As we close out Women’s History Month, I have reflected on the women before me, next to me and in front of me.
There is nothing more empowering and painful than being a woman in this world. The women that personally have impacted my life are strikingly inspirational. When I entered my twenties, I would constantly look for women who would share advice about thriving and getting through your twenties. I found myself reading articles, watching Youtube channels, listening to TED talks and attending conferences. The women I met along the way shared their knowledge with me. They had advice about finances, mental health, culture, politics, fashion, education or feminism. Moreover, they all had one thing in common. They conveyed humility and understanding. Generously offering up empowerment and happiness.
And that to me is what a female community should be built on – it should reflect oneself. But you also should want more for the women next to you.
I remember watching the Nina Simone documentary and being absolutely inspired with her selflessness. Simone was a woman that gave her talent and grace to the world, but it was all given with sacrifice. That word – sacrifice – has such a heaviness in a woman’s day to day life. Simone was a singer and an activist, who spoke out on the Civil Rights movement, and spoke about what crimes were done against Black folks in America. And Simone is someone that I am truly inspired by. Because she left us with her art and her vision. And at a price that she paid for. For all women in America, and the world.
Women nowadays have the privilege and power to use their platforms – big or small – to make a change in this world.
There is still so much to do, but we cannot forget the progress we have made as women.
Growing up in the Midwest, as a Latina woman, I often found myself craving to see a powerful woman (besides my own mother) on a platform. Oftentimes I questioned whether or not I would see a brown woman in office, speaking at conferences, or even just on a children’s book cover. Ultimately it was small steps forward that I witnessed. Moments that accumulating throughout my childhood til now.
Someone who I slowly began admiring because of her work ethic and charisma was Jennifer Lopez. Lopez has this saying of “Making something from nothing.” She expresses how she was working for the man, getting where she is at with grit, clarity, vision and of course hard work. Lopez is an entrepreneur, actress, singer, dancer and mother. She has built herself up by working twice as hard as the person next to her, in front of her and of the opposite gender. Women like Lopez being on the screen, in award shows, or in the White House continue to inspire me.
I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by women who have created a life of their own by the beat of their own drum.
And they have been able to be on platforms. (big and small) lending a hand by sharing their love, knowledge and power with me. Some are singers, artists, business women, mothers, teachers, friends and sometimes strangers. Their common thread is that they all shared ways to lift other women up – the same way the women before them did.
I would encourage you to share this article with the women that you admire. And express your gratitude towards them. Because you should thank them, support them, and most importantly listen to them. We women have one another to uplift and encourage. So let us continue to bring love, humility and empowerment into this world for all of the unique and amazing women to come.