What Is the Current State of Disability Rights and Why Is it Important to Know?

While rights for people with disabilities have improved a lot in recent times, there is still much injustice and discrimination going on. 

Let us take a closer look at the current state of disability rights.

The Current Legal State of Disability Rights

Disability rights have come a long way in the last few decades. In the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was the game changer that helped to transform disability rights. 

The civil rights law prohibits discrimination based on disability in employment, public accommodations, commercial facilities, telecommunications, and transportation. It applies to the United States Congress too. 

Other legal changes over the years have helped bring about better rights for people with disabilities. There are specific disability rights contained in:

● The Telecommunications Act
● The Fair Housing Act
● The Air Carrier Access Act
● The National Voter Registration Act
● The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
● The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
● The Rehabilitation Act
● The Architectural Barriers Act

That means people with a partial disability or a total disability are now protected in many ways. However, just because there are now many laws that ensure people with disabilities are treated fairly, it does not mean there are not still issues with current disability rights.

Accessibility Is Still an Issue

While many new buildings include wheelchair ramps that meet the minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act to enable wheelchair users and others with disabilities to access places safely, there are still many buildings that discriminate against people with disabilities. 

It is not only about wheelchair ramps. It is about owners of accommodation, businesses, transportation, and so on, implementing a variety of measures to make their spaces more accessible. 

Failing to eliminate barriers to accessibility is seen as discriminatory by many people with disabilities. Businesses, organizations, and individuals need to wake up to that if disability rights are to be improved. 

People with Disabilities Need to Be Given More Individual Empowerment 

Generally speaking, disability rights activists are calling for more empowerment. 

They want institutions and organizations to move away from over-protection and close supervision and instead assist in a way that empowers disabled people’s wishes and needs. 

Basically, people with disabilities want to be in control of their own ships. Just like anyone wants to be masters of their own destinies. 

Institutional Segregation Is Still Happening

History has taught us many things. One important lesson to learn is intentional segregation is always bad. 

Even if it is driven by supposedly positive motives, segregation is discriminatory, so people with disabilities should not have to put up with segregated nursing homes, self-contained classrooms, and sheltered workshops. 

Although there have been many updated practices in recent years, institutional segregation of people with disabilities still occurs and needs to be stopped. 

Why is it important to know about the current state of disability rights?

Civil rights affect every kind of group and individual, so disability rights are just as important as any other rights.

You do not have to be a disabled person to care about disability rights. In fact, part of the problem for why disability rights have become stagnant in some areas is down to the issues not being more widely known by the general community. 

Also, the more you educate yourself about disability rights, the more you can take action. That does not necessarily mean attending a protest. It is more about changing your attitude and behavior. In turn, you could create real-world change. 

For instance, if you are a business owner with premises that are not easily navigable and accessible for people with disabilities, change the layout of your store or office. Similarly, if you are a landlord, ensure you do not discriminate against people with disabilities. 


Giving Tuesday Why It Matters This Year More Than Ever

What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is a generosity movement on a global scale. This movement was designed to encourage others to give generously and offer random acts of kindness on a specific day, This Tuesday, November 30th, is Giving Tuesday. Here are ways that you can support the movement.

Make a Donation on Giving Tuesday.

Look to websites like Charity Navigator to make sure that you are supporting a legitimate charity and not some scam.  Companies like The Surfrider Foundation rely on donations made on this coming Tuesday to meet their goals to keep beaches and water clean.

Share Your Donation with others.

We are all struggling with the Pandemic this year, so whatever you can donate is great. And share Giving Tuesday with others. Because if everyone chips in to support a cause, the impact will be so much greater.

Make next Tuesday the Day Of Giving

Here are some easy ways to donate generously this Tuesday.

  • Break into your loose change and make a donation.
  • Donate food from your pantry that you do not need to Harvesters
  • Maybe you have some clothes in your closest that you can donate.
  • Household items you do not need? Donate.
  • Volunteer your time.

Charities, such as Meals on Wheels are always looking for help to deliver food to those in need. Even in the midst of a Pandemic there are safe ways to volunteer your time to charities. Is the local pet shelter looking for volunteers to walk their dogs during the day. And be sure to share in on your social media and hashtag #GivingTuesday to encourage others.

