9 Tips All College Freshmen Need to Know

The first year of college is one of the most important years in a young person’s life. They meet new people, make early career connections and enjoy their first taste of independence. It can also be a stressful and confusing time if they arrive on campus unprepared. Here are nine tips all college freshmen need to know as they enter their first semesters.

Don’t Feel Pressured to Like Your Roommate(s)

Your child’s initial living situation doesn’t have to define their entire freshman year. If they realize they don’t get along with their roommate after a few weeks, they can reach out to their resident assistant to discuss a change of scenery. Living with new people is hard enough, but living with new people your kid doesn’t even like can ruin the whole college experience.

However, they shouldn’t let one negative interaction influence their decision too much. All roommates have disagreements. It takes time to establish boundaries and expectations that all parties can agree on. Tell your child to wait until everyone develops their routines, then determine whether their lifestyles and personalities are compatible.


Figure Out Your Sleep Schedule

Sleep is the most important – and often the most overlooked – part of a college student’s routine. Figuring out their sleep schedule early on will help with many other aspects of college life:


● Study habits
● Attending classes
● Class participation
● Reduced stress
● Better mood, energy levels and mental health


A consistent sleep schedule also prevents kids from falling into bad habits off campus. Partying and drinking all the time might seem appealing at first, but it often leads to many health and behavior problems that could ruin your child’s college career.


Become a Good Housekeeper

The hardest part of living at college is housekeeping. Your child and their roommate are 100% responsible for vacuuming, taking out the trash and washing dishes, depending on their living situation. Evenly splitting the workload is the fairest strategy.

While the above tasks are relatively straightforward, laundry is more complicated and individualized. On-campus laundry rooms are complete free-for-alls. Ensure your child knows how to navigate the laundry room and take care of their clothes.

Read the Syllabus

Each professor will provide a syllabus outlining the class’s full schedule and policies for the semester. Your child should read it the whole way through and then read it again. Knowing what comes next in the class schedule will help them manage their time and workload. It also ensures they remember the professor’s directions for writing papers and submitting assignments, putting your child in their good graces.

Participate in Class

Frequent participation is another awesome way to stand out to professors. Many students zone out and browse on their laptops during class, which makes for a poor learning environment. Encourage your child to put down their electronics, raise their hand and engage in discussions. They shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes or embarrassing themselves in front of peers. That’s how you learn and grow as a person.

Get Involved on Campus

A college degree is no longer enough to make people stand out in the job market. They need to get involved with extracurriculars on campus to make connections and grow their resume. Your child should look into part-time jobs, internships, clubs and athletic programs. If they’ve already decided on their major, they should reach out to professors and other students in the department and make a name for themselves.

Find a Quiet Study Spot

As the semester goes on, students will discover and overrun all the good study spots around campus. Encourage your child to plant their flag at a quiet location early on to avoid the big crowds. They should look for low-traffic areas in smaller university buildings. Their place shouldn’t be flashy — a simple table or bench is more than enough.

Take Care of Your Body

The freshman 15 is a common weight gain trend among first-year college students. Once they arrive on campus, they start drinking more, sleeping less and developing unhealthy eating habits. You can’t allow your child’s health to go off the rails in just the first semester. Make sure they take care of their bodies with exercise and proper nutrition.

Manage Your Expectations

Every wide-eyed freshman shows up to campus with lofty expectations. They expect to make a bunch of friends, enjoy all their classes, party every weekend and meet the love of their life. This overconfidence could cause disappointment in a few months when arguing with roommates and losing sleep over midterm exams.

College can be lots of fun, but it’s also a great responsibility. It takes hard work and dedication to get good grades, graduate and find a job. Kids looking for an “Animal House” or “Old School” experience are going to school for the wrong reasons.


Remember: It’s Just the First Year

Above all else, incoming freshmen must realize that it’s just the first year. They still have three-plus years to make connections and gain valuable experience. Embracing the ups and downs of their first year will prepare them for the real world and teach lessons that will impact the rest of their lives.


About The Author

Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find her in a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy. 


Hire Essay Writing Service: Top 7 Benefits for College Students

Each year, college students have to submit dozens of written assignments on different topics. Most students struggle with literary work and seek assistance for these types of tasks. Even if you’re a proficient writer, the benefits of hiring a professional writer to deal with your essay or research paper surpass amending a lack of talent of writing skills.

If you’re still in the dark about the advantages of hiring an essay writing service, we made a list of the top seven benefits that you should be aware of. Perhaps some of these perks are just what you need to make your college life easier.


