
15 Signs You Have A Piece of S**t Boyfriend

8. He doesn’t care when you’re hurting.

When you are clearly upset, he doesn’t try to figure out what’s going on. Instead, he tells you to stop ruining the day, and snap out of it.

9. He doesn’t make you a priority in his life.

Not every decision needs to involve you, but in a relationship, sometimes it matters that you have a significant other when you’re making choices. But, if you might as well not exist when it comes to his life choices, stop making yours revolve around him.

10. He has no problem talking to other girls when he’s out.

Cheating or not, flirting with other girls is not okay when you’re committed to someone else.

11. He does not know the words, “I’m sorry,” or “I’m wrong.”

When you argue, it’s not always one person’s fault. People need to know when they’re wrong and learn to admit their faults, or they will never grow.

12. He insults your family.

That’s a harsh no. No matter what.

13. He disappoints you on the big things.

When it comes to plans you had in advance or special occasions, he’s constantly letting you down. He never holds up his promises and he always manages to back out of things he said he would do.

14. He’s always drunk, high, or on something.

How can you have a relationship with someone who is never truly themselves?

15. He lies.

Big or small, if he lies about somethings, he’ll lie about anything.