Remember That A Little Goes A Long Way

This has been a tough year for so many. People out of work, and so many financial struggles. So support the movement this year and make it a yearly habit.






31 Reasons to Wear Pink In October

October is thirty one days of halloween, fall leaves, candy, and breast cancer awareness. On this month we raise awareness by taking a stand against breast cancer by walking, donating, and simply repping pink. So every day this month, all thirty one, we should show our stand against cancer by remembering these reasons.

About one in every 8 women will develop breast cancer. That is a whole 12.4% of all women. ALL WOMEN.

Breast cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer among women.

Women, boys, girls, transgender, and men all look amaze in pink. It’s the new black you know.

Wear pink so women and men stop smoking.

Rock some magenta to warm women and men that obesity can lead to breast cancer cells in the breast.

Instead of chugging down a glass of vodka or rum, rock your pink water bottle to raise awareness that heavy drinking is a factor in breast cancer.

Breast cancer can be significantly reduced if spotted early on, usually in your early to mid twenties. Awareness can save a life.

Breast cancer can be fully reduced and taken care of in women that spot the cells in early stages.

Wear it for Christina Applegate. 

Wear it for Giuliana Rancic. Wearing pink would never be on, “Fashion Police.”

And don’t forget our girl Sheryl Crow.

The color pink was officially adopted by the American Cancer Society as a color for Breast Cancer Awareness.

The National Football League, or the NFL has also become a sponsor of the American Cancer Society by wearing pink socks, bands, and some teams have even donned pink shoes.

O’Dell Beckham looks even hotter when he’s in pink, and you will too! Maybe even make your man wear some of this neon color.

Pink makes a man look ten times more masculine, aka Scott Disick.

You are significantly more likely to get breast cancer if a women in your direct family has it, like mom or grandma. Wear that pink for your fam!

Wear it for your friends’ families too. All women are on one team here ladies.

Planned Parenthood is the top provider of mammograms. Wear pink to show that you oppose Planned Parenthood being defunded.

Instead of wearing a cat costume inevitably, wear all pink. Creative and supportive.

You don’t need to wear an all pink, neon jumpsuit. You can even just carry around a pink water bottle.

Pink shoelaces.

Even pink lipstick. Very chic.

Even though we commonly see women with breast cancer, this cancer can also affect men.

Wear the pink for your hubby, bae, friend, boyfriend, or dad.

Theres more awareness by wearing something pink, than donating five dollars. Rep it.

Wear pink for your mother.

And wear pink for your grandmother.

Wear pink for your daughter or future daughter.

And Wear pink for you.

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The History Behind Labor Day And Why You Should Celebrate

Like clockwork, I grabbed my morning coffee on my way to work and waved to the elderly man at the shoe shop on the corner. 

Every morning he is out there before the streets start to fill up and the village shops open. His face is worn and exhausted but is always friendly and greets passersby with a smile and a wave.

This man represents all small business owners.

The first Monday in September is a federal holiday in the United States. Labor Day—a tribute to contributions made by American workers to the growth and development of the country. For many, Labor Day is the ultimate long weekend—the end of summer, the beginning of fall, and for some the last day to wear white.

This year, we face a new challenge. What would normally be a long weekend getaway with friends or family, that camping trip you take every year, or the annual end of summer BBQ, we are now forced to cancel normal routines and celebrations due to a pandemic. 

So, now what? I say, take a day for yourself. You deserve it. Sleep in, go for a leisurely walk, read that book you have always wanted to read, stay in your PJ’s all day, and binge watch that Netflix series. After all, this day is for you.

Here are some fun facts about the history of the holiday:

The very first Labor Day consisted of 10,000 workers marching in New York City

On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers took unpaid time off to march from City Hall to Union Square in NYC, holding the first Labor Day Parade in U.S. history.

