
Every Girl Who Grew Up With An Older Brother Can Relate

My Older Bro

Having a brother is truly a blessing. Sure he can be a real pain in the ass, but he’s also one of the most important people in you life. Big brothers have the ability to gift their sisters with the most unique  memories especially those that bring a smile to our face, that’s why every girl who grew up with a big brother can relate to these things all too well.


1. He didn’t always remember to put the toilet seat down. Seriously how hard is it? I mean you have to pick it up to pee, so what is the big deal about putting it back down?



2. You covered for him, and maybe he covered for you at least once. Whether he forgot to pick you up on time, or went out with friends when he was supposed to be home with you. Maybe he covered for you that time you got home a little too late. Regardless of that situation, you guys had each other’s back, sometimes.