Time preservation

College is a dynamic period in life and constantly packed with different obligations that we have to deal with. Writing essays can be time-consuming, especially if the topic is not our favorite or the closest to our sphere of interest. When there are exams or tests to study for, spending time on essays instead of preparing for the exam is not the best choice. Hiring an essay writing service to help us out while we dedicate our time to more pressing matters is always a smart decision. In the end, we can submit our paper and have enough time to study for the exam.


Surpassing the language barrier

International students often have a difficult time writing essays or any other literary tasks for that matter. Grammar, spelling, and style are among the major obstacles that prevent international students from submitting high-quality papers. Choosing the best service via essay writing services reviews like Top British Essays and hiring these writing compnanies allows college students from abroad to have people who are both native speakers and experts in their fields editing or improving the content. This way, the language barrier is no longer an issue because there are experts who are native English speakers assuring proper grammar, spelling, style and other aspects of writing.


A wide array of topics and tasks

Another noteworthy benefit that essay writing services hold for college students is the wide variety of topics and types of academic assignments in their offer. Students can order anything from history essays to math homework. Moreover, these services don’t have to write your task from the scratch, you can have their people check your work for grammar or spelling mistakes only if that’s what you need help with.


Guaranteed Quality

Try as we might, sometimes our academic limitations don’t allow us to submit a paper that’s good enough for our college professors. On the other hand, hiring an essay writing service UK or elsewhere based, allows us to choose a professional writer that best fits our needs. Top-rated essay writing services keep professional writers with advanced degrees onboard. This means that you have a person with masters or Ph.D. degree writing your assignment, so you can rest assured you’ll have a high-quality paper in the end.


Staying anonymous

Essay writing services keep the identities of their users safe from the public. This means that you don’t have to worry about anyone figuring out that you didn’t write your work completely on your own. This is extremely important because you don’t want to risk penalties if someone was to denounce you to the college administration after finding out that a fellow student wrote your assignment for you. Hiring an essay writing service means that a professional would deal with your work and your identity would stay safe because in most cases you don’t even have to provide any personal information to writers.


No authenticity issues

Plagiarism is a major problem for college students around the world. According to the International Center for Academic Integrity, more than 60 percent of college students admit to having cheated or plagiarized someone else’s work. Writing services guarantee the authenticity of their work, so you can rest assured that you’ll have no plagiarism issues raised when you submit your work to your college teacher for review.


Reduce stress

College can be extremely stressful for both students and teachers equally. Too many obligations and too little time to deal with all of them at once due to tight deadlines and packed curriculums. When academic tasks keep piling up, the stress kicks in and that can create a block that would prevent us from finishing any of the work we have in front of us. Hiring an essay writing service to deal with some of the work, takes away the stress and allows us to focus on the work at hand.



These were some of the most important and most notable benefits of hiring an essay writing service. Whichever reason you might have to reach out for professional assistance, it’s good to know that there are multiple layers of benefits that go with it. Hope this article brought you a bit closer to all the advantages of essay writing services and that you found the reason to look into this type of college help.

How To Write A Process Analysis Essay Like A Pro

By reading the title, you might think what is a process analysis essay? A process analysis essay is an expository essay that answers your “Hows and Whats.” In this type of writing, the author guides you about a particular topic that what it is, and how it works.

To make it easier to understand, let us take an example of a cake. If an author explains what ingredients are needed to bake a cake and what steps are involved in baking a cake, we would call it a process analysis essay. Here we will explain how you can write an essay like a pro, so keep reading!

Steps For Writing A Process Analysis Essay:

There is no rocket science for writing a good process analysis essay. You need to organize your thoughts, and you can draft a masterpiece. But even if you feel the need for professional assistance, you can go for custom writing help!

Here are some simple steps that you can follow to craft an outstanding essay:

● Choosing A Topic:

Selection of the topic is the first and the most important step in writing. It would be best to choose the topic that attracts your audience and what your audience is interested in. Before you start writing, you can check what topics are currently trending and which topics are liked by people these days.

● Research On The Topic:

After you have selected the right topic, you must research it. You should collect the information from various resources like books and websites and gather it in a single place. Just make sure that the information you have gathered is correct.

You should collect the data from different resources to attract the readers, arouse their interest in the topic, and not bore them. When you are done with your research on the particular topic, you start writing.

● Process Analysis Thesis Statement:

Process  Analysis Thesis Statement is the key to your essay. If you write this thesis statement an interesting and eye-catching one, the reader will be curious to read the rest of your essay, and obviously, the writing will get more reads.

Now you must be thinking about what is a process analysis thesis statement in case you don’t know it already. This statement shortly escribes what you will explain or what is your purpose behind the writing. By writing this single statement, people get an idea of how your writing will be.

