29 Jokes That’ll Make You Laugh, Unless You’re A Middle-Aged Woman

For a while now, the wonderful people of the Internet who come up with our brilliant memes and jokes have had a vendetta against middle-aged women. You know, the moms who are unhappy with their lives and love to pick on us youngsters for our taste in–everything. The Carol’s, the Karen’s, the Janets, and the Debra’s of the world are always coming at us from out of nowhere with probing questions about why we do what we do. But, we have no time for their trash and instead, we turn them into the butt of every one of our jokes.









This Student’s Viral Shoe-Cleaning Hack Has Truly Miraculous Results

If you’ve ever owned a pair of sneakers made almost exclusively of canvas and rubber, then you’ve also probably seen them devolve into an almost-unrecognizable stinky pair of nasties. An old pair of Chucks or Keds, while perfectly worn-in and molded to your individual feet, is simply not the prettiest sight.

But I’ve always just assumed the move in this type of situation was to lace ’em up and chuck ’em over a telephone line. Never could I have dreamed that my pair of eggshell-colored hi-tops might be restored to their original brilliance…until now.

Texas college student Sarah Tracey had a tweet go viral when she shared side-by-side before and after pictures of her white Chucks. On the left, a raggedy super dirty shoe. On the right, the same shoes but literally brand-new looking. “I am a miracle worker,” she wrote.

After questions concerning the ‘how, exactly’ of this miracle flooded Tracey’s inbox, she shared her magical cleaning recipe, which has since been retweeted 100K times and favorited over 319K times:

This Guy Pulling Out The Longest Ingrown Hair Ever Needs To Go To Jail Right Now

The following video is so disturbing it should be illegal. I am serious. Arrest this man. That’s how foul this is. Do not say I didn’t warn you.

“Ok this is the craziest thing I’ve had this gigantic black mark on my face for months and it looks like it’s literally a pound of hair,” says the man in the video, as he commences to pull out what can only be described as Cher’s full head of hair from the 1990 classic Mermaids.

I assume these are his girlfriend’s pink tweezers he is using. Girlfriend, lose the man and burn those tweezers. You did nothing to deserve this, you poor sweet baby angel.

This Guy’s Story About His Psycho Ex Is So Insane, I Need 10 Therapy Sessions To Deal With It

When we hear stories about people’s “crazy exes,” at first, we’re skeptical. But, the more we hear about their psycho ways, the more we realize it’s safer to never date anyone at all, ever, than to end up in a relationship with someone who is this crazy. Twitter user @Hoemar___  took us on a journey of ridiculous twists and turns when he decided to share the story of his psycho ex with all of his followers.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, it gets even worse.

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