16. You’re doing a wonderful job.
17. No seriously, you’re like the wonder woman of moms.
18. You make me smile.
19. When I’m sad you’re one of the first people I want to see because you always cheer me up.
20. I know that when I’m feeling low and I need a boost you’re always there.
21. You remind that I’m smarter and stronger than I feel.
22. You taught me to value the moments in life.
23. Thank you for allowing me to make mistakes and try and learn from them.
24. But also thank you for being there when those mistakes turn into incidents where I need advice.
25. You give the best advice.
26. You’re probably the best shopping partner.
27. You’re inspiring.
28. You challenge me.
29. You give us all of your time and unconditional love.
30. You’re not just a mom sometimes you’re a mom all the time. 24/7, 365 days a year and that’s a lot of work.
31. When I become a parent I hope I can amount to half of the mom that you are.
32. You’re forgiving even when we don’t deserve it.
33. For not judging my coffee habits and indulging with me.
34. Your use of snapchat makes me laugh.
35. It’s okay to break down sometimes, to not be strong and to cry. (Moms are human too.)