● Outline Of The Essay:

So we are talking about how to draft a process analysis essay like a pro which means your writing should be eye-catching and outstanding. For this, you must outline the writing before you start writing it. Outlining will help you out throughout writing it. The outline mainly consists of:

1. Introduction
2. Body Paragraphs
3. Conclusion

Let’s discuss these three components one by one:

1. Introduction:

An introduction is the most important part of an essay that describes your essay in a paragraph or two, so it must be good and attractive. Use some attractive words to develop the readers’ interest.

Think for a while that if the introduction to your article is dull, boring, and very basic, who will read the whole of it? Who will give it his precious time? So how to make the introduction of your essay an impressive one? Here is how:

● Start with an interesting statement.
● Describe the main topic in a few words.
● Write the purpose of the process you will describe.
● Write the result and side effects of the process.

2. Body Paragraphs:

The body paragraphs describe and explain the topic. The process you have chosen to write, explain it thoroughly and explain every step so that the readers know how they can perform the very process and get better results.

Make sure that you don’t skip any step of the process and for making your writing outstanding, mention the tools or tips that make the process easier for the people. It will help your readers to perform the process well.


3. Conclusion Of The Essay:

While writing the conclusion, make sure that you don’t repeat all the steps from start to the end but summarize all the steps mentioned above to make it more understandable for the readers.

Also, please add the expected results or outcomes of that particular procedure to the conclusion. Try to highlight the important and main parts of the essay in the conclusion, and don’t add any new information. 



Are you an essay writer, and you are struggling with how to write a process analysis essay like a pro that impresses your readers? Don’t worry about it as we have enlisted all the necessary information above. Please choose the right topic, research it, make a process analysis thesis statement, and attractively outline your essay. We hope that you have found the article informative and helpful.


10 Habits of Highly Effective Students

Every person develops certain habits throughout his life. Some of them are useful and help the individual to cope with difficulties, simplify his life. Others are harmful, appearing in his life sometimes spontaneously and aggravating the situation, health, etc.

During his studies, the student also develops his specific habits. The experts of Writemyessay service have prepared a list of the most useful habits of a successful student.

Habit #1. Attendance

Already from the very beginning of the study, it is possible to note the student’s attitude to the chosen profession, subjects, etc. Avid truants, who were “stretched” grades at school, will not last long and will also begin to skip.

Attending all classes is an exceptionally useful habit for a student. It helps to stick to the daily routine, prioritize (study first, and then – everything else), instills discipline and self-organization. Moreover, full attendance is often valued by university teachers. They are ready to make concessions to such students, and additional bonuses are provided when evaluating progress with the “rating system”.

Habit #2. Independent work of a student

Students’ independent work includes preparing homework, studying individual questions for seminars, conferences, etc. Sometimes it seems that the activities performed (taking notes, solving problems, etc.) in the future will not be useful to the specialist in the performance of his duties. This is not the case. A highly skilled professional must have sufficient knowledge and skills to provide quality services.

Completion of assignments contributes to gaining deeper knowledge, improving previously acquired skills, and acquiring new skills, which makes a college graduate more savvy and attractive to employers.

Habit #3. Extracurricular activities

It is in the nature of a student not to do only one thing, only study. During the student years, people are full of ambition, energy, desires, which they strive to fulfill. It is important to find their interests, hobbies, and devote time to them. This approach will not only allow them to distract from the daily routine, to unwind, to have fun, but also to make new friends, like-minded people, etc.

Often there are many different sections of interest: sports, art, etc. Don’t sit at home and don’t get hung up on your studies, otherwise, you could just “burn out professionally.” Develop all-around with benefits for body and soul (in a good sense of the word!).

Habit #4. Rest

To stay at couples in a half-asleep state, it is important to adhere to the regime of the day. Experts recommend that students go to bed no later than 00:00. Sleeping less than 7 hours a night negatively affects the work of the CNS: new material simply can’t be absorbed, and old material is difficult to remember. The body is not in the mood for study: it requires rest.

Try to do all the things and plans in time, while not forgetting about good nutrition and sleep.

Habit #5. Independence

Students rarely keep track of time and often find themselves on the verge of having a term paper defense tomorrow, and the student has only the topic of the project and nothing else. Try to do it yourself! Learn to react quickly and adequately to difficulties and find ways to overcome them.

Doing tasks yourself will not only allow you to gain new knowledge and skills but also become more responsible and prudent. But if self-sufficiency and independence are not yet your strong points, look for help on the side. Check out paperhelp review websites to choose a reliable company for good results.

Habit #6. Repetition

Repetition is probably one of the most useful habits for students, which eases their lot during the session. If you periodically reread passed material, it will be better remembered and absorbed. Therefore the preparation for exams and tests will be much easier.

