My Mom’s My Best Friend And I’m Damn Proud Of It

Throughout my life, friends have come and gone. I’ve been super close with people for years who end up stabbing me in the back, and I’ve had friends who lasted 2.3 minutes. From my hometown to the big city, and all the in-betweens—friendships tend to wither away and die when they run their course. Of course, I maintain the most important ones in my life and keep them by my side through it all. As I’ve gotten older, however, I’ve realized the smaller your circle, the better you’ll feel. Through all the ups and downs, the one who has been there through it all, has been my mom.

I know girls who keep their moms at arms distance—who call them sporadically and tell them only the important details. The girls who couldn’t wait to go away to college and move out—leaving their mothers behind. The ones who have lied and snuck around behind their mom’s backs. This has never been me.

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