Honestly, that’s hilarious, and also, a bit disturbing. That’s a pretty huge vacuum—and if she thinks that it’s for someone’s penis, it sounds and looks hella painful. And, people on Reddit had thoughts.
Mil has a perverted mind, I mean who the hell would jump to that conclusion.
You should have just said “the fish like it” and watched her try to figure out what that meant.
My question would be why was she looking through the cabinet in the first place?
Your wife is great to share that experience with you. I would not have been able to hold in the laughter. I might have almost peed myself just reading it.
On the other hand, she missed the chance to say, “Uh, do you really want to be touching that?” and freak her mom out.
I totally agree, I somehow wish they had played along and made it seem like it was a penis pump. It would have been one for the books.