What These Women Really Think About Men Who Are Uncircumcised

We talk about sexual preferences a lot—things we like, things we don’t like, and just experiences in general. However, one aspect that doesn’t get talked about as much as it should is circumcision.

Some people prefer their partner to be circumcised, while others could care less. Personally, I don’t feel it’s my place to judge someone for something they have no control over. It’s not like they were consulted at infancy as to whether or not they wanted to be one way or the other.

That being said, it’s also okay to have your preferences. Whisper consulted women on their opinions regarding uncircumcised guys and their responses might just surprise you.

1. People are so quick to judge.

2. It’s a dealbreaker for some.

3. For others, it’s a huge bonus.

4. It can depend on the person.

5. Some people just aren’t fans.

6. It’s not for everyone.

7. Cleanliness is important.

8. Again, cleanliness.

9. Different doesn’t have to be bad.

10. Amen.

11. Some are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

12. Don’t kick it ’til you try it.

13. Truth.

14. There’s definitely an upside.

15. Just one person’s opinion.

16. It doesn’t have to be a secret.

17. They’re a rare breed.

18. Agreed.

19. It’s not even a factor for some.

20. Others prefer their guys au naturale.

This Guy’s Story Of His Haunted Ouija Board Experience Will Make You Swear Off The Game Forever

TIf you’ve ever used a Ouija Board, you’d know that those things can seriously be haunted. Maybe you believe in spirits, maybe you don’t—but, for many of us, Ouija Boards have given us some spooky times and haunting moments. Marcus Hitchcock shared the story of using a Ouija Board and, the story is so messed up, you will swear off every playing the game again—for real. Even Marcus himself says he will never play again.

Apparently, Marcus’ aunt was living in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. She didn’t evacuate and instead, she died.

But, Marcus’ aunt was also into some spooky sh*t.

Things just got weirder and weirder from there.

I’d probably poop in my pants.

Oh My God.


I’m sweating.

I wouldn’t go back there either! GTFO!


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever touch a Ouija Board…ever.

This Guy’s Story Of His Haunted Ouija Board Experience Will Make You Swear Off The Game Forever

If you’ve ever used a Ouija Board, you’d know that those things can seriously be haunted. Maybe you believe in spirits, maybe you don’t—but, for many of us, Ouija Boards have given us some spooky times and haunting moments. Marcus Hitchcock shared the story of using a Ouija Board and, the story is so messed up, you will swear off every playing the game again—for real. Even Marcus himself says he will never play again.

Apparently, Marcus’ aunt was living in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. She didn’t evacuate and instead, she died.

But, Marcus’ aunt was also into some spooky sh*t.

Things just got weirder and weirder from there.

I’d probably poop in my pants.

Oh My God.


I’m sweating.

I wouldn’t go back there either! GTFO!


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever touch a Quija Board…ever.

15 True Crime Facts That Will Keep You Tossing And Turning All Night Long

While there are many people addicted to crime TV shows like Law & Order and CSI, there are those who get high off of the traumatic and terrifying stories of true crime–ones that actually took place somewhere around the world. My boyfriend is one of these people–he can binge watch true crime TV shows and documentaries for hours, feeding off of sociopaths and psychotic episodes.
Continue reading 15 True Crime Facts That Will Keep You Tossing And Turning All Night Long

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