“No white after Labor Day

Ever wonder why? The tradition goes back to the end of the Civil War when society was ruled by the wealthy wives of old-money elites. As more new-money millionaires entered society, the jealous old regime invented a whole suite of arbitrary fashion rules that only those in the in-crowd would know. Anyone who showed up to an autumn dinner party in a white dress, for example, would be instantly outed as a nouveau riche newbie. That tradition of not wearing white past summer has since trickled down through fashion magazines and into mainstream culture… even for those of us whose ideal dinner party garb is sweatpants. The good news is most fashion experts agree that there is no need to follow this elitist rule today.

Other Countries have their own Labor Day

It is called May Day, takes place on May 1, and just like Labor Day, was established to celebrate workers’ rights.

It is a weekend for people to come together

In 1898, Samuel Gompers, the head of the American Federation of Labor said that Labor Day was meant to be a time when workers “lay down their tools of labor for a holiday, but upon which they may touch shoulders in marching phalanx and feel the stronger for it.”

So, whether you are stepping away from a laptop or a lathe, this weekend is a three-day salute to what you and your colleagues have achieved together. Enjoy it.

About The Author

Danielle is a lover of all things. When she doesn’t have her head in a book you can find her taking advantage of long summer days hiking or camping with her dog Nora. Danielle is currently working on her Bachelor’s Degree in Homeland Security Management.


Vaccine awareness month: Navigating COVID-19 And The Delta Variant

An uptick in cases, the delta variant moving rapidly through the Untied States. Testimony of those from beyond and family members who regret not getting vaccinated. It’s time. 

Getting vaccinated means that we can get back to life again. Being able to see friends and family. Being able to give hugs and handshakes. Being able to get the support from our loved ones that we crave. 

And getting vaccinated means concerts, weddings and large gatherings again. Being able to enjoy other people’s company. Doing the things that you love. Celebrating the special events that so many have been cheated out of for the last year. 

Because getting vaccinated means traveling. Getting on that plan, or even just a road trip with friends. It means a chance to get away and do all of the fun things that come with vacation. Site seeing. Drinking at a bar

We know getting vaccinated means a togetherness that we have not had in over a year. However, what needs to be said is not getting vaccinated means getting sick. Means that the virus just keeps mutating. It means more time away from friends and family. It means not celebrating the big things. It means not mourning the losses we feel. It means not living life. 

Stay healthy, get vaccinated because it saves lives! 

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Here is Why Voting Rights Is A Movement We cannot Give Up On

We are seeing many states hinder the right to vote. One of the most basic rights that we as Americans have. 

Voting is so important, and not just in the presidential elections. I would argue that it is more important in your local elections. Starting in your city with the mayor and your city council. This is my call, get up and register and then vote in every single election there is. Not just the ones that make national news! 

This fight is clearly not going to be an easy. We have been fighting this fight since America became a nation in 1776. However, that doesn’t mean that we can give up. We have to keep fighting. Like the ones that did before us. So get up and get involved. Run for something, do your research. 

One of the questions that I get all the time is, why vote it doesn’t matter? That exact train of thought it part of the reason that we are now in this situation. You cannot stand and protest and then not go out and do the thing that will help the most. Voting in officials that are going to protect our rights. So go watch speeches, read what the candidates have to say and most importantly look at their voting record on the issues you care about. Remember that it starts in the most basic of elections. You can make a difference. 

We are the movement. There are enough voice that we can make the difference. It’s not going to be easy, but we have to stand our ground. We have to get to the polls, even if that means you miss a day of work. I know, I know you can’t afford it. Let me tell you, you cannot afford not to. If you want change, real change it starts at the polls. It starts at the local elections. 

Real change is hard, but it doesn’t have to end with us. We can prove that this is the strongest generation. The one who is fighting for people to live their lives and be happy. In order to do that it’s time we stop allowing a small minority of people to run the county. It’s time that we stand together and make it happen. 

Find out when your local elections are being held. Go, run don’t walk, get registered, and vote!! 

Keep fighting and stay safe! 

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Why Bill Cosby’s Early Release Is A Step Back For The MeToo Movement.


The news broke yesterday, Bill Cosby who was convicted of sexual assault in 2018, and today the news broke that because of a technicality, he is being released. This comes even after the parole board denied his parole. So where does this result fit into the MeToo Movement?

