Amy Schumer Demolished Someone Who Photoshopped Her To Be ‘Insta Ready’

Comedian Amy Schumer is no fan of Photoshop. And she’s not afraid to stand up and tell people when she’s not pleased with something, or when she feels something was done for the wrong reasons.

And so it was that a fan of hers recently found themselves in the hot seat after they edited a picture of Amy Schumer to make it look “better” on Instagram. Schumer knows she looks good just as she is, and she let the person who made the picture know her feelings on the matter without hesitation.

The Instagram post showed a split between a Getty Images picture of Schumer and one that had been digitally altered to make her look…like another person altogether, honestly.


In the comments on the since-deleted photo, Schumer wrote “Woof this is not good for our culture. I like how I look and don’t want to look like a carbon copy of this one type woman you feel is the best way to look.

She makes a great point—why look like somebody else altogether when you can just look like yourself?

People on Instagram loved her response, and let her know in the comments how much they appreciated her standing up for women in general.

One person praised Schumer’s response and said we could all learn a lot from it, like to “Love who you are and be your authentic self.”

Another person pointed out the irony of the fact that the original photo had been taken at the premiere of Schumer’s movie I Feel Pretty, a film with the message that we should all love our bodies and feel beautiful just the way we are.

This isn’t the first time that Schumer has gone after someone on Instagram for altering pictures of her. One person said she looked “way better” in a bikini after the picture had been changed to make Schumer look skinnier.

Schumer commented on the picture, writing, “I disagree. I like how I really look. That’s my body. I love my body for being strong and healthy and sexy. I look like I’d give a good hug or have a drink with you. The other picture looks nice but it’s not me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as well. See, we’re both right.”

In that case, the person who had changed the picture responded for his “ignorance” and added that he has “no right to make people feel bad about themselves.”

Cheers to Amy Schumer for being the strong and positive woman that she is!

h/t: BuzzFeed

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