Habit #7. Reading books

Today’s students give up on regular books and try to spend less of their time reading. Development is impossible without reading books. It is important not only to study what educators try to instill during lectures and seminars but also to choose independently (artistic or scientific works) to improve professionalism and personality. This approach will make the university graduate more erudite, savvy, broaden his horizons, facilitate problem-solving, etc.

Habit #8. Take notes

Scientists have proved that the most reliable way to memorize information and assimilate it is by taking notes. While taking notes, visual memory is activated, the student himself filters the information and writes down only the important points.

Habit #9. Limit the time you spend on the Internet

The Internet and gadgets are not always beneficial. In addition to academic activities, students are often addicted to other things online: social networking, games, part-time jobs, etc. It is important to know that every activity should have a measure. It is best to set a certain limit to the use of the Internet, so as not to get a “virtual” addiction and not to waste their time.

Habit #10. No blank spots

A successful student tries to make sure that there are no blank spots in his studies. If he does not understand a lecture, he understands it by himself or asks for help from a teacher. The same with the results of the test or independent: if he does not understand what was assessed, he explains with the teacher, and often seeks its increase. So do not leave blank spots for yourself: try as quickly as possible to find out what was not clear.

And if the development of useful skills does not go as fast as you would like, and there are problems with the preparation of academic papers, a student help service like this website will assist you. The experts will help you with difficult questions, and your studies won’t suffer.

Persuasive Writing: Convincing the Reader With Logical Arguments in an Essay’s Narrative

Persuasive writing essays are written to make the reader believe the writer’s point of view. Well-written persuasive essays can do just that.

When a persuasive essay is well written, the writer can make her readers believe the defending statements in her writing piece. Her points of view are strong and well-articulated, sound, and well-researched. As an essaywriter, I can say that this is the purpose of persuasive writing – convince the readers that what she’s written is a fact, and written with reason and logic.

How to Choose an Original Topic for a Persuasive Essay

The best solutions are sometimes the simplest ones. To sound convincing, you should choose a topic you know very well. Subjects connected with hobbies, computer games, movies, animated films, and sports as well as shopping – can all constitute your area of expertise.

List of Sample Persuasive Essay Topics

● Can computer games have a bad impact on gamers’ behavior?
● Can computer games be educational?
● Should educational computer games be used in class?
● Should children be allowed to play computer games only at some specific age?
● Are fan-made computer games a violation of copyrights?
● Should all computer games be censored for adult content before their release?
● Should producers of exceptionally violent computer games be persecuted?
● Should Japanese anime be censored for adult content even if they are not considered so in Japan?
● Should all cartoons have a moral?
● Are horror movies immoral?
● Is shopping for fun harmful entertainment?
● Should shopping centers be open on Sundays?

Outline The Persuasive Essay

Before writing, the writer should gather her research materials to outline the persuasive essay. Look at both sides of the argument and note their strengths and weaknesses. And be well informed before writing a persuasive essay.

Structure the essay, but logically outline each point. The writer should first, formulate the views she wants to convey to state the point of her main argument. This, however, should be stated in the closing summary. Using research materials, the writer should list a few points of view that will argue against her own, and beneath those, she should list statements that support her points of view.

Persuasive Writing Essay Introduction

Taking into account the characteristics of persuasive writing, it is possible to conclude that persuasive writing usually begins with a bang. The writer will grab the reader’s attention by stating an interesting fact, offering a historical anecdote, using metaphor, or asking a question that requires an answer. This is the hook, a form used to keep the reader reading.

The introduction should do just that – introduce the topic of the persuasive writing essay, and give the reader a strong sense of what direction the writer is taking the rest of the essay.

Writing Persuasive Arguments

Writing persuasive arguments that do persuade the reader, can be done if the writer anticipates opposing arguments and can argue against them to back up her statements. Each paragraph should be written to convince, strongly arguing one side over another.

1. Back up each point with a convincing reason. Write assuredly for credibility. If the writer doesn’t believe her statements, nor will her readers.
2. The writer should stay focused on writing persuasive arguments without veering off the path into other subjects. Stay in control of the flow of the piece.
3. Ensure there is action to the subject. Use active voice for clear, concise statements. Be direct.
4. The writer should also offer evidence that will support her point of view. It could be written as an “According to …” source reference.
5. Repeat your point, but in several different ways, such as using an example or referencing an expert.

Persuasive Writing Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of a persuasive writing essay summarizes the main points of the piece. The writer may paraphrase some points to remind the reader. This repetitive form serves to drive home the message.

The conclusion could also offer a cause and effect statement such as “This is what will happen if this happens.” She could finish with a recommendation or a way to fix a problem. Or she could conclude with a question to leave the reader thinking.

