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How to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy While Stuck at Home

Try learning a new skill

Always wanted to learn Japanese? Or make a pecan pie? Or knit? These are all fun and engaging activities you can also share with your spouse and other members of your household, and you can certainly keep your mind occupied for a few hours a week.

Of course, there are free courses across the world offered online right now, so you can even take up something business-related from a renowned university or take up a fitness class. 

Once the quarantine is over, you’ll be richer by a new skill or you will have expanded your knowledge. Either way, this is a learning opportunity you can use to your advantage and build your confidence and self-esteem!  

Bedtime meditation

In case you haven’t tried meditation before, there’s no time like the present to give it a go. Stress is impossible to eliminate from this situation, since we all worry about people we love, but you can reduce your stress exposure and become more resilient to different causes of stress when you learn how to slow down your mind and control your breathing, which is precisely what meditation is all about.

Add to that, you can throw in a few affirmations, and you’ll build a more positive attitude over time. 

Take a walk

Unless you’re in strict isolation and you’re already coping with the virus, sitting at home is not always the ideal choice. When it’s allowed in your country, you can take a walk in your neighborhood or an area in your city where you know there aren’t any crowds.

A solitary walk can be a restorative activity to help reconnect you with Mother Nature, and to help you get some healthy sun exposure for that much-needed vitamin D dose.

Just avoid close contact with others, wear the prescribed protection, and enjoy the blossoming nature around you!

Set up online dates with those you love

Social distancing oesn’t apply to your Skype or Zoom, so this is your opportunity to use all the tech at your disposal and the cool apps you have on your phone to connect to those you love. You can even set up group calls in case you have a birthday coming up, or someone in the family would normally celebrate their anniversary. 

Seeing each other online, exchanging words of encouragement, and simply having a cup of coffee with someone you love is a great way to fill your time with care and kindness. Plus, you can always share your concerns and worries and seek comfort in the love of those around you. 

Together Apart

As far apart as we may be, we’re still in this together, and the more we learn about prevention and protection, we’ll be better equipped to cope with this situation. However, in addition to staying informed and educating yourself on the outbreak, you should also occupy your mind and your body with other healthy activities. It’s time to start your new healthy routine that will keep you not just sane, but strong and positive until this crisis is over! 

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