A Vow to My Best Friend, I Won’t Ditch You When I Get a Boyfriend

But first, I want to make a vow to you, as your best friend, that you will always be my #1 before any guy. I won’t ditch you like all the others. And I won’t spend every waking minute with him and leave your texts on read.

I crave our girl time together, from our lowkey wine nights to our bar hopping madness, I’d be so bored without you.

I’m still going to be your wing woman and dance all night with you at our favorite places. And if he thinks I’m dressing up for Halloween in a couples costume with him, he’s dead wrong. You and I have gone way too many years dressing up together to break tradition now.

Published by

Brit Bandana

Mountain dweller and day-dreamer. Writer, jewelry-maker, and habitual mistake-maker. For more of my writing, check out my Facebook page! If you'd like to see some of my jewelry, please go to my website! Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Brittany-Ann-1547058825604701/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

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