Well-written persuasive essays do more than persuade. They are interesting and provocative, convincing the reader that the writer is an authority in the field. The work is written to be believed.

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About the author

Bianca J. Ward is a professional online essay writer at EssayWriterFree where she provides people with qualitative works. Besides, she is a passionate photographer and traveler who has visited 52 countries all over the world. Bianca dreams about creating a photo exhibition to present her works to others.

How to Study in College to Pass Tests and Earn Good Grades

Many students enter college with no idea about how to study effectively, and each year numerous students return to campuses after summer vacation still lacking effective study skills. The following helpful hints worked out by essay writers, though, can assist both new and returning students in learning how to study in college.


Create the Right Environment for Studying in College

Students should create the right environment for studying, meaning one that is conducive to studying and, therefore, to learning. Here are some guidelines for creating such an environment:

● Study in the same place each day (It improves concentration since the place becomes associated with studying).
● Establish a set time then tell friends and family not to interrupt unless there’s an emergency.
● Have materials and supplies nearby, for example, a calculator, dictionary, computer disks, note cards, and even snacks and drinks (nonalcoholic).
● Use background noise that isn’t distracting, for instance, soft music or a desktop fountain (White noise has been proven to aid concentration).
● Do not turn on the television, but do turn off the telephone or at least set it for voice-mail.
● Study in an area with good lighting (not too dim or too bright).
● Make sure there is adequate space for books and other study materials.
● Sit upright in a comfortable but not toocomfortable chair, a sturdy table, or a desk (Do not lie down in bed).
● If attention begins to wander, get up and walk away from the study area (reserve it for studying), stretch for a few minutes, or go for a short stroll, but return with renewed determination to finish what was begun. 

Improve Reading Comprehension for Studying in College

Students have to read – a lot – in college, but many don’t realize that it isn’t necessary to read every word in a textbook to understand the main points and comprehend the most important information. Students can read only select parts of a textbook and still comprehend most, if not all, of the important material if they use the “SRR Method.”

“Skim, Read, Review,” and the method involves the following steps:

1. Read the entire first one or two paragraphs of a chapter since they present the writer’s central idea or ideas.
2. Skim the chapter, paying special attention to the author’s purpose (Is it persuasion, analysis, cause-and-effect, etc?); any subheadings, since they provide an overview of main points; unfamiliar words (jot them down or highlight them); and the first and last sentence of each paragraph because they help put the paragraph’s topic into perspective.
3. Review the chapter, underlying or highlighting the central point and main ideas within paragraphs; jotting down any questions that arise (Try to answer them when you’ve finished); pausing to look up definitions of unfamiliar words, and attempting to relate the author’s ideas to personal experience. 

Use Mnemonic Devices to Help Retain Information for Tests in College

For example, the essay writing service review  estimated that one day after reading a chapter in a textbook, most students have forgotten 46 percent of what they read; after 14 days, 79 percent; and after 21 days, 81 percent. Moreover, in a study conducted by the Cambridge Psychological Society, when participants were interviewed two weeks after attending a seminar and hearing a lecture, no one could accurately recall more than 10 percent of the lecture. 

The point is, most people, not just students, have poor memories. However, there are tools people can use to help them recall information. These tools are mnemonic devices, and most students were introduced to them long before college. For instance, when younger, perhaps they learned their ABCs by singing the letters aloud or they learned to recall the seven coordinating conjunctions by associating them with the acronym “FANBOYS” (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).


Different Mnemonic Devices Students Can Use for Studying in College

Mnemonic devices include acronyms, acrostics, and visualization:

1. Acronyms: Acronyms are formed using the first letter of keywords in a phrase or title, for example, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), SCUBA (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus), or HOMES (Heron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior, which are the five Great Lakes). By creating an acronym for important concepts or items, students then need to recall the acronym, which will act as a prompt and aid them in recalling the information for tests.
2. Acrostics: Acrostics are sentences, phrases, or rhymes that are created by using the first letter of each word or fact that someone wishes to recall, for example, “Every good boy does fine” for musical notes, or “In fourteen-hundred-and-ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”
3. Visualization: Visualization involves creating a story or mind-picture, which can aid in retaining information. For example, to recall a formula for a math class, a student might picture some components as hotdogs and others as buns; then he will develop a brief, even humorous storyline that will help him recall the correct solution.

In summary, students need to learn to study effectively if they wish to succeed in college, and by utilizing these tips they can improve their study skills and, consequently, improve their test scores as well.

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About the author

John J. Gregg is an experienced writer on essaywriter.nyc where he provides students with an opportunity to get high grades. Besides, He is fond of reading and playing the guitar. By the way, John dreams of traveling a lot and visiting as many countries as possible.

