21 Feelings All Women Can Agree Are Better Than Sex

Sex is pretty great, no secret there. However, there are some things that come pretty close—if not exceed—how good sex feels. Slipping your bra off through your shirt sleeve at the end of the day, for example, or perhaps just having the bed all to yourself without someone waking you up. These are just a few of the many things that women can agree feel better than getting down and dirty.

1. Freedom from booby prison.

2. A literary climax.


3. An excellent writing utensil.


4. Coffee, always coffee.


5. Your own personal workout facility.


6. Perfect timing.


7. Returning to a lucid dream.


8. Solo slumber.

Doctor’s Viral Thread About Late Term Abortions Explains Why They Should Be Legal

Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in the country, and that’s saying a lot because we have plenty of divisive issues. So when New York state passed a bill allowing late-term abortions in cases where the health of the mother is endangered or strongly compromised, the backlash was quick and strong.
Continue reading Doctor’s Viral Thread About Late Term Abortions Explains Why They Should Be Legal

What These Women Really Think About Men Who Are Uncircumcised

We talk about sexual preferences a lot—things we like, things we don’t like, and just experiences in general. However, one aspect that doesn’t get talked about as much as it should is circumcision.

Some people prefer their partner to be circumcised, while others could care less. Personally, I don’t feel it’s my place to judge someone for something they have no control over. It’s not like they were consulted at infancy as to whether or not they wanted to be one way or the other.

That being said, it’s also okay to have your preferences. Whisper consulted women on their opinions regarding uncircumcised guys and their responses might just surprise you.

1. People are so quick to judge.

2. It’s a dealbreaker for some.

3. For others, it’s a huge bonus.

4. It can depend on the person.

5. Some people just aren’t fans.

6. It’s not for everyone.

7. Cleanliness is important.

8. Again, cleanliness.

9. Different doesn’t have to be bad.

10. Amen.

11. Some are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

12. Don’t kick it ’til you try it.

13. Truth.

14. There’s definitely an upside.

15. Just one person’s opinion.

16. It doesn’t have to be a secret.

17. They’re a rare breed.

18. Agreed.

19. It’s not even a factor for some.

20. Others prefer their guys au naturale.

Doctor Dumps Boyfriend Who Complained About The Smell Of Her Lady Parts

Women have long been made to feel insecure about the smell of our nether regions. It’s stupid and ridiculous, but it’s also enough to make some women do whatever it takes to make sure that their lady parts smell like pretty much anything other than lady parts.

But a recent blog post by gynecologist Jen Gunter is warning women of the danger of using products to change the smell down there. She writes about women so desperate to change their odor that they use Vick’s VapoRub on their genitals. AAHHH NO! But yes.

In her post, she wrote,

“For what I am sure is the 100th time the vagina needs no cleaning and the vulva needs very little. I know the array of useless feminine washes and wipes at the drugstore and the drivel spouted by Gwyneth Paltrow via GOOP imply otherwise, but I’m the actual expert.”

She also detailed her experience with someone who tried to shame her for her natural body smell.

I once dated a guy who insinuated my vagina did not smell right. He was an ass in other ways too, but I just didn’t see it until he impugned my vagina. For example, he thought my hair would be better if it were straight. Sadly I took the bait, it wasn’t. He thought I would look better if I dressed a certain way. Again I took the bait. I just felt worse.

When it came around to telling me how my vagina could be better it finally clicked that this is a form of control that men often use. Fortunately I am an appropriately confident vagina expert and I had a light bulb moment and dumped his sorry ass.

She also wrote that if a woman does really think she has a weird smell, she should see a medical professional, but that any partner who thinks a woman needs to change her normal smell is the one with the problem.

If you think you have a medical condition, see a doctor. If your partner insinuates that an artificial smell is preferable to the smell of a normal vagina they are the one who has an issue. Telling women how they can be better is a classic way of tapping into body image issues and honestly in my personal opinion it is a form of abuse.

Remember, this woman is an expert on the subject. Women, don’t let other people make you feel self-conscious about your body in any way.

Chart Shaming Working Moms While Praising Stay At Home Moms Is Making People Furious

The decision of whether or not to work is one many moms have to make. They may need to return to work after taking maternity leave because they need the money, or they may be able to stay home with their kids if they so decide. One thing is for sure, though—raising kids is very expensive.

A lot of moms might want to stay home with their children for the first few years (if possible), but then want to return to their jobs. It’s really a personal decision and one that’s very much dictated by a mom’s financial situation as well as how career-focused she is. And a woman can care about work as well as kids; it doesn’t have to be one or the other.

There are obviously pros and cons to both being a working mom or a stay-at-home one. It’s not easy to simplify. That’s why this simplistic hand-written chart posted on Facebook is causing so much controversy online—because it compares working moms unfavorably to stay-at-home moms without providing any sorts of actual facts or data.

Facebook: The Transformed Wife

This chart is so stupid. It makes all kinds of inferences about the lives of working moms as opposed to those of stay-at-home moms. It doesn’t take into account any outside factors and it lumps allll working moms into one group and alllll stay-at-home ones into another.

What mom has enough energy for intimacy with her husband “frequently”? Even a stay-at-home mom has been busy all day with kids. And I assume with the cleaning and shopping, too, since she’s not doing it on the weekends, according to the chart (another ridiculous notion).

The page where the chart was posted, The Transformed Wife, is a Christian page, and the writer has strong opinions about the place of women in the world. But the bible never said anything about moms having to stay home instead of work, or about the quality of care received by children with working moms.

The chart is, of course, being dragged into the middle of next week on Facebook, where tons of people have posted comments. Pretty much everyone agrees it’s idiotic, stay-at-home moms and working ones alike.

I’d love to see this “perfect” woman described in the stay-at-home mom category—her house is so clean she doesn’t have to spend time cleaning on weekends, and she has time to cook a nutritious meal from scratch every night. But I don’t think she actually exists.

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