Men love explaining to stuff to women, especially on Twitter. I think they view themselves as information sheriffs, scrolling through Twitter in search of fair maidens who desperately need their help. The thing is, not only is the help often unwanted, but it is also very frequently incorrect.
Recently a man named Paul Bullen replied to an article the Guardian posted about photographs of vulvas. [For anyone who isn’t completely sure, the vulva refers to the outside part of the female genitalia, while the actual vagina is the inside part.] Bullen wrote, “The correct word is vagina,” correcting the publication’s headline. And what follows has to be one of the most ridiculous cases of mansplaining that Twitter has ever seen, and that is seriously saying a lot.
Twitter user @Chinchillazilla posted some screen captures of the interaction. Dr. Jennifer Gunter, a gynecologist and “international expert on both the vagina and the vulva,” responded to Bullen, explaining that those were indeed vulvas and not vaginas. She even included a handy Venn diagram illustrating the difference.
Unsurprisingly, this was not enough to shut Bullen up. He replied to Dr. Gunter with a whole lot of tweets with a whole lot of words. It’s very hard to understand what it is he’s trying to say (he admits that the correct term is “vulvas” but still thinks the article should say “vaginas”), but it’s not very difficult to see that he is absolutely flat-out wrong.
At one point, Bullen brings up the fact that he’d had a “disagreement” with Dr. Gunter before, about the word “fetus.” He elaborated: “It is standard usage pregnant woman to speak of her baby, not her fetus. And there’s nothing incorrect about that.” Good gravy, this guy!
Chinchillazilla posted some follow-up tweets, one of which featured Bullen’s Twitter bio, which claimed that he was an “Editor, writer, teacher, researcher,” among other things.
— i bless the rains down in Castamere (@Chinchillazllla) February 10, 2019
She also posted another screenshot of Bullen, still rambling on about how vulvas are actually vaginas. He just wouldn’t stop!
still going btw
— i bless the rains down in Castamere (@Chinchillazllla) February 11, 2019
Again, there are a lot of words in his argument, but none of the words seem to make sense.
Obviously, people on Twitter, men and women alike, couldn’t help but drag this dude into the middle of next week.
That thread starts off terrible, but it somehow finds a way to get worse as you read it.
— mercy (@MercyN__) February 10, 2019
I went to his @ to block him and he’s still going. He just cannot stop announcing to people that facts don’t matter bc whatever he says is true.
— Sileana (@SileanaRipley) February 11, 2019
At one point, Bullen actually mansplained mansplaining, which is enough to make a person’s brain turn inside out.
He’s now mansplaining mansplaining
— Melinda Byerley (@MJB_SF) February 11, 2019
This exists to be a textbook example of sexism and mansplaining, but then some dudebro will reply to the author of that textbook to offer his wisdom, correcting her expertise and experiences…
— Citizen Andy (@CitizenAndy) February 10, 2019
that’s some meta-mansplainin right there
— intensive purposes (@mbubb) February 10, 2019
real tweet
— millennial trash™ (@rosegoldgarbage) February 11, 2019
OMG, this is like Inception.
— Citizen Andy (@CitizenAndy) February 11, 2019
The boyfriend’s response: “Way to make the gender look bad, bro.”
— Joan Allen (@Jallen_sf) February 11, 2019
— clairmc (@clairmc) February 11, 2019
You might be a gynecologist, but I’m a man on Twitter
— Tasos Lazarides (@TLaz99) February 11, 2019
You will find upon closer inspection that while I am incorrect, I am also in fact right.
— View from Somewhere or Something or Other (@RollingLeft) February 10, 2019
If you check his feed, he IS right. Extremely far right.
— “Cat Lips” (@ApocatlypseMeow) February 11, 2019
Paul sucks at cunnilingus.
— Shannon Stamey (@ShannonStamey) February 10, 2019
And etymology and biology and twitter
— steve brightman (@1brightman1) February 10, 2019
and life.
— Andy McDowell (@corduroy828) February 11, 2019
One person posted a meme about overly-confident dudes that was hilariously fitting.
There is a meme
— Lycheens or Leaveens ? ?? (@wholelottanoope) February 11, 2019
I’m pretty sure Bullen is still arguing, days later. Maybe he needs to watch some Frozen and just “Let It Go.”