15 Things Only You Say When You Take on the Night With Your BFF

Going Out !

Every girl who’s about to go out to the bars with her bestie knows you always say or ask each other the “standard girl questions.” If she doesn’t ask these questions or say these things…is she even your best friend?


1. “Are we gonna be dressing cute or sexy?”

Cause I need to know if I’m rocking Vans with a t-shirt, or my little black dress with the plunging neckline.


2. “I’m not getting too drunk.”

This is a damn lie. Let’s be honest, you both are going to be six shots deep within three minutes of stepping into the bar.


3. “You’re not allowed to text or call your ex.”

It’s great advice until the end of the night and y’all are in the back of the Uber, crying while you both drunk dial the douchebags.


4. “Can we get Taco Bell after?”

Is that even a real question?


5. “I’ll be there in an hour.”

Not. That translates into, “I’m still in bed in my underwear, hair in a bun, looking like a drowned hamster.


6. “Pregame shots?”

Again, is that even a real question?


7. “Can I borrow your cute red shirt?”

Which means ALL of your clothes are fair game, and good luck getting them back.


8. “I have nothing to wear.”

Story of both your lives right? That bitch better find something, and soon, because she’s not allowed to bail.


9. “Do I look okay/fat/cute?”

You both are going to ask one or all of these, and if your best friend doesn’t tell you the truth, find a new friend.


10. “You look fine, let’s go.”

Which you both probably do look fine, but why not ask another nine times, just to be sure.


11. “Wanna take a selfie?”

Duh. If either of you start duck facing it though, neither of you should be allowed in public. Ever.



12.  “Where are we going?”

Who fucking knows. As long as your friendship isn’t like a couple’s “I don’t care, where do you wanna go, no, where do YOU wanna go” bullshit type relationship.


13. “Is there a cover?”

Fuck. This means we’re gonna have to stop by the ATM doesn’t it?


14. “Should I wear these heels?”

Do either of you look like a baby giraffe, awkwardly stumbling around when trying to walk in heels? If the answer is yes, then no, do not wear heels unless you want to look dumb as fuck or break your ankle.


15. “Do NOT lose anything tonight.”

Like you keys, your phone, your purse, your dignity…


16. “I promise I’ll try to not do anything too stupid…”

HAHA. Don’t you both have bad decisions and regrets stamped on your foreheads?

About The Author

Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.

To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE 

Published by

Kayla Leanne Goss

Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily. To see more of my articles, visit: https://www.facebook.com/blogsbykaylaleannegoss/

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