Carly Clark, who lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina and works for company Petsense, posted a Facebook status warning that the next female who tries to breastfeed in front of her kids “will get a black eye.” She added that she would “punch the baby, too.”
Obviously, this is one take that is way off the deep end—especially coming from a fellow woman and mother.
Immediately following the post online, social media users began to report the status and reach out to Petsense to take action.
Many thought that she deserved to be terminated immediately because what she said was threatening and vulgar.
Following the numerous complaints and outrage from mothers and others online, Petsense issued a statement saying that Clark had been fired from the company. They also issued an apology on the company’s behalf.
Many people were happy to see the company take action and stand on the right side of this argument.
One mother, in particular, seemed to have struck a nerve with Clark. Mother KimReindeau said she received a very nasty and snarky message from Clark.
The response wasn’t any better and only served to prove how badly she deserved to get fired.
A word to the wise—keep your disgusting opinions to yourself unless you want to lose your job.
Last night I was taking care of a party of 16 and a few other tables of just couples. The party of 16 was needy, but they were aware of it and remained friendly…except “Angie”…
The first incident with “Angie” was not taking her order first. I went around the table, got to her, and she let out a “jfc, about time. People are thirsty.” I continued with drink orders, walking around the table to place coasters, started walking away and heard “excuse me miss, but where is my drink???” I tell her “I haven’t left the table yet. It will be here shorty.” Her boyfriend, “Luis,” apologizes for her and I carry on with my routine.
The second incident was when Angie ate Rebecca’s appetizer (which was dropped off by a food runner). Angie’s excuse (which she uses again later on…) “How am I supposed to know what I ordered?”
Luis: “Babe, you didnt even order an appetizer.”
Angie (looking right at me): “Well this dumb bitch shouldn’t have put it in front of me if it wasn’t mine.”
Once again, apologies from Luis on Angie’s behalf.
Things like this continue to happen throughout the night. But the group is fun and I ignore it. Everyone is in conversation when I bring the checks. Luis tells me to put them next to him and he will pass them out.
I’m having a conversation with a lovely couple on their first date when Angie walks over to the table and starts yelling. “You’re so fucking lazy that you can’t even hand our checks to us. You just throw them on the fucking table. How are we supposed to know what we ordered??? You need to get our ass back to our table and quit talking to your friends and do your fucking job!!!”
The guy from the table I was talking to just looked at her like “wtf? This crazy bitch.” I’m looking at him like “I know, right?”
I tell her that I’ll get a manager and she can speak with them. I tell my manager everything and she just gets this wonderfully evil smile on her face. She tells me not to return to the table and to give the interrupted couple the employee discount and a dessert.
As I’m doing this, I look over and see Angie and Luis talking to my manager. Angie is waving her arms around like a wacky inflatable man. My manager is still smiling like a creep. Luis is rolling his eyes. Everyone signs their checks and leaves. I pick them up and see that the tips on all of them have been scratched out. I walk outside and see Rebecca #2, ask her about it, and she gets visibly pissed, and has the entire part resign copies of their checks. Luis and his brother come up to me, apologize again, and hand me $40 cash.
Then the best thing ever happens.. Luis walks downstairs to Angie. I have no idea what he said. But the entire floor heard “YOU’RE GONNA DUMP ME FOR SOME STUPID WAITRESS??? FUCK HER! FUCK YOU! YOU’RE A DUMB BITCH TOO!”
It just goes to show you—being kind goes a long way. Being rude to servers is wrong to begin with, but, who knows—you could end up getting dumped on Valentine’s Day by your boyfriend for being an absolute nightmare of a human being.
Twitter user Phteven decided to pretend he got stood up at an Outback Steakhouse to see if he would get a free steak out of the waiter’s guilt and sorrow for him. Honestly, it’s fucked up.
if I went to Outback Steakhouse by myself tonight and asked for a table for 2, then got progressively sadder as the night went on alone, do you think they’d give me my steak for free?
when I parked, I took the jumper cables in my trunk out of the bag they came in and stuff some shoebox paper I had in the backseat into it to make it look like a bought a present
He ended up staying there literally all night until the kitchen was closing.
it’s 9:45. the kitchen closes in 15 minutes. i’m going to wait until my waiter comes by and i’m gonna finish the wine in one swig from the decanter – no glass necessary
Then, he decided to order his steak (with only 15 minutes until the kitchen closes, rude).
i ordered my steak. this dude is walking on EGGSHELLS around me. i’ve never seen someone scoop glassware as smoothly as he took the untouched glass and empty decanter from the table
the waiter just talked to the bartender. i’m sitting in a booth at the bar and every single person within eye range has glanced at me at some point during the evening.
