A movie was made right at the end of the 90’s that would sum up the decade perfectly. With the new millennium approaching and a new breed (aka Generation Z) being introduced into the world, the 1999 comedy was a perfect farewell to the beloved era of Sketcher’s and overalls. 10 Things I Hate About You is one of those movies that screams “#SO90’S.” We rejoice over movies like this, because we are able to be reminded of the good old days, when it was perfectly acceptable to like wearing Sketchers, and how cool it was to rock a moose-filled scrunched hair-do. So while it may be called 10 Things I Hate About You, here are 10 things we love about it.
1) Heath Ledger’s mysterious yet adorable character, Patrick Verona
The beauty of movies is that legacies are able to live on forever. Case in point: a young Heath Ledger in this movie. With his smooth Australian accent and his shaggy brown hair, Ledger made a splash onto the film scene with his charming yet misunderstood character.
2) The soundtrack that defines an era
So much angsty and upbeat music that spoke the truths of girl power and punk rock meets indie alternative. It’s on Spotify- I highly recommend it for cruising music.
3) Julia Stile’s dance moves
Stile’s basically invented the “drunk girl on elevated surfaces” trend in this flick.
4) The wisdom from the characters
Remember, the only stupid questions are the questions that go unasked… and questions like this.
5) A young and precious Joseph Gordon-Levitt
He’s so unbelievably cute. To quote his character, Cameron, “I burn, I pine, I perish.”
6) The outfits… enough said
When your 90’s game is on fleek…
7) Allison Janney and the erotic novel she wrote throughout the film
The author of 50 Shades of Grey could have used the help of the principle in this film. She has quite a way with words.
8) The English teacher
He easily deserved at least one more hour of screen time than he ended up getting.
9) The actor who plays Bernard The Elf playing Gordon-Levitt’s right hand man
You know how some people will always see Jennifer Aniston as Rachel? Well I will always see David Krumholtz as Bernard the Elf from The Santa Clause. Still, he plays the role of nerdy yet business-oriented techie all too well.
10) The father who reminds us all of our own in one way or another
He was just a 90’s dad who never, ever wanted his daughter to date anybody, and he was funny all the while.