Grandma, Missing You Is My Heart’s Way of Reminding Me How Much I Love You

When I think about if you would be proud of me. I think of everything bad I have done and often lose sight of what good things I am doing. And I forget how you would hug and kiss me every time you saw me, or how you told me you were proud of me the last times I saw you.

I visit your grave each time I can, And I bring a blanket to sit on. Depending on the season a hot chocolate or a lemonade to drink and fill you in on my life.

I just so sorry I didn’t make an effort to spend more time with you when you were still with us. You didn’t deserve that. I love you and miss you so much, grandma. The trust is, I have never been more myself around anybody than you.

All I have left are all the beautiful memories you left behind. Like when I would lay on your couch when you babysat us and you would sing to me to keep me awake. I would give anything to be laying on that couch again. We talked and laughed about everything under the sun. There is not a day that passes that I don’t give thanks for those special moments that we shared.

Published by

Anonymous Believer

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