And, he turned on the drama for everyone to see—not to mention, he stayed way past closing at the restaurant, keeping everyone on staff stuck there.
steak’s here. blue cheese crumbles melted on top. restaurant’s closed. how long can I stare into the distance before taking a bite?
i took all my food to go. all. of. it. ate three bites of mac n cheese and never once touched the steak. my mans gave me a to go Dr Pepper so I’m leaving him a $20 tip
While some thought the plan was funny, others online thought it was rude, f*cked up, and annoying for someone to pretend to be stood up just to get money and a free meal—especially because you’re playing with people’s emotions.
I laughed, but…
Should’ve tipped more tbh. That’s a long time to take up a table on one of the busiest nights of the year (especially considering tips tend to be more generous on Valentine’s Day, too) 😬
I hope someone at the restaurant found this thread last night and your last drink was spit into. You tip the guy $20 to hog a stable and his section for 3 hours. You probably cost him at least fifty bucks if not a lot more. Way to go
A sad human making up a story to fulfill being a sad human while stiffing wait staff & getting a free meal when it could have gone to a Veteran. Got it.
One girl was called out by Redditors for being a total snob when she was proposed to by her boyfriend. In a post on social media that was shared online, the girl wrote:
While the ring is not a diamond, nor is it her “dream ring,” writing about it on social media and being ungrateful got this anonymous woman a lot of hate. In fact, people online were on the guy’s side here. Even those who agreed that the ring wasn’t their favorite still said that the girl was in the wrong for posting her complaints to social media rather than telling her man in the first place.
It’s a terrible engagement ring (pearls are soft and should only be worn occasionally) but don’t post to Facebook about it. I hope he realizes she will be doing this with all their problems and that’s super unhealthy.
There’s nothing wrong with the ring, it once belonged to his grandmother and it was Also the girls birthstone, it has far too much sentimental value and its the thought that counts. It was a nice gesture and Its an amazing Ring.
While I don’t love the ring myself, I would tell my boyfriend that I will keep it, but I’d rather wear something smaller on a daily basis—as many of us wear our engagement rings every day. I would be flattered that it was his grandmother’s ring, but probably wouldn’t want to wear it every day. But, I’d tell that to my boyfriend—not social media.
It’s incredible that we live in an era with self-driving cars and computers in our pockets, and yet there are still people out there who get offended by women breastfeeding in public.
If you are unwilling to admit there is a non-sexual purpose to the female breast, and that small children should be fed whenever they are hungry, then you’re the weirdo. Take one of those online “is this a male or female nipple?” quizzes if you disagree.
Anyway, an anonymous post written on the Dartford Gossip Facebook page a couple of years ago has been making the rounds once again, and you’ll fully understand why when you read it. It’s got everything! Drama, a grody husband, and body fluids.
“To the lady [at] Dartford park who thought it was appropriate to breastfeed her baby [whilst] my child and very easily distracted husband sat near by…I don’t think it was necessary for you to react the way you did just because I asked you to go somewhere private, telling me to f**k off and squirting me with your boobs was incredibly uncalled for. I hope you are ashamed of yourself!”
In case you missed that penultimate sentence:
While most people agreed that the breastfeeding mother’s reaction was a tad uncalled for, the general consensus seemed to be: If your husband is that easily distracted, find yourself a new one.
Also: Get a grip, lady!
What is it with people and nipples, anyway? Why is there more outrage over female nipples than male nipples? Why is there any outrage at all? Will we, as a society, ever come to an agreed understanding that all nipples are created equal?
That being said, it’s never cool to splash bodily fluids on someone without their consent, no matter how much of a twat they’re being.
26-year-old Tara Natasha from Cardiff, Wales recently shared the story of how she was sexually harassed online by a guy who would not stop sending her d*ck pics.
Natasha said that she had gotten an add on Snapchat from a random guy and immediately, he sent her two XXX photos right there in her Snap messages.
“It was 1am when I got a random add on my Snapchat. The guy immediately sent me two photos of him naked and one of his face. I completely ignored it at first, but half an hour later he sent me a crude message.”
After ignoring him, Natasha realized the guy wasn’t going to leave her alone. So, instead, she decided to troll him sarcastically. However, he didn’t think that it was sarcasm and instead thought that Natasha was trying to meet up with him. Like anyone else, she went with it to troll him even more.
Instead of sending him her exact address, Natasha sent him to somewhere that anyone would know—Buckingham Palace. Turns out, this guy knows nothing and immediately was ready to invade the palace all to get some action.
She added:
“It was so funny I couldn’t cope. When he was approaching Buckingham Palace, he still didn’t click.”
Natasha said:
“He then realized and he just went mad, he did not appreciate it at all. He told he had drove forty minutes from outside of London and had spent so much money on petrol.”
“He then started sending me abusive messages. He started threatening me and told me he would come find me. I just had to end up blocking him. I do hope he has calmed down now, and just sees it as a bit of banter.”
