Any die-hard makeup addict knows that a quality cosmetic is an investment. The best palettes might eat away your paycheck, but there’s no comparison to a new eye shadow from Tarte, MAC, or any of those other name brands.
That being said, people who love makeup treasure it and don’t take kindly to those who do not. If you’re a true makeup addict, then any and all of these photoswill feel like an all-out assault on everything you hold dear.
1. This palette that suffered an extreme tragedy.
2. This proof that 2-year-olds should never be left alone.
3. This lipstick that passed before its time.
4. This sneaky doggo that got into its owner’s purse.
5. These unsightly lipstick-stained teeth.
Getty Images
6. This horrific aftermath of liquid eyeliner.
7. This fake eyelash that couldn’t handle the pressure.
8. These clump-tastic lashes.
9. This deeply disturbing use of cosmetics.
10. This tragically sabotaged makeup collection.
11. This highlighter that has a permanent paw print.
12. This sign that there is such a thing as too much foundation.
13. These falsies that are desperately attempting to flee.
14. This beauty blender full of mold.
15. This alarming photo of someone eating foundation.
16. This mom who almost glued a dead fly to her lashes.
17. This straight-up cakiness.
18. This neck and face that don’t quite match up.
19. This assault on makeup lovers everywhere.
20. This unfortunate lash rip.
21. R.I.P. this brand new Too Faced palette.
22. These brows that are being used for jump rope.
23. This phone that was used by someone who wears a lot of makeup…
24. This driveby that left no survivors.
25. And lastly, this MAC concealer that never stood a chance.
Celebrity homes tend to be fairly extravagant. When you have the money to put into your dream house, the possibilities are endless. However, not every star’s residence makes us green with envy. Kim K and Kanye’s house, for example, is probably one of the most terrifying places in California.
On Valentine’s Day, Kanye West surprised Kim Kardashian with a private performance from the one and only Kenny G who was surrounded by hundreds of roses in the couple’s home.
And while most people were focused on Kanye’s romantic gesture, we couldn’t help but feel slightly unsettled by the look of their house.
I mean, are they getting ready to sacrifice a virgin in there or what?
This isn’t the first time Kanye has shown off his $60 million castle, though. Last April, the artist posted a series of photos from deep inside the house of horrors…
Dining room or mausoleum? We’ll let you decide.
Kanye shared more photos of the torture house on Kim’s birthday.
Um, excuse me, what kind of Shining bs is happening here?
And can we talk about these horrifying decorations?
Don’t even get us started on the bathroom…
It looks like the beginning of a Saw movie, and I for one will not be waiting around for this guy to show up.
Of course, we aren’t the only ones who are disturbed and confused by the West house of terror.
While many celebrities and rappers have opted for face tattoos in current pop culture, there are some negative factors that come with having face tattoos. For one—they will be noticed first and foremost when you meet someone for the very first time, so, you might want to get something appropriate and normal. But, if you’re going to ink your body, why not keep your face clean and go for somewhere else—right?
One singer who goes by the name of Kelsy Karter decided to forgo my solid advice and just go balls to the wall and get a face tattoo…of, Harry Styles.
Karter happened to drop a new single this week—called Harry—about her love for Harry Styles. But, she tells New Zealand radio station that the tattoo had “nothing to do with the single,” just of her love for the British pop singer.
She said:
“I’m a big fan of Harry and I’m not afraid to express it and I honestly don’t know how to do anything half-assed.”
Aside from being hella famous for her brand new face tattoo, Karter’s music isn’t too bad. It’s a pretty edgy pop version of Lana and, if I’m being honest, I dig it.
When taking your dog to a trainer or training organization, you expect high, professional care. Animals and pets are like our family and we want them to be treated with dignity, kindness, and respect. But, one woman was left crushed and angry when she lost her dog, Ollie, after leaving him with a trainer. Rachel Grace Tyrer from Jonesboro, Arkansas is asking the Internet for help after leaving her dog with Hunter Nelson’s Four Legged Retrievers, a training program.
