The Biggest Lessons You Learn Being Raised By A Single Mom


How to spot a good deal.

When it comes to getting myself things, I never shop without a coupon or a promo code. I’m the queen of finding 10-15% discounts when shopping online and I’d rather be caught dead than paying full price for anything. My mom has taught me that the name brands—they don’t matter. You can find a good leather bag for $50 that will last longer than the one girls spend $1,200 on. There are things that are worth splurging on—like good shoes to keep your feet warm/supported—and things that are out of reach and so not worth it.


The importance of family.

When things were tough, they were tough. And, when my mom needed help, our family was there to always have our backs. Whether it was me helping out my mom with an unexpected move, my uncle helping us out with some tight times, or even close family friends that had our backs—family is everything in life. No matter how much you fight, how many things go wrong, or where you end up, family will never say goodbye, family will never leave you out in the cold.


You can grow from your mistakes.

My mom says she made a lot of mistakes in her youth, like not paying attention to the way my father spent money, not doing enough for herself, not keeping her finances in check. But, everyone can grow from their mistakes. My mom always told me that no matter how badly I mess up in life, tomorrow is a new day to change my outcome. I’m not confined to my regrets, I’m not a victim and I’m certainly not going to let anyone in life control my destiny. I do what I need to do for myself, by myself, and always keep my head held high.


Getting something for yourself is more satisfying than someone getting it for you.

Sure, getting a gift and having people spoil you seems like a nice thing in life, but, I’ve learned that getting something I want for myself makes it all the more satisfying. It makes me feel as though I’ve earned it. Buying things with your own money means that you are not only independent but capable of taking care of yourself—not needing someone to constantly rely on for your needs and desires.


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