Not loaning money because it could potentially put you in a bad position.
Calling out of work when you’re really sick.
People get so much crap for calling out but personally I’d rather someone stay home and not infect the whole place.
Acknowledging that you don’t have the power/resources to care for a loved one and seeking help from a nursing home or adult protective services.
Dementia is no f**king joke and it can slowly kill the souls of the family as well as the person suffering from the disease. Caregiver burnout can lead to psychoses, heart attacks, strokes, and suicide. These diseases can cause sufferers to become abusive and violent. The commercial ideal of the well-kept grandma who occasionally forgets things is so, so far from the truth for many families.
It’s sad and causes so much guilt and anguish, but that’s the reality we must live with.
Being proud of your work. I have a friend who’s an awesome artist but always says “I don’t wanna be stuck up” or “I don’t wanna sounds selfish, but I’m very proud of this piece” like good bitch. That’s some good fucking art, show off what you got.
Just wanting to be left alone.
Leaving a relationship even though the other person is threatening that they will kill them selves. Went through this in my first relationship ever and it was fucked. He’s still alive so I know he was just trying to manipulate me.
Not donating money at drive-thru’s, convenience stores, department stores, etc. Most of the organizations are extremely top heavy and a very small portion of the donated amount actually goes towards what you’re donating to.
Not wanting to go to your destination wedding. Don’t get me wrong, I love you both, and would love to celebrate your nuptials but I’m not taking my vacation time or spending money on airplane tickets, hotels, activities, and gifts because you thought it would be cool get married in Jamaica in March.
Self care. I try to treat myself once a month to something, be it have my nails done, hair cut, massage, etc. Every freaking time I do, SOMEONE has to say, “Wow, must be nice. Wish I could do that.” You can, Susan. Don’t buy lunch from work every day and you could easily do whatever it is that I did.
Not wanting to contribute to the leaving gift for a coworker that you barely knew.