According to Tyrer, the program was supposed to be 4 weeks long. Instead, Ollie was left with Hunter Nelson for 11 weeks, and, eventually told Tyrer that Ollie had “died.” In a Facebook post, Tyrer shared her story saying:
Hunter Nelson, owner of Four Legged Retrievers, was training my dog, who died in his care. Ollie went to Hunter for a 4 week basic obedience program on August 13th that ended up lasting 11 weeks. We had mid day training appointments scheduled several times, which ended in Hunter never showing up and/or having excuses to reschedule. I was so excited to see Ollie and get to love on him for a little bit. Around week 10 of training, I finally was fed up of not seeing my dog and demanded to go pick him up. The morning I was supposed to go pick him up, Hunter sent me a text to tell me that Ollie had been “bit by a snake”. Hunter said he took him straight to the vet, gave him Benadryl, and that it was a non-poisonous snake.
Per Hunter, the vet said Ollie had a 100% chance he was going to survive. That night he stayed at the vet because the swelling was getting worse. I was supposed to pick him up from poplar bluff vets office on Wednesday morning. I got a text at 3:19 am that Ollie had passed away from “swelling”. Not a call, but a text. Hunter took it upon himself to bury Ollie without any concerns of how and where I would want him buried. I didn’t get the text until 7 AM when I woke up and Hunter had already buried him without my permission. He was evidently buried with his green collar and razorback tag still on his neck. I have no proof or any idea where Ollie was buried at besides it was on Hunter’s property.
Hunter was so disrespectful that morning that he couldn’t even give me five minutes out of his day to give me the vets office phone number and name or call me just to comfort me and explain what exactly happened, as I was extremely emotional. When he would not give me the vets paperwork or phone number or explain really what happened, my stomach started to tell me that something was very wrong. Hunter has since then not let me see my dog, give me paperwork, and has continued to lie to me about three different vet offices of which Ollie went to, trying to cover himself up. Originally my Ollie went to go see a “Dr. Hart” in Polar Bluff. I called every vet around that area and had not found one Dr. Hart. I brought that up to Hunter and he said that he went to the Corning vet, which I also called and they did not know of a Dr. Hart either. He then said that Ollie actually went to Paragould Animal Clinic, which I called and asked for a Dr. Hart. Of course, there was no Dr. Hart at that clinic. The vet also did not have hunters name, business name, my name, or my dogs name anywhere in their system. They never even saw a dog with a snake bite in the month of October with the name last name Nelson or dog name of Ollie.
Since then I have found out about SEVERAL people who have dealt with him with bad outcomes. Their dogs, like mine, have also been abused, sold, or “bit by a snake”. After talking to Hunter the past three months I have uncovered that Ollie never went to a vet and died “immediately” in Hunters care, due to a COTTON MOUTH bite. He is continually trying to pay me off to not post anything on Facebook or social media. He does not care that my dog died, he just wants to cover it up for his sake. If you want your dog to die, be sold, or come home in complete horrible health and not trained AT ALL, then take your dog to Hunter Nelson. Hunter has only wanted to help when I threatened to post anything on Facebook or get into any legal action. I don’t even know where my Ollie is at, if he really did die, if he is suffering still in Hunter’s care, or was sold. Ollie was and still is my baby and I adopted him to give him a better life. I would’ve never have thought for a second anyone could’ve been so cold-hearted and cruel. We need justice for Ollie and ALL the other dogs, which have been more than I want to imagine, that have been mistreated by Hunter Nelson. Please help and share this post. My sweet baby didn’t deserve to die like that, especially without his puppy parents by his side. What if this was you?
Additionally, Tyrer shared all of the screenshots of text messages between her and Hunter to prove he was giving her the runaround.
People online are now trying to get justice for Ollie and find out where he is. Many people found Hunter Nelson’s Twitter account and began asking where Ollie is.
