Your Partner Should Always Stand Up For You, Even When You’re In The Wrong


Alejandra Siroka, founder of Language Alchemy, a communication consulting and coaching firm based in San Francisco, claims that if a partner doesn’t side with their girlfriend/boyfriend, it can leave the other party feeling unsupported, unseen, and abandoned. Sometimes, they even feel betrayed and hurt. Overall, lack of support and comfort can be toxic for a relationship moving forward.

Siroka offered solid advice when it comes to standing up for your partner when they’re wrong, too. In fact, there are many times when couples face this issue. Think of all of the times your boyfriend has gotten wasted and acted a fool—your friends judge him and drag him, but you defend him instead of dragging him, too. Siroka says that taking your partner’s side should be you as a “loving and supportive ally.” It’s not that you agree with them when they’re wrong—it’s that you know that the events transpiring are not indicative of who they are as a person.


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