
If You Want a Friendship That’s Built To Last, Read This

You’re the shoulder they lean on when the world is topsy-turvy, the one who holds them when tears fall from their bloodshot eyes. A ‘Best friend’ is so much more than just a title. It isn’t about taking selfies and spending weekends together, it takes work.

1. You trust her completely (yes, even with that…)

She has enough blackmail on you to make you her personal servant, but you know she’d never use any of it against you.

2. Because you know she feels the same.

She tells everything to you that’s really bothering her even if it borders on TMI.

3. No matter how long it’s been, you jump right back to where you left off.

You don’t see each other daily, but you always know how much you mean to each other.

4. You’re basically each other’s personal therapists any time of day…

3 am or pm, you’re always there when life is driving her crazy and vice versa.

5. And her rock when life hits her hard.

You know how to make her feel better without sugar coating the truth.

6. You prove you care on the daily.

Letting your bestie know how important she is in your life.

7. And avoid drama like the plague.

You’ll both make mistakes, but you never judge each other because nobody’s flawless.

8. Even though you know fights are inevitable.

It sucks, but you won’t always be each other’s, favorite people. You have each other’s backs at the end of the day though and you’ll never let anything pull you too far apart.

9. But you’ll never give up on each other.

You encourage her to follow her dreams and always be each other’s best self.

There’s no best friend guidebook to follow. A friend-love takes hard work, but you know it’s always worth it.

Your best friend can’t guarantee that life will be perfect all the time, but they can stay in your corner, never more than a phone call away.

Published by

Audi Anderson

Audi is a 27 year old graduate, from the University of Iowa with a Bachelors Degree in English who one day aspires to attend law school. I am an avid lover of football, baseball, soccer, horror movies, selfies and napping. At a young age I loved reading and writing stories and connecting with people and from that sparked my endless rambling on about anything I can talk to others about. Writing is a huge passion of mine, it can bring so many different cultures and backgrounds together. If my writing reaches out to just one person and makes them feel better about themselves or the situation they are going through then it's worth every moment of vulnerability and putting yourself out there. Everyone struggles whether they vocalize it or internalize and sometimes you just need someone to relate to, or better yet someone to tell you that it's okay and things have to always get better. So just think of me as that friend who always has an open ear and attempts to help you make sense of it all. Think of me as the person who will constantly remind you of your worth Twitter handle: audifaceia Facebook URL:

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