You’re gonna be better off admitting the dog is alive than continuing to lie. #justiceforollie
Anyone around NE Arkansas please beware! @hunter_nelson12 owns 4 legged Retrievers. He is nothing but a crooked mofo! Do not send your dogs to him for training. He has been known to sell/ harm peoples dogs while in his care. PLEASE SHARE #Justiceforollie
Sometimes people do things and we can’t understand why. No matter how long we think about it, and how hard we try to understand, there are some situations that are out of our grasp and understanding of humanity. Like, this one woman on Reddit who shared her “Today I F**ked Up” story for all of the Internet to judge her upon—she decided it would be “fun” to swallow her sister’s birthday gift. What is the gift you ask? A gold ring with her sister’s birthstone.
Honestly—I’m not sure how or why this was supposed to be funny, and, others were equally confused.
Having a child with your significant other is a huge step forward in any relationship. But, with great power comes great responsibility—and, with having a baby comes a lot of hard decisions to make. First and foremost: naming your baby. Many couples tend to disagree on baby names—maybe the wife wants to name her baby after her dead father, the husband wants to name his baby after his dead grandma, etc. Frankly, naming a baby can be complicated for many couples—but, in particular, one Reddit user is going through a rough time with her husband due to his baby name suggestion and, I don’t necessarily blame her.
This title might look funny but its an actual problem between me (23F) and my husband (24M). We’ve been dating for a year, been married for 2 years. I got pregnant like 7 months ago so recently we started discussing name for the baby. Ever since we found out its gonna be a girl my husband wants to name it like his exes name. Its not any ex but the one he dated for long period of time and loved the most. In the beginning of our relationship we had may problems because of her but she moved away so the problems went away. He really loved her and he never hid that from me but I thought it was over once she moved away. Now he made it clear that he wants the baby to have that name and I can name the second child. When I asked him why does he want that name so badly he said just because he and his ex didnt work out doesnt mean he doesnt want something to keep reminding him of her. He doesnt understand how much its affecting me and keeps saying its just the hormones. Is he still in love with the ex or its normal that he wants to name OUR child like that.
Thank you!
Essentially, if my husband wanted to name our child after an ex, I’d be a bit weirded out, too. No matter if they were still in touch or not—he was once in love with her and I wouldn’t want my child to be a constant reminder of my husband’s ex. Would it be enough to divorce my husband? Probably not. But, I’d never let my baby be named after his ex, for sure.
Many on Reddit agreed that the husband was being insensitive.
I’m more concerned about his lack of respect for you as his partner, his number one, his wife. You might try relationship counseling but I suspect his disrespect extends beyond the baby naming issue.
When your daughter gets older how do you explain that to her? “Oh honey, daddy wanted to name you after an ex girlfriend because even though things didn’t work out with them, that doesn’t mean he didn’t want to be reminded of her every single day.”
I mean really?
That’s why you keep a card or maybe a picture? Like nothing is more creepy than this.
I don’t know if he’s still in love with her and just settled with you, or if he is just really stupid. To blame it on your hormones is a joke.
I’m a girl who was named after my dad’s lover (mom had no idea) and I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE my name. He just casually told me on one occasion. In general, the name is beautiful but when I think about the reason why was I named like that it makes me puke. So for the love of god don’t ever name your child by your ex partner, it will bring a bitter taste to your child’s mouth (pondering of renaming myself in the future, yes it’s that dreadful for me).
Tell him that you want to name your second child after one of your previous fuck buddies because the sex was so good you just want to be reminded of it even though things didn’t work out.
Like seriously what the fuck is he thinking. I don’t know your husband’s feelings towards his ex but it’s not normal.
A Visalia teacher from University Preparatory High School has been arrested and removed from her classroom after a viral video shows her forcibly cutting off student’s hair in the classroom. Thanks to student’s cell phones and Reddit, Margaret Gieszinger, was arrested with suspicion of felony child endangerment. Her bail was set at $100,000.