Back To School And The Pandemic Continues


This is the second seasons that I as an educator have been feeling a little more stressed than a normal school year. Going back into the classroom has been something that I have honestly had a hard time with this year. Although I love my job, the politics and the constant opinions have been a lot. 

Although I am feeling the pressure here are the things that I am looking forward to this year. 

Getting Back into a Classroom:

Last year, as a teachers assistant I spent the year helping teach remotely. Although I have to admit that it was a lot. When I reflect on that time I realize that teaching in general is a lot. Although, I think my teams did an amazing job teaching remotely, I am excited to go back to a classroom. Getting to see my students and work with them in-person, I think it will give me that answers that I need. 

Seeing my Work Friends: 

I think that one of the things that I missed most about being in a school is having my work friends. In the educational world, your work friends are essential. Although, working with kids is amazing most of the time, you need your people to decompress and no one knows better than the ones you work with what you are going through. It is a different kind of bond, and I can not wait to have that back! 

Getting Back to a Routine:

When I am working, I am so much more disciplined with everything in life. I have a very strict schedule, and the very Type A part of me is so looking forward to that. Although, I think that this year is going to be a lot, I think that this will be important for me to get back to my normal, as the world wraps up from the pandemic. 

Student, Teacher Relationships: 

I have to say that although I had amazing relationships with both the students and their families because of teaching remotely. I am excited to have that relationship with my students that I normally would have. That relationship between educator and student is a special bound. I am really excited for that! 

This year, although the pandemic seems to be coming to a close, there is still a lot of uncertainty. There are a lot of mixed emotions going back into the classroom. However, I will say that I am very optimistic that this year is going to be great from both teachers and students. That we are going to be able to get back to a normal that we have not seen in a while. As well as, staying safe.  

Here is to an amazing school year for all. 

Stay safe!

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Benefits Of Online Study Portals In The Life Of A Student.

Your digital marketing strategy probably includes many tactics that help recruit international students. How can you choose the best channel to reach the most people? A survey was conducted of recruitment and marketing professionals working in foreign universities. Among the respondents, online study portals were viewed as having the most incredible marketing value, esteemed 29% and content marketing was also highly esteemed 21%. 


The purpose of this article is to reveal to you some of the most important advantages offered by online study portals in the life of a student. As you read the article further down, the benefits of online study portals will become apparent. These are the reasons why online study portals are so valuable to students who are planning on studying abroad but lack the necessary resources. In this situation Research Prospect Offer Scholarships to students and also offer Dissertation help with 24/7 support.


Improve The Quality Of Online Services

As well as highlighting your institution’s academic offerings, online study portals also provide promotional material that illustrates your institution’s educational profile. There are numerous websites that provide helpful resources, such as tailored newsletters, emails, and advertisements to direct students to universities that are right for them.


Ranks Higher Than Your Institution’s Website On Search Engines

The most common terms students use when searching for studying abroad ensure that links to online study portals. This will always show up in Google’s natural search results.


Adapts To Today’s Learners’ Needs

International students are fast consumers of online resources, with the urge to access and compare information in a very short space of time. Answering these concerns, online study portals provide a convenient and simple method of discovering study abroad options offered overseas and are a valuable resource to students throughout their participation in international studies.


Global Reach And Brand Exposure

Providing accessible services to thousands of students every year, these study portals eliminate distance barriers and make available your university’s course offerings along with the university itself from wherever students are located.


Education Equals The Chance To Succeed

Regardless of race, age, gender, social class, cultural background, or financial situation, online study portals are accessible to everyone so everyone can find an international education that fits them.


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Affordable Over The Long-term

Online portal users commonly achieve better results each year as a result of their ranking becoming more prestigious. On top of that, online study portal programs continue to be more affordable than other forms of marketing via paid advertisements or promotional material that is based on CPA.

Equal Opportunity

University portals enable all universities to have equal access to their programs online, giving users an overall view of their profile and program.


Easy to attribute value to this channel

Online study portals come with tools that make monitoring results and data easier. In this way, your marketing strategy can be evaluated on the basis of leads generated by click-throughs generated at any given moment. There are now many online studying platforms that provide sophisticated tracking tools that help universities follow students’ progress, targeting the best prospects along the way.

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Best Tips & Tricks to prepare DSSSB Junior Secretariat Assistant 2021 Exam

The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection (DSSSB) conducts various recruitments examinations for the Nation’s Capital Territory of Delhi. Each year, the DSSSB hires for multiple positions like LDCs, Junior Engineers, Junior Secretariat Assistant, and several other groups B and C positions. If you are a DSSSB aspirant, then go through the DSSSB LDC Preparation Tips below.