Today, as I have shifted through and read some of what the survivors have said about this, the only thing that I can think is … 

This is part of the reason why women do not come forward. Knowing that you can bear your soul on the witness stand, tell a story that is so gut wrenching and relive every moment of it, and someone is found guilty and can be let out on a technicality, or not be convicted at all is very, very hard to swallow. 

This case I can say feels like a, below to survivors today. It was a failure on those who prosecuted this case. They knew that they were not allowed to use his deposition and did it anyway. They knew this could potentially come up again, and because of that have allowed Cosby’s victims to be re victimized today. We have to do better. Our justice system has to do better. 

It is time that we make laws that ensure that when a victim comes forward they are protected. These people are coming forward with one of the most vulnerable and traumatic times in their lives. That needs to be honored and protected. Telling this story is not something that is easy to do. It is also not something that is easy to hear, which is why I believe that we need to honor this reality that one and four women go through. 

I am calling on our lawmakers to make laws that protect victims. Being a victim is already such a huge responsibility to oneself. One that requires someone to work on healing, and knowing that there is a really high probability that you will come forward with your story, and try to get justice for a crime that was committee against you, and it could end up being thrown out, or worse the person who victimizes you could receive a light sentence, no sentence at all, or be released because someone did not do their due diligence hinders crimes of sexual assault being reported. 

So tonight one man is celebrating a win legally, his victims I can assure you are not sleeping well tonight. They will be up tonight thinking how the justice system failed them. Either because he is out, or it will be a reminder of how powerless they felt to come forward in the first place. It will bring up the regret of not speaking out sooner.  It is a hard reality that a lot of survivors feel, and are feeling tonight. While one man sleeps soundly and gets to go back to his life. These women, his victims, and many more around the country, and world are just trying to survive tonight. 

Stay Safe. 

RAINN HOTLINE 1800-656-4673 

They also have a chat box on their website, if you need help reach out! You are believed and you will survive!

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Fourth Of July 2021: The Beginning Of Normalcy


This year we have been giving the go ahead to celebrate in a more normal way. A way that we are used to celebrating out freedoms. No matter how you are choosing to celebrate while you remember why we celebrate this day.

It is the day that our founding fathers said no more and declared that we were going to be a free nation. We were going to be a better nation. One that was going to be different. One that was going to grow as the world grew. This is something to be celebrated. 

This declaration would not come without sacrifice. Many have died for the ideal that America is one of the greatest countries on earth. That we were the start of something different. A country that would be more accepting. It started with religion, however, we are a country that has grown as the world has. This is the sacrifice that our soldiers made for us. That is something to be celebrated. 

Our past, although it can be a very dark one. One that is full of sometimes hate for groups that were seen as less than. Yes we still have so much work to do, we should celebrate the progress that we have made as well. There is still a lot of discrimination in this country to minority groups, however, there are many battles that we have one. So today we should take stock in what we have accomplished and vow to move forward on the work still left to be done. Today our process is something that should be celebrated. 

Today, I am going to do just that. I am going to sit on the boat. Look out at the water and know that there is much more than me. There is more to be fought and that we cannot give up. I am going to think about those who have come before me that have fought and would want this day to be a celebration. I am going to take stock on the things that we as a young nation have accomplished. Because these are things that should be celebrated. 

Then when the boat stops, I am going to tell my boyfriend to crank the music up and we are going. To dance, Jump off the boat, and crack a cold one for all of the people who fought to make this country what it is today. Then we are going to fire up the BBQ and enjoy a nice dinner as a family. While remembering that we are family and although sometimes we disagree, we all still love each other and are here to honor that America is a great country with a wonderful democracy. 

The work will continue on July 5th. After we have taken stock in all of the things that we still need to fight for. This is the day that we should start tackling the challenges that we are met with right now. Find something that is close to your heart, something that you want to fight for and get involved. We can work together to make this country a safer, kinder, and happier place. After we celebrate how far we have come. 

Enjoy your 4th and commit to a cause on the 5th

Stay safe!!

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Juneteenth Is Now A Federal Holiday. This IS Progress.

Juneteenth is now a federal holiday… here are my thoughts on the matter.

