consider stopping by for a few hours on the weekend.
Go to Your Local Senior Center
Many seniors don’t often receive visitors, especially with COVID-19 restrictions. Visiting can give the residents some company and brighten their day. It’s a great way to connect with your community and even hear interesting stories.
You can also help with events, such as running bingo and exercise classes. If you enjoy this, consider volunteering at the facility for an extended time. You could bake goods or make cards as well.
Help Your Local Economy
To help your community grow financially, shop at local vendors. For example, get your produce from farmers’ markets instead of grocery stores. It helps the economy and gives you healthier choices.
Also, shop local businesses for items like clothes and shoes. Look for family-owned businesses instead of retail chains. You might even want to start your own company or business if you have the time and resources. Then you can offer a product your community needs and create more jobs.
Conserve Energy
In 2015, we used about 575 quadrillion Btu of energy, straining communal resources and hurting the environment. Burning fossil fuel releases greenhouse gas emissions that pollute the air. To conserve energy, switch to renewable sources and use energy star-rated appliances.
Here are some more simple ways to conserve energy:
How to Help Your Community
Communities need to support each other, especially during hard times. You also want to create a welcoming space for you and your family to live in. Consider trying some of these tips to make a difference in your community today.
About The Author
Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find herin a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy.
The Ukraine Assault -Why War Is An Act Against Global Democracy
Yesterday the world watched on as Ukraine was invaded by Russia, in an unprovoked attack on their democracy. While many have condemned the President of Russia Valdimr Putin, and protests break out in Russia over the hostile military takeover I have to wonder if democracy as we know it is in trouble? We all know too well that this is not the first time that Russia under Putin’s reign has tried to intervene in democracy. However, this was very different. As we watch the blood shed for freedom, we have to remember that this will not stop there and that freedom is not free.
The Invasion
In the hours just before sunrise, Putin gave a speech to his people calling what we know to be a military takeover of Ukraine, a covert military operation. This coming after weeks of high tension in the area. As the world scrambles to figure out how best to handle this very troubling situation that is leading to a full blown war in the region.
Why does it matter?
Other than the obvious that people are now dying and war is not something that anyone wants to see? Ukraine is a key player in the European region as well as here in the US. With one of their biggest exports being oil, we can see higher than we have seen in gas prices across the world. I know that it is already hitting hard as the price of oil jumped a hundred dollars more a barrel in just a day.
But -Why Tho?
The invasion also comes after talks of Ukraine trying to join other ally countries in NATO. Although Ukraine is not a part of NATO or the European Nations, they do receive significant financial support from both. Putin sees this as a threat to his security. The invasion comes after trying to neuterlize this from happening. Having Ukraine under Putin’s rule, will gravely threaten America’s influence within the region. For years, Ukraine has been the buffer to Russia and America, as well as Russia and the European nations.
What has Happened Since the Invasion
Since Putin started an unprovoked attack (act of War), Ukraine has vowed to defend itself. In this defense, Ukraine says that they are responsible for 800 Russian casualities. Although it is not clear whether they are referring to the number of people that have been killed on the ground, or if it includes the thirty Russian tanks that have been destroyed. Or the seven aircrafts and six helicopters that have been shot down.
Although Ukraine is committed to defending itself, Russian forces are now twenty miles outside of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv (US intelligence has reported). The US and other European nations have imposed sanctions on Russia. The US has also deployed seven thousand troops to Germany to aid the allies.
My Thoughts
As I watched the assault on a democratic country, I had several thoughts. The first of which is that the threat to democracy is not just here at home. There is a global threat to dismantle the rights that we as a global community have worked so hard to fight for. If something like this can happen in another country, then it can happen here too. We shall not be naive to the fact that we have to fight for our freedom. We must continue to make freedom a priority (not just for America), but for the world.