The video, which was shared several times on social media, showed the science teacher cutting a student’s hair while singing the National Anthem. After the student gets up from the chair, the teacher proceeds to try to grab a female student’s hair and cut it. Students began to run out of the classroom following this.
“When everything was going on I was terrified, and I so badly wanted to blame her. I was scared she was going to come back. What she did to my classmates and I is inexcusable. I am not trying to make excuses for her, I simply ask everyone to reconsider how they view her. She is a loving and kind lady. She is usually all smiles and laughs. This is not the Miss G. we know and love.”
Additionally, students claimed that the teacher was showing strange behavior prior to the hair-cutting incident. According to students, a science test had gone missing earlier in the week and Gieszinger blamed students—making one cry. However, the administration had “ignored student’s complaints.”
Jim Vidak, superintendent of Tulare County schools, issued a statement saying:
“The staff at University Preparatory High School and the administration at the Tulare County Office of Education are deeply concerned for the students who were subjected to the disturbing behavior in Margaret Gieszinger’s class yesterday morning. To support all students on the UPHS campus today, we have sent top counselors from our mental health services program. They will continue to be available to the students as long as necessary.”
The original post was put on her Facebook page and outlined a very specific request for outfits from all the guests. The wedding, which is “a year away in Hawaii,” broke down what each guest should wear according to their gender, age, and weight. Additionally, the bride said her guests should plan to spend $1,000+ for their outfits (not even considering the trip itself and the wedding gift).
After many people who saw the post screenshotted and reshared it online—trolling and shaming her—the bride went back to social media to respond to all the negative vibes being thrown her way. Not only did she shame “whoever it was who posted it again,” but, she also said she was going to have all her friends and family over for a “Polygraph Party.” Yes, that’s right, she wanted to have people over to take a lie detector test just to find out who reposted her original attire request. Talk about insanity.
After her long-winded explanation and more yelling, more people on Reddit were honest.
She’s just a gift that keeps on giving.
Meanwhile I would certainly trust a $100 lie detector bought off Amazon. /s
I hope it reads like everyone is lying. Even her husband.
But, it seems as though my fears may have some validation, as a study revealed that putting contacts in your eye can lead to some horrifying complications. According to a report in the British Medical Journal, a U.K. surgeon discovered a mass in a 67-year-old patient’s eye that was bothering her, and when they checked out what it was, it turned out that it was 27 contact lenses. 27 CONTACT LENSES STUCK IN HER EYE. AT THE SAME TIME.
Now, I know you’re wondering one thing—how the hell can someone not realize they had all of these contact lenses in their eye? According to the report, the patient had worn “monthly contacts” and had no issues—but, it seems as though the discovery was made when she was getting cataract surgery.
British Medical Journal
The mass was reportedly blue and “hard.” No sh*t it was hard…imagine having all 27 contact lenses glued together in your eye-socket?!? How on earth this woman not remember to take out her contacts? It turns out, she thought she dropped them, every time she couldn’t find the one to take out. Oh. Okay. No problem.
The doctors in the study and report say that it’s record-breaking—they’ve had patients who have lost a contact or two, but never 27.
Let this be a warning for you all who love to stick things in your eyes—take the damn things out!
Girls always joke on social media about having a “sugar daddy.” If you’re unaware, a sugar daddy is an older guy who seeks “companionship” from a younger woman in exchange for money, clothes, cars, etc.
Sometimes it’s just companionship, other times it’s…other stuff. But, there are plenty of “sugar babies” who are perfectly happy going to dinners, events and other outings with older men in exchange for a nice gift/payment. More power to you, ladies, you get yours. While it can be a great situation for all parties involved, sometimes it ends badly for everyone. One Twitter user, @JayAFoolBro told the story of his cousin and her sugar daddy and – the ending…well…just take a look.