I would first like to applaud the law makers who have finally recognized this historic day as a national holiday, as it deserves to be. 

As we go on to celebrate this new holiday let’s remember the sacrifices that where made by the African-Americans who didn’t not have their freedoms but helped build this country. Let’s celebrate those who, we’re told they where free but didn’t not receive their freedom until two years later. Let’s allow freedom to ring across this great nation. While knowing we can still do better. 

Let’s make this a day to show kindness to one another. To tell people that their lives matter and that we are all the very heartbeat of this country. Let’s be reminded that we still have many things that we need to grow at. Let’s do something for the community that has done so much to build the country that we all love. 

Let’s stand together united, knowing that our country has a horrible past, but vow that we will be better, and be better together as one nation. But not just for the day. No there has to be a real commitment to move forward. To put an end to the past, and put forth the effort for the future. 

However, let this not be a day of sorrow but a day of remembrance. A day to celebrate the African-American community, their culture and all the beauty they bring to our country as well as countries around the world. Let us stand together and sing the hymns the slaves once sang, but let us also note how far we have come, while we acknowledge how far we still have to go. 

This is just one step. Let this Juneteenth be a commitment to continue to stand and fight with our African-American brothers and sisters for the rights that they as human beings deserve. Let this be the day that we stop dehumanizing a whole race for no reason at all.

Let this Juneteenth be the day that we stop injustices, and work together to make this country better. 

Let us stand together untied! 

Happy Juneteenth, stat safe and keep fighting! 

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In A Post Pandemic World: Let’s Not Go Back To Normal


The world is opening up again, life is going back to “normal.” Although I am excited that for some things to get back to normal. Like hanging out with friends and family. There are somethings that I think we should not keep normalizing.

We have a population that is over worked and under paid. We have to stoping living like we are meant to just work. Let’s not take the time that we have had to rest and reevaluate how we are living, for granted. I think the summer time is the perfect time to create the balance in life that we all need, because there will be plenty of opportunity to get out and do the things that matter to you.

Pre- Covid, I worked all the time, I felt like if I wasn’t working I was wasting my time. I still work a lot, However, since covid and having the time to reconnect and do some of the things that I love. I now know the value of resting and recharging. So, here are some of the things that I am going to make a priority this summer and hopefully for the rest of my life.

Working on Myself

When covid first hit I decided this was a good time for me to start to learn to deal with some things in my life. Now that I have seen some progress and growth in myself. This is something that I am going to continue to work on, because it is so important to learn how to deal with the things that bother me. It helps me be the best person that I can be.


Using my Coping skills

Living with anxiety has been hard to navigate, and if you are like me Covid did not help. However, durning the pandemic I choose to start looking for my coping skills and now I am trying to practice them daily. (mine are: Writing, Exercising, Walking my dog, and Breathing) Find yours and do them when you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious by the world that we live in.


Taking Time out

Work is not everything, Yes we have to work and I get that, however, we also have to take time to do the things in life that you love. Go on a weekend get away with your love, go down to the lake and fish or walk on the beach. Head to the park and take a hike. Go do something that you love, something that is gonna make you smile, because again we should not live to work, we should be working to live our best lives. Spending time doing the things that actual matter. So step away from work and go listen to that baby laugh, go have dinner with your family, or just sit with yourself and reflect or just do nothing at all. Just take a time out.


Spend Time with Those That Matter

I think we can all agree that we spend enough time with our co-workers, and yes maybe we really enjoy them. However, we also should not that they are not the ones that matter most in your life. So, when your best friend calls you to go hang out take her up on the offer, when you get the call from your boyfriend about going out on the boat, throw your hair up grab a coozie and go. Have fun make memories because at the end of the day that is what you are going to want. That is how you will measure your life. So go do it, no it’s not selfish, and yes it is more important.

So, as the world opens back up to get back to “normal,” let’s not go back to “normal.” Let’s do more of what we love because let’s all be honest that is what we have been missing over the last year. Let’s take care of ourselves and let’s be happy again. Let’s let the the lessons of the pandemic not be forgotten. Do the things that matter.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

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