Adventure Book Dating Tips for a Healthy Relationship

Are you in a healthy relationship? Building and maintaining a connection with your adorable partner is trickier than it seems.

Having such a connection means nurturing positive interactions while avoiding negative emotions, discussing your conflicts, respecting the boundaries, sparing daily time for communication, having fun, etc.

Individuals in unhealthy relationships are constantly controlled and humiliated, as well as disrespected and intimidated. No person deserves to feel dependent and controlled by his/her partner.

The adventure book tips below will help you build a good connection with the person you love.


Make deposits in the emotional bank account

The emotional bank account term was coined to describe the combination of negative and positive interactions in a relationship. Following a negative interaction, couples need twenty positive interactions to restore the emotional balance back to normal. Examples of negative interactions include having a fight, being ignored, feeling disappointed, etc. Find out how to keep negativity out of your marriage.

A healthy relationship means positive interactions always outnumber negative ones. Making deposits to the emotional bank account is done by creating positive interactions on a regular basis, like flirting, being a good listener, making a cup of coffee for your partner, celebrating small achievements, and other small gestures. If you don’t recall the last time you’ve deposited in your relationship account, it’s definitely time to make some changes. 


Always discuss your conflicts

Another dating tip for building a healthy relationship is to discuss your conflicts. After having a fight, many couples wish to move on by pretending the conflict ever happened. In such scenarios, both partners are relieved to be back on the same page without considering the potential buildup of negative emotions in the background. 

While such behavior is somewhat understandable, a healthy relationship means talking through the conflict and preventing destructive patterns from repeating in the future. The more you ignore your conflicts, the more resentful you are to become. Partners in a functional relationship learn lessons from past mistakes and discuss what to do differently when facing a future conflict. 

Additionally, by discussing conflicts, partners look for the source of the problem, whether it is superficial or serious. Couples striving to build a healthy relationship should be prepared to constantly work on their communication, as communication is key for growing and changing positively. Evolution is indispensable for every relationship, and couples should learn to embrace it. 


Create a conflict contract

Another helpful dating tip for building and maintaining a healthy relationship is having a conflict contract. These relationships are based on trust and have boundaries, which must be respected in order for nobody to get hurt. Nevertheless, when fear, anger, or jealousy run high, these boundaries can be crossed without considering the consequences. 

Therefore, couples are advised to safeguard the trust by creating a conflict contract, which both partners have to adhere to in times of disagreement. This contract involves certain boundaries that apply to communication when not seeing eye to eye. For example, these boundaries might include rules like no shouting, not bringing up other topics to the conversation, using no offensive words, etc. There are no right or wrong boundaries, as every couple knows what works for them. 

Nevertheless, it’s not surprising if a person ends up crossing these boundaries accidentally. In such moments, stopping the argument is crucial until both of you have calmed down. Healthy relationships are those where partners are aware that protecting their intimacy and connection is more valuable than being winners of the argument. 


Spare daily time to connect

In a healthy relationship, partners are expected to spare daily time to connect, not just during date nights. It doesn’t have to be the entire evening but as many as ten minutes a day to devote yourself to your partner and to leave the phone aside. Make sure you choose a special time during the day to eliminate all distractions and focus on your connection. 

Couples choose different times in the day based on their schedules. For instance, some partners make time early in the morning before going to work, while others make thetime right before hitting the sack. For others, the best time for connecting is dinner time. Everyday communication is crucial for feeling close and appreciated, especially if you know the other person has deliberately spared time for you. 


Have fun

Another secret weapon in building a healthy relationship is having fun, even though many individuals neglect this aspect. At the start of the journey, most couples seem to enjoy effortless fun by laughing at each other’s jokes and doing fun activities together. Anyhow, as partners become busier, they usually lack the energy and time they’ve had before. 

If playfulness is no longer present in your long-term relationship, try introducing some fun once again. Partners should search for datebooks online, which offer fun dating ideas. There are various sites, such as, providing adventures for every relationship. Playfulness and laughter are always welcome, as these feelings remind couples of the time they fell in love. 

Additionally, there isn’t supposed to be any special reason for doing something fun. You can perhaps recreate some of your first dates or consult the datebook for advice. 


To sum up

No person should stop investing effort in romance

Always keep the spark alive by communicating daily, respecting your darling, listening to his/her problems, resolving conflicts, and promoting positive interactions!

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