15 Dating ‘Green Flags’ That Let You Know He’s A Keeper


When they go the whole date with our touching their phone.


He got down on the floor to play with my dog pretty much right after saying hi. My dog flipped over for belly rubs and I knew right then I was going to marry this man.



I’ve been on a few first dates to the park, and took my dog along (public place, can use the dog as an excuse to cut it short if we’re not hitting it off). If my dog likes him, that’s a green flag for me.




On my first date with my boyfriend we went out to breakfast. I always order bacon with my waffles and totally forgot because i was nervous. I was low key sad about it and told him i forgot and laughed it off. When our food came he split his bacon with me. Really made me like him, since he had just told me bacon is his favorite. And he let me pay since he drove which is a huge plus for me!



On our second date, my now-boyfriend had no issue with me paying (I had invited him out this time, I wanted to take -him- on a date) which made me confident that he isn’t someone with an ego related to masculine stereotypes (man always has to pay etc). Made me feel like an equal partner right away.

He also never played games, and would text me shortly after the date was over to continue our conversation or tell me he had a good time 🙂 our 3 year anniversary is in December, he’s a good one.


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