For those who won’t have a father on Father’s Day this year


He was a loving father who would do anything for his family. My heart broke all over again seeing her go through this. I felt her pain, i soon realized i couldn’t leave her ever. I was her friend for a reason and i was going to get her through this. Everyday is a struggle and i miss my dad terribly but every day i am realizing why i went through this and how I can make a change in the world from losing my father.


So celebrate today, celebrate the life of your uncle, brother, grandfather, father in law, anyone who in a man in your life and is a father. Celebrate your father by getting his favorite lunch or bringing his favorite flowers to his grave. Write him a note, sing his favorite song.


You can’t hear him but he’s there. So show him love in anyway you can, he may not be able to open a card from me anymore but i celebrate with him in other ways. When i do this I can feel him with me and that’s how i know i’m living my life right.

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