History Repeats Itself
We have seen assaults on democracy before, similar to what Russia is attempting to do, invade a country and take it over. Although we have not seen anything of this scale since the Germans took over Poland in WW2, we have to remain aware. We must stop underestimating people who want to get rid of democracy altogether. So, since Putin has vowed to retaliate against any country that tries to intervene in his tak over in Ukraine, the world must listen. He does not have to fight the world with tanks, there are other things he can use. He has in the past. Cyberattacks that are more advanced than we know. As well as, using the threats to the internal space station. Yes, we need to continue the fight, but we also need to be aware of other ways in which we could see consequences. We need to advance in these areas. Protect not only American interests but also aid the interest of other countries as well.
How Can You Help?
My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine. Here are ways that you can help. Look at these organizations and considering donating to their efforts.
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
Save the Children
Sunflower of Peace
Doctors Without Borders
Voices of Children
International Committee of the Red Cross
For further details on each — Read this extensive article from NPR
Stay safe, and keep fighting for freedom
Top 10 Apps That Can Help Fight Climate Change
Humans have had a negative impact on the environment. There is deforestation, waste in the ocean, and rising CO2 levels. Luckily, there are many things that we can do to reduce the effects on the environment. If you want to help fight global climate change, your smartphone can help you. Here are some apps that can assist you in this.
1. Milkywire:
This App allows you to support grassroots organizations worldwide. You will receive updates about the effects of your donation directly from the people on the ground. It’s an environmental sustainability platform that enables the optimization of your contribution, allowing you to get closer and observe your influence. Undoubtedly, this app is your way to make a difference to the environment.
Download these app and support the United Nations Global Goals.
This is a carbon choice App that educates you on the amount of Co2 you omit with specific actions and the carbon footprint you leave after you. Moreover, it tries to simplify climate change, CO2 emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions. Users begin by tracking their intake in four major areas over a period of a week (showers, entertainment, travel, and food).
3. Skeptical Science:
This app will make all skeptics tremble. The software provides the latest science to refute the arguments, misconceptions, and disinformation of people who refuse to acknowledge the existence of climate change. There are several graphs and figures featured throughout the app. Also, it gets regularly updated with new data, papers, and arguments which are based on primary scientific research.
The climate emergency necessitates action from all of us
4. Voodoo Skies Normal or Not:
This App tells us if the weather is historically correct or not. It compares the present climate in a region to historical temperature and rainfall trends for that day in the past. It analyses the weather records’ database to do this. The App also provides a 5-day prediction and compares current forecasts to previous ones.
This British Gas app can keep your energy usage in check while on the go. It allows you to see how much it costs to leave your charging cable plugged in all the time or to leave the heaters on at night. Once you know your consumption, you can begin making changes to consume less and save more on your bills.
Save Money Support Environment
6. Power Pup:
An Australian sea lion pup leads you on an energy adventure journey and an entertaining/educational world in this app. With this, learn energy-saving tips on protecting the oceans from climate change. Examine energy-saving techniques to help safeguard seas from the effects of climate change as you explore the Great Southern Oceans, evade foes, and race against rising water temperatures.
7. Commute Greener:
With this app, you can change your everyday commuting routine. It provides UK residents with different ways to measure carbon dioxide emissions emitted throughout their daily travel. For example, you can participate in commuting by car, bus, bicycle, or other means of transport. Also, to make it more enjoyable, you may earn points and even compete with friends.
Let us fight climate change together
8. Chasing Ice:
The official app of the documentary film Chasing Ice. It is an audiovisual trip via nature photographer James Balog’s Extreme Ice Survey’s spectacular arctic findings. It squeezes years into seconds and captures mountains of Ice in motion as they melt at a surprising rate. Moreover, it uses groundbreaking time-lapse cameras to record multi-year records of the world’s shifting glaciers.
For a peaceful planet, let’s combat climate change
9. Pollution:
Now you can track pollution with the help of technology. Furthermore, with an interactive map and a complete list of nearby fossil fuel plants, this app informs you about pollution levels in your neighbourhood. Moreover, it provides you with information on potential local health hazards while keeping you informed with regular database updates. This is an app for active environmentalists.