Having the balls to message someone on social media—or “slide into their DMs as the kids like to call it—takes serious guts. Not everyone has the confidence to hit on a complete stranger on social media. However, some enjoy the thrill of being able to hide behind the front of a keyboard and a screen. And, even if you’re the type to message people online, you should respect when they say “no,” or “uninterested.” But, everyone with a social media account knows this is never the case. Like, this married woman who was messaged online by a stranger who couldn’t take “no” for an answer…even after she blocked him.
He had an entire saga planned on how to approach her.
But, from the start, she said she was uninterested—especially in this weird role play sh*t.
And, that didn’t stop him.
She even told him that she’s married.
But, that didn’t stop him, either.
She couldn’t keep it together over the stupidity.
After blocking him, he made another account to message her.
And, he didn’t stop there, either.
She even tried in other languages to turn him down.
But, he wasn’t done.
However, she was.
Thank God I don’t use social media a lot because—nope.
When it comes to watching TV and movies, almost everyone streams today. Whether it’s Netflix, Hulu, or premium networks—we all stream (and binge) everything. Long gone are the days where we all pay for cable, nope—we can get everything we need online. But, let’s be real, not all of us pay to stream. Many of us rely on our significant others, families, and friends to pay their bills in order for us to watch entertainment.
But, what do you do when you break up with someone, or stop speaking to someone, and they forget to pay their bill? Would you hit them up anyway begging them to pay so you can still watch The Office for the 100th time? One Reddit user shared a text that a friend of theirs received from a complete stranger after he forgot to pay his Netflix bill. Apparently, his ex gave his password out to friends of theirs from a while back and he rudely requested he “pay his bill.”
Wow, the balls of this dude! Apparently, a lot of people can relate to this, too.
Funny story I once had a girl post on instagram the day after breaking up with me “TFW you break up with your man but still have his HBO”
She quickly lost access after I contacted customer support to log out all users on my account.
PSA: I got an email yesterday from hulu saying a device had been added to my account from China so I checked all the devices on my account and it turns out there were about 6 different devices added from all over the world dating back 5 years. I was never notified until the China one.
One of my friends asked if he could use my Netflix til he paid for his in a few days. I said I didnt have one so I set up a free trial for him to use. I forgot about it til about 2 weeks later when I went to cancel the trial. I looked and he had deleted my profile and changed it to his and his gfs name! Quickly cancelled the trial, changed the password, and logged him out. Fuck you
I broke up with my ex but it was amicable so I let him continue to use my Netflix. He apparently gave my info to his new gf AND her 2 kids because one evening I am kicked off my own Netflix because ‘too many people are watching at once’. So I do a polite sign out of all devices and hope that he will get the hint and I thought he didn’t remember my password. The next morning I wake up to an email saying that someone logged into my account and upgraded me to the premium 4 screen viewing package and here is the new higher price that I would be paying all by myself! Needless to say I was quite annoyed and I changed my password immediately and reverted to my original plan and haven’t spoken to him since.
For many women who are plus-sized, they experience some traumatizing moments while having to try on clothing and look for their size in stores. Not everyone who works in retail are understanding and kind—in fact, most are not. There are dozens of times where people avoid going shopping altogether because they don’t want to feel as though they’re being judged and ridiculed for their size. BuzzFeed recently asked users to share their traumatizing experiences to shed light on how cruel retail workers and everyday people can be—and, hopefully, inspire more people to be kind.
In high school I want prom dress shopping at a little dress store in the mall. I grabbed a dress to try on and asked the shop lady for a dressing room. She looked me up and down, took the dress out of my hands, and said “there is nothing in my store that will fit YOU” while pointing up and down and across my midsection. Then she asked me to leave.
When I went dress shopping for prom with just me and my other plus sized friend, we went to the store in our town where most people go for prom. We got there and they said that they were not ordering in extra sizes this year, and they decided to do as system where they only had what was on the rack only. We ask if they have a plus size section and they lead us straight to the clearance rack, which only had about 4 plus sizes and they we’re all extremely ugly. We asked if that was all that was left they said that was about all they ordered in. My friend almost cried because it just felt so embarrassing to go into that store and the only dresses they had that might fit you are ugly and aren’t even the right plus size. It felt kinda like they were saying if your bigger or a fatter that you can’t wear pretty dresses like the rest of the skinny girls. It just felt very size discriminatory Luckily we found a store that had a lot of beautiful plus sizes. But the experience we had at that dress shop was disheartening and we will never be going back.
Went to VS for something new to wear for my six year anniversary with my fiancé. Couldn’t find anything in my size. So I asked one of the girls to help and she said to me “well maybe once you lose some weight, we’ll find something in your size!”
Yeah I left the store in tears.