So to all my Moms out there, struggling to make ends meet and trying to keep your head above water, just know that being a good mom is a reflection of your love and care for your kids, and shouldn’t be based on the one time you forgot to send your kid to school with cookies and pot of gold leading to a rainbow for the St. Patrick’s day party.
Now keep in mind, if you forget about sending candy on Halloween, that’s a whole other ball game. And you’re fixing to be in a world of trouble. Your @ss better be dressed as your child’s favorite super hero villain holding a pillow case full of candy when they walk through that front door to make up for it. I’m kidding.
Don’t do that. They might think you are a part of an armed robbery and you, the mom, is being held captive resulting in a forceful roundhouse kick straight to the ovaries.
Am I the only one who finds it extremely awkward trying to compose an ‘about me’ paragraph about yourself? Like what do I say? Is this too much information? Should I use a filter? Am I being conceited? I guess this is the part where I should have the mind set of “Zero F$@k’s given” right?? Anyhooo, My name is Sabrina. I am 25 years young. Which, wow, that’s actually not young, its half way to 50 (don’t remind me). I am a Mom to a beautiful, rebellious, know-it-all, wild child named Paisley Jean. She’s 4 going on 25 to say the least. & I’ll just let it be known right now, that Paisley’s mom DOES NOT have it going on, & in my blog, you will see first hand, your typical-average single mom, trying to juggle work, finances, hobbies and parenting, all in while trying to keep up with the latest trends and so forth. I’d also like to add that I am pretty spontaneous, so I cant exactly guarantee what exactly my blog will consist of. I tend to get an idea in my brain, and run with it, sometimes pretty far, sometimes not so far. Hence to why you will more than likely see a lot of DIY trial and error posts accompanied by a couple of curse words… This is the moment where I start to feel incredibly awkward, wondering if that was too much information or not enough…I’ll let ya’ll be the judge. Also I enjoy long walks on the beach. Ha! Funny I am. But really, I do enjoy long walks on the beach.Twitter handle: Facebook URL:
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