Five Fitness Trends To Try In 2023

Fitness. Ugh, even the word implies that you are not fit. A never-ending cycle of becoming fitter, more fit, the fittest. So you can conform and fit into society, in both size and scale offers up only a triggering result for those striving for a better healthier self.

As a fitness teacher myself, I often see the pained look of the New Year’s resolute coming into class. Since this is an endless loop of a goal, I thought I would try and offer up some alternative ways to sweat, work, push and strengthen your mental and physical fitness.

Here are ten different ways to get the mind to settle and your body to move.

Create A Home Practice.

Ultimately, working from home or hybrid work can mean more time at home than near a gym or a fitness class. If the pandemic taught us anything, it reminded us that we can create an at-home gym or workout space with just a few key props and Zoom. Yoga and Pilates mat classes only require some floor space, a yoga mat, and yourself. You can add accessories like blogs and straps and weights without breaking the bank. And there are pre-recorded classes and online zoom classes that are fairly inexpensive. The best part? You can switch it up to suit your schedule and your shower and change of clothes are conveniently located as well as all of the ingredients you need to make yourself a post-workout smoothie.

Walk Don’t Run For Your Health

By walking just thirty minutes a day can help you lose weight and gain muscle, increase bone density, improve cardiovascular health and lower the risks of strokes and other diseases.  The health benefits of walking for your mental and physical health increase when you grab a friend. So instead of texting your bestie, take a walk together.

Swim Your Way To Your Fitness Goals

Swim classes and fitness classes in the water are excellent ways to avoid joint inflammation and joint-bearing exercise. The cardiovascular benefits and mental zen that swimming can offer explain why it is considered one of the top five popular exercises in the US. Swimming is an overall body workout that works your heart and lungs too. So dive into swimming this year.


Pickleball is social, it is fun and yes, it gets the body to move. Studies show that Pickleball not only is a blast, but it will improve cardio health. So head to your local Pickleball court and dink your way to heart health this year. Moreover, a Pickleball paddle is essential for maximizing your performance and enjoyment on the court. Please take some time to research and find the perfect Pickleball Paddle that suits your needs and preferences.


Bouldering is a thing! I mean, it really is a thing! With indoor bouldering popping up almost everywhere, finding one near you should be a breeze. But what is the difference between bouldering and rock climbing you ask? Ropes, safety, and how high you climb. Bouldering are short and somewhat steep climbs that are performed indoors and outdoors that do not require harnesses. Bouldering is a great way to strengthen your core, upper body, and lower body all at once. So skip the gym, and climb a wall instead.


While there are lots of paths to your fittest self, remember that getting the body to move is the ultimate goal. It is your house that you take with you everywhere you go. Honor it, cherish it and be grateful for your abilities. Find a form of movement that supports your overall mental and physical health.


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