First of all, I will start this post by tell all of you how I came to watch Schitts Creek in the first place. I was not familiar with the show and a girlfriend encouraged me to check it out. Sometimes binge watching comes naturally when you go in with no expectations.
I loved everything about the show. But what I noticed that I went in season after season because of one character, Alexis Rose.
First, let’s talk about her name,.. it reminds me of a character name that I would read about when I was a teenager in my Sweet Valley High novels. She was pretty, stylish, accessible, street smart and just naive enough to warm our hearts.
For those of you that have yet to watch the show, um what are you waiting for??
It is up for fifteen Emmy awards this year including Annie Murphy as Alexis Rose for Best Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series. And I am ready to watch the seasons all over again!
But before I do, here are some of my most fondest memories of Alexis Rose.. and I want to point out, I have only watched each season only once.. and over three months ago, so this is all from my memory, which is as genuine as it gets! Alexis Rose is relatable to me because of these moments.
1. ) The beginning of the show it seemed like they were not entirely sure what to do with the character of Alexis Rose. Yes, she was the young spoiled rich girl, now stuck living in a motel with her family. She immediately kisses Mutt who is the only hottie in town. He looks like he is permanently backpacking– yeah that kind of homeless hottie- and since her boyfriend is not coming to the rescue, that was a toxic relationship for sure, she pursues Mutt. Who is only good looking with a beard.. am I right ladies?/
2.) Whenever she addresses her brother, David — the tone that she uses is the perfect sibling slang- ewwww DayViddddd .. say it with me.
3.) She does this very shi shi thing where she cringes her eyes and wags her fingers to the person she is talking to in adoration. You can tell it’s a rich girl thing. Like holding your hands down like paws as if you had a purse– channeling Paris Hilton or something.. I dunno but I loved it.
4.) She has partied with Saudi Princes and she can navigate Morocco, but a small town with one restaurant… ugh forget it.
5.) She has absolutely no job experience, but can tackle Instagram like noone else!
6.) She has mommy issues. Who wouldn’t being the daughter to a famous actress?
7.) She has a love hate relationship with Twyla Sands (Sarah Levy) who runs the only restaurant in town Cafe Tropical. Mainly because Twyla is so nice!!! Anyone else remember the scene when Alexis gives Twyla all of her clothes then realizes she gave her some things by mistake– that she um wants back?
8.) She is stylish and loves to accessorize, with hats! All hat girls rejoice!
9.) She sees how wonderful Ted is… awessss
10.) She is willing to work at a vets office even tho she has no comprehension of animals, how to care for them, the medical field, but she just jumps right in, scrubs and all.
11.) When her mean girlfriends come into town, she realizes just how much she has grown and matured. And how they are so not cool after all.
12.) She is perfectly stubborn and unique and she can escape the most inescapable escape room. She is the ultimate star of Schitts Creek because we got to see her evolve. I won’t throw any spoilers in here for the ending but I really thing Alexis Rose should have her own show, because I really want to see where she goes next!