For every step counts, act now
10.Climate Counts:
Concerned about climate change? With this app, put your money to work by supporting the right companies. Create a change by voting with dollars for every purchase! Companies are ranked based on how well they deal with climate change, so you may shop with the high scorers and send comments to the poor scorers pushing them to take climate action.
Bonus App AlertMe Energy: This App determines if your community is doing its part to reduce carbon emissions. Determine the average annual energy expenditure per home in your location, the amount of electricity/gas consumed, and the amount of carbon emitted. Then compare your borough to others in the UK regarding energy use and CO2 emissions, with the aid of the App.
Use apps, fight climate change, and save the world
So, let us all make a difference and put our smartphones to excellent use today. Make minor modifications in daily habits, and soon we can lower our carbon impact and perhaps achieve carbon neutrality. Lastly, if we all work together to do this, we will surely better the environment around us. Fortunately for us, there are great Apps to tackle this.
15 ways to honor Black History Month
1.Support a Black owned business
A simple way to give back and honor Black lives, starts by shopping at your local Black owned business. Buy your Valentine’s Day gifts there, leave a generous tip and promote their business on your social media. The more people know about the business the more support they are receiving.
2. Donate money or time to a Black organization
If you want to donate money or time towards a Black organization, check out Charity Navigator. There you can find many different Black organizations ranging from health, culture, civil rights or community development. No matter the amount that you give, it is the thought that counts towards helping our communities.
3. Learn from Black educators
If you are a student or wanting to get educated on certain history, culture or movements surrounding Black lives, reach out to a Black educator. Listen, take notes and study their lectures. The more informed we are and the more we listen to our Black educators, the more awareness we can spread and share.
4. Support Black creatives in your hometown
There are many talented people in our hometowns that are working to get their art or services out in the open. Look for photographers, bakers, models or influencers that you could promote or book.
5. Support Queer Black Folks
Find organizations, seminars or podcasts that support queer Black folks. Learn and unlearn about history, movements and culture that can help our fellow queer folks.
6. Purchase and Read books by Black authors
Take a day off and visit your local library or Barnes and Noble to purchase novels written by Black authors. Find poetry books, history books or recipe books to discover or gift to friends or family.
7. Learn about the Black Lives Matter movement
Take some time out of your routine to listen and learn about BLM. What is this movement? How can I support it? How can I give back to BLM organizations or charities near me? There are endless YouTube videos and podcasts that can educate us about this movement.
8. Understand the stereotypes and micro-aggressions Black people have and continue to face in America
The best way to begin to learn and unlearn about these topics is by doing some research. Starting with reading books, articles, listening to podcasts or watching documentaries. It is a baby step to understanding these topics.
9. Learn about Black musicians and their impact on society
Music is all around us and little do people know the different genres that Black people created. Genres like House, Rap, Jazz, R&B and Rock n Roll are a few that were started by Black artists and creatives.
10. Inform your friends and family about Black History Month
The more you vocalize for Black issues, movements and lives the more people are in the loop of things. These topics are great to expand our knowledge and awareness for Black History.
11. Visit a local Black History Museum
If you like to be around art and read about history, try researching local museums that display Black history. You can make it into a road trip, a date or a self-care day for yourself. What better way to educate yourself and do something fun at the same time?
12. Invite friends over to make an authentic recipe
For anyone who likes to try out new dishes or make new recipes this one is a great starting point. Look for recipes by Black authors, Youtube content creators or influencers that you could try out.
13. Watch films celebrating Black lives
A few films you can watch during the month of February are Soul (Disney+), Really Love ( Netflix), The Photograph (HBO Max) or Becoming (Netflix).
14. Listen more, talk less when Black people vocalize their thoughts and ideas.
Throughout the years I have learned to talk less and listen more to others. As simple as it seems, it can be hard for people to really listen to what Black folks are saying. The more we sit down and listen to people talk about their ideas, thoughts, goals or micro-aggression the more we can educate ourselves and others.
15. Celebrate Black Lives every day, not just in February
Just because its February does not mean that we will only honor and educate ourselves on Black history. This isn’t a trend, a hype movement or a hashtag. This is a part of our history as a whole. Black History is American history.