DSSSB Junior Secretariat Assistant 2021 Exam Preparation Tips

The DSSSB Junior Secretariat examination consists of a single level through an online test. Therefore, the students need to have complete determination to prepare for their DSSSB LDC examination in 2021. The students need to follow the proper preparation strategies, tips, and tricks that will help them to guide and prepare their syllabus accordingly. 

The students must cover all the relevant topics for their exam, especially those frequently asked. Therefore, you need to go through the syllabus of DSSSB LDC and the examination pattern while you are preparing for it. In addition, the students must anathe question papers of the previous years, make a list of the relevant topics and those topics that have more chances of questioning. After getting familiar with these details mentioned above, you can prepare for your DSSSB LDC 2021 Examination.

● Practice

After making a proper strategy to prepare for your exam, the students need to practice a lot. They can look at the previous year’s question paper and attend the mock tests. It will help them to have well versed with the nature of the exam and the question pattern. The students can also identify their strengths and weaknesses by going through the syllabus and can make further improvements for their learning.

● Accuracy and Speed

While the students practice different types of questions, they must work hard on their accuracy and speed. Therefore, it will help them get maximum marks, and they can attempt a maximum number of questions while giving the exam.

● Revise the important topics

Finally, after the preparation of the relevant topics, the students must revise all the topics for the examination. It will help them to remember each subject at the time of examination if they go thoroughly.

Section-wise Syllabus for the DSSSB LDC Exam Preparation Strategy

For your DSSSB LDC Preparation strategy, you must follow the section-wise syllabus listed below.

General Awareness syllabus:

● Current affairs
● Static GK
● Indian Polity

Reasoning Ability and General Intelligence:

● Analogy
● Classification
● Series
● Direction and Ranking
● Dictionary Order or Formation of Words
● Blood Relation

English Section

English is the most crucial section for the DSSSB LDC examination. However, several candidates struggle with this section.

● Prepare a timetable. It will help you to ensure to cover all the essential subjects.
● Try to practice English every day and make it a habit.
● The students must read a book or a newspaper regularly. It would help them to solve their reading comprehension faster in the examination hall.
● The students must revise the rules of grammar regularly.

Reasoning Ability and General Intelligence

The general ability and reasoning section in the DSSSB LDC Exam is at a moderate level. Most of the students are comfortable and find this section easy, yet they do not score well.

● The students must go on practicing the same topics. It will help them to become more confident of the relevant issues.
● They must understand the concept of every topic properly.
● The students must try to memorize the number value of tables and alphabets that are quite pre-requisite.
● The reasoning section is full of tricky questions. So, the students must practice based on these tricks. It will help them fetch maximum marks and save a lot of time and energy in the examination hall.

General Awareness

At first, please list the crucial topics that have maximum marks and then prepare those topics based on their weightage. The students must remember to go through the current affairs at least for the last four to five months as it is essential. Also, the students must not forget to revise their chapters thoroughly regularly. Finally, they must practice the quiz and take mock tests.

Hindi Section

The Hindi section is essential for the DSSSB LDC Examination. Many students are already well versed with this language, and they have an advantage in it. However, the students must practice and make it a habit to improve further in this section. Try to make a timetable and finish all the relevant topics. In addition, the students must remember to revise the Hindi Grammar Topics and its Rules.

Some Additional Tips for DSSB LDC Exam Preparation

After adequately going through all the above-mentioned topics, you must be clear about preparing for your DSSB junior clerk preparation. Now there are some additional tips below that you must keep in mind while you are preparing for your examination. Each subject will have its requirement and based on these the students must spend their time and energy. Some of the essential preparation tips are given below:

● Time management is essential for this examination. There are 200 questions in total, and the students must complete them within two hours only. Therefore, the students need to answer quickly and cannot spend more time on each question in the exam hall. They need to answer every question accurately.
● The DSSSB preparation strategy requires an active nature and the mental stability of all the candidates.
● The students must have a good speed for typing. They must type at least 35 words in the Hindi language and 30 words in the English language. It is also essential for job purposes.
● The students must have excellent and constant practice on the numeric topics. The more you practice, the more it will clear all your doubts and the concepts with time.

After adequately going through the entire article, you can now be clear and have an idea about how to prepare for your upcoming DSSSB Junior Secretary Assistant examination. Also, if you follow the above guidelines correctly and practice hard, you can clear your test with flying colors. 

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Top 5 Student Storage Companies in London


London is considered one of the best tourist places in the world. Also, It is one of the world’s top financial hubs. Moreover, it is home to half-million students studying in various colleges and universities including University College London (UCL, Imperial College, The University of London (UOL), Kings College London (KCL). 

