It wasn’t until you went to the hospital the last time that I realized how scared I was to lose you. It wasn’t until I heard the doctor utter those few words that no granddaughter ever wants to hear about her grandmother that truly made me realize that this would be the last time I would see you.
“We don’t think she’ll make it through the night. I’m sorry.”
I didn’t want you to see me cry because I had to be strong for you. I know you were scared. All I could think of was all the regrets I had. And all of the times I should have called you, but didn’t. So the times I should have gone to see you, but didn’t.
Missing you
All things about my life I should have shared with you but didn’t. AlI I wanted was to go back in time and do it again. Do it right.
But I couldn’t. I realized a lot of things. You wouldn’t be here for any special holiday anymore. You wouldn’t be here to see for my birthdays or to see me get married or have a child.
All the things I assumed you would be here for, got ripped away the moment I knew you’d be gone sooner than I even expected.