As marijuana becomes more available in numerous parts of the US, it’s essential to understand how to use it properly. If you’re into fitness, you might ask, “Does weed affect workout?”
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) bans athletes from using marijuana, but some argue that sports entities should regulate it. The herb can benefit sportspeople, but federal law makes it hard for scientists to research its effectiveness.
If you’re a herb enthusiast, grab sativa seeds and grow weed at home while you learn the effects of marijuana on the performance of athletes.
Health Benefits of Weed on Athletes
Many people wonder whether weed is healthy for athletes or not. Though there isn’t enough research, many people claim that marijuana can have the following benefits for sportspeople.
Relieving Pain and Inflammation
Numerous studies have shown that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, can help reduce inflammation. The substance works by affecting the human endocannabinoid system.
The system is involved in bodily functions such as pain sensation, sleeping, and appetite. Once you’ve taken in CBD, it triggers the activities of the endocannabinoid receptors, which helps reduce inflammation and pain.
When used alone, CBD might assist in alleviating back and nerve pain. When combined with THC, it could effectively treat arthritis and multiple sclerosis-related pain.
Some countries like Canada and the UK approve using Sativex, which contains THC and CBD, to treat such pain.
Athletes experience joint and muscle inflammation while exercising. Using CBD products such as topicals and oils may help with pain management.
Smoking weed may not directly assist in relieving pain and inflammation. Look for CBD tinctures and topicals to maximize the medical potential of marijuana in alleviating your pain.
Assists in Relaxing and Focusing
Traditionally, people never thought marijuana and sports performance could get along. Weed lovers are debunking this myth as many report increased focus during exercise after consuming the herb.
Some athletes claim that taking weed before a workout reduces distraction and increases mental clarity. These factors make it easier to go through stressful exercise routines relaxed and with total focus.
These claims can be backed up by the fact that CBD and THC affect the endocannabinoid system, which may trigger exercise-induced euphoria. This sensation is the high you feel during or after exercising.
A study done on mice showed that regular THC restores their cognitive function. Researchers haven’t done the same on humans, but fitness enthusiasts have similar observations.
How else does weed affect workouts? Some athletes using marijuana note that it acts as a catalyst to enter a meditative state and keep them calm while exercising.
This feeling enables them to finish their exercise routine without feeling demotivated or anxious. Completing the workouts plays a significant role in increasing muscle growth and achieving your fitness goals.
Reducing Muscle Spasms
Athletes perform strenuous activities during workouts and events, which can cause muscle spasms. The use of cannabis might help in treating this condition.
Some animal studies show that this herb can help reduce muscle spasms and aid recovery. The positive effects may result from the anti-inflammatory properties that marijuana carries.
More research and studies on humans are needed to offer robust evidence that cannabis products can assist in the treatment of muscle spasms.
Improves Recovery
After sporting activities, most athletes struggle with recovery due to insufficient energy, anxiety, or muscle pain.
Sportspeople who ingest cannabis claim that it assists in recovery since it reduces soreness after a performance. Athletes also use marijuana to reduce stress and return to their peak performance.
Some athletes might experience anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after events. The THC in cannabis can induce rest, suppress dreams, and assist in sleep apnea, which can help people with PTSD.
CBD can also help reduce daytime fatigue and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep disorder which assists you in recovering quickly and improving your performance.
Adverse Effects of Weed on Athletes
If you’re a fitness enthusiast, you might wonder, “Does smoking weed affect athletic performance?” Though it has positive benefits, the substance can cause adverse effects if misused.
Using weed can impair your motor and hand-eye coordination, which are essential in athletic events. Sports such as basketball require precise movement and coordination. Performing under the influence of cannabis might be altered.
Since weed can impair motor skills, use THC-free products before resistance exercises to avoid the high. It may be best not to consume it before workouts and keep it for recovery.
It’s essential to understand how smoking weed affects athletes to use it safely. Like cigarettes, cannabis smoke contains toxins and irritants that can be harmful.
Excessive smoking can lead to respiratory problems, which can hurt your athleticism. To avoid consuming contaminated weed, get Tropicana cookies seeds and grow pure weed at home.
Cannabis has been linked to heart attack risk since it increases heart rate and blood pressure levels. If you have a history of heart-related problems, consult a doctor before starting a marijuana-induced workout.
Use Cannabis Wisely
Though weed does hurt athletic performance in a few ways, the benefits outweigh them. To reap these positive effects, use the herb safely and only ingest as much as your body can tolerate. Try the different forms of marijuana like tinctures and topicals.
Remember to check the legality of this substance in your state to avoid legal problems. Weed is beneficial; just use it wisely.