London welcomes the highest number of students in Europe. There are many pros and cons of student life in London. On the positive side, London is a cosmopolitan city with a lot of recreational places including theatres, museums, food markets, restaurants, and galleries. 

On contrary, London has high living costs as compared to other cities in Britain which includes rental as well as day-to-day expenses. But students are given discounts everywhere by various companies, 

You may get student storage services from a variety of storage providers and shipping services. We will discuss those options in detail in this article. We will discuss student storage London options in detail in this article.


1. Bystored Storage Packages:

Bystored has been a popular choice among students to avoiding extra stress after the semester. Bystored handles storage needs such that students may spend time on other issues.

Bystored offer free collection of student storage so that students may avoid heavy lifting. Also, they don’t need to waste time lifting their belongings from one place to another. 

Monthly plans of Bystored are quite flexible. so, nothing needs to be paid for space you don’t need.

● Bystored offers many services that make it distinct as compared to its competitors. It include:
○ ·        Digital Inventory
○ ·        Moving Vehicle with fuel
○ ·        Padlock and Liability coverage.

Bystored has collaborated with numerous top universities of the city and has been providing cheap student storage services for a long time. 

Living in London is costly, so students usually acquire cheap storage services. Bystored assists students are irrelevant to their education year over year according to their London self storage needs.

Moreover, if students are taking classes in London universities from any other country then Bystored works with particular companies to get the necessary student stuff over here in an easy and secure way.

Bystored offers units in various sizes so students never need to pay an extra amount. 

The smallest unit is 12 sq feet with a capacity of enhancement up to 400+ square feet.

Students may also avail of the option of short and long-term rental periods. Students use our cheap storage services mostly in winter or summer breaks. 

Students also avail boxes and packing materials offer whenever required.

Bystored Packages:

Bystored a variety of packages for students. You may find precise details about them as follows:

a. Lite:

Lite offers different packages including 4 large boxes or storage crates with a cost of £20.54 week/£89month.

b. Winter Pack:

It comes up with up to 12 storage boxes or 5 to 6 large suitcases at a cost of £109 month £25.15 week.

c. A Little more:

It comes up with a studio flat of area 5sqft. It includes 1 TV stand and 10 to 12 storage boxes at a price of £129 month or £29.77 week.

d. Store with friends:

It includes 30 crates with larger units typically.  It costs around 45.92 week/£199month.

2. Student Storage box:

They are one of the best solutions for student storage services in London. You will get free student storage boxes, free packing tape, and a free local move at the end of storage with a cost of £1.20 per box per week. Also, you may avail of the option of transferability of student storage boxes from one country to another in case of migration. 

3. Lovespace Packages:

Lovespace is also a renowned name for providing student storage packages for a decade almost. Lovespace delivers reliable storage packages in London with accessibility to hundreds of university residence halls and private student accommodation. They have 3 main categories of student storage packages which are as follows:

a.   Mini-move Storage:

It comes up with 5 medium boxes for 1 month. It is good for you if you’re moving between accommodation places.

b.   Summer Storage:

It comes up with 4 medium boxes, 1 suitcase for 4 months. It is ideal for those students who want to store their stuff and enjoy the summer holidays by storing a few things.

c . Placement of Student Storage:

It comes up with 4 medium, 1 large box for 12 months. It is a great option for storing your stuff over the entire academic year.

4. Access Box Storage:

Access box storage is another reputable name in the list of providing storage solutions to students. They collect boxes filled by students after delivering empty boxes and then wrap property and take it to a remote storage facility. They charge usually per box price.

It is a low-cost solution but students can’t usually access their stored stuff and also students can’t deliver personally more content. 

Self Storage Packages: 

Students choose the size of the unit according to their needs. Students are allowed to access their stored stuff during the daytime, evening, and weekends. The price is usually paid per square foot of space. Access storage Box Company has more than 55 stores in Britain. 

5. Storage Boys:

You may get student storage services for £1 per box per week. Students may avail of services from Monday to Saturday for delivery and collections. 

A student who wants to get services from storage boys, may call a member of the storage boys’ team or get a free quote online. Storage Brighton boys also deliver free packing materials along with gathering students’ stuff and re-deliver back to student accommodation when students are back from vacation.

Storage boys provide service not only in London but to other cities in UK as well. Student buys provide the following student storage boxes:

FREE Boxes: Delivered to your door.

BBStandard Box (41cm x 51cm x 31cm max 30kgs)

BBBig Box (41cm x 51cm x 61cm max 30kgs)

FREE Packing Materials, They supply quality Buff Tape and Bubble wrap.

Also delivery is free. 

Wrapping up:

The above companies provide the best student storage package in London and have affiliation with dozens of universities in England. Every year thousands of students get their services to meet their self storage needs. 

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