10 Small Signs You May Have High Functioning Depression

4. You have low energy or problems sleeping through the night.

Those with high functioning depression often times push themselves to get things done, but it’s a challenge. They may succeed at work, meet deadlines and do well in school, but it’s a process to get there. They often times feel as though they’re struggling to get to the finish line and feel exhausted by the end of the day. They also have major changes in sleeping patterns, like insomnia or sleeping too often.

3. You constantly question your past and future.

This disorder causes those who suffer to constantly question their decisions, including those from the past and how it will affect their future. This can be things such as going to the right college, choosing the right major, entering the right career, dating the right person, etc. Worrying, while normal, is abnormal when it becomes an obsession. Those with high functioning depression often times find it hard to shake the worry and obsess over their decisions day after day.

2. You strive for perfection and push yourself way too hard.

Much like with an inability to relax and destress, people with high functioning depression find it very hard to settle for mediocre. When they push themselves, it’s because they want to push down other issues in their lives. Pushing themselves in their career may mean that they will obtain a promotion, which gives them less time off and more time to work. With perfectionism, while it seems pretty normal, it can also have a downside where those with high functioning will heavily criticize themselves when they fall short of their own expectations.

1. You feel uncomfortable in a constant state of happiness or stability.

People with high functioning depression are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is never a time where they are comfortable or content with things when they are “too good.” They are looking for reasons for things to go wrong, and ultimately, this can lead to them self-sabotaging their own lives, relationships, and even careers.

Like with any other mental illness and disorder, it’s important to seek help when needed. There’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to self-help and your own personal health. Studies have shown depression, such as high functioning depression, does get better when treated with psychotherapy and, if needed, medication.

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