
10 Signs You're Still Stuck In the 90s

Oh the 90s. For us twenty-somethings, those were the days! We didn't have cell phones, the only work we had to was homework, and in our minds, everything was fine! We had the best food, best tv shows, best music, and best toys. Little did we know that those days of bubble gum pop, bad fashion choices, and non-digital anything would go right out the window once Y2K hit. And the calendar doesn't say it's 1999 anymore, but some of us just never left the decade behind (and we're okay with that!)

90s kids TV is still good

Rewatching episodes of “Hey Arnold,” “All That," “Kenen and Kel,” or “The Amanda Show” isn’t a question, it’s just gonna happen. Thank God Nick decided to create The Splat because you NEED your Nick shows at midnight every night! As for The Disney Channel, they need to get caught up!

Your Ipod has WAY too much pre-2000s music

You don’t like to admit how large your 90s Itunes playlist is or how much you listen to it. But really, it’s better than the music that’s out now. Sorry not sorry!

Your adult office doesn't look like an adult works there

You loved the Lisa Frank folders, and literally had every single one! So why buy the boring colored folders, or any other office supplies in boring colors, when you can still find your favorite tie-dyed or rainbow colored things? Adulting is way better with colored things anyway.

Indoors < Outdoors

There is definitely the right day to stay inside and do nothing! Those days of running around playing sardines with flashlights or red rover are calling your name though. No judgement here if you have a huge group of twenty-somethings running through people’s yards with water guns!

Your crushes haven’t gone away

Teen Beat and BOP did a REALLY good job of giving you as many photos of your favorite Hollywood crushes to the point where you still squeal when you see photos of guys like Ryan Gosling, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, or Leonardi DiCaprio. Bonus points if you still have their posters on your walls!

The boy band wars are still a thing

You chose a side, and once you chose, you never went back. You were either a HUGE fan of the Backstreet Boys or loved NSYNC and you didn’t talk to people who didn’t like the group you chose. And ten plus years later, you can STILL sing every single word to every song they made, so you always win at karaoke.

You can spot 90s fashion from miles away

No, those jellie shoes are not a new trend! You were rocking those when you were six, thank you very much! And forget about trying to make flannel look cooler than it did in the mid-90s, it’s not gonna happen!

Slang terms are still cool

“Talk to the hand because the head ain’t listenin’” is just more fun to say now! Things are still phat, and not just cool. And you definitely don’t cringe every time you tell a guy “As if!”  

The food memories are interesting

Purple ketchup? Yeah, no thanks! And that cheese and pretzels thing NEVER tasted right either! But, lemme at some Bubble Tape, Wonderballs, or Dunkaroos!

Toys were cooler before they needed an app

No, I don’t need an app that translates Furbish into English! I really don’t want to know what the hell my Furby is yelling at me! And I’ll stick with my keychain Tamagotchi, I don’t need an app to tell me it died again. Oh yeah, my non-digital, non-lite-up Skip-It still works just fine. And can we PLEASE talk about how Polly doesn’t fit in your pocket anymore? Kids these days!

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