This Is How I Plan to Make it Up to You, Bestie


I promise that you will get more effort from me and that all the time you invested in our friendship meant something. Because it has always meant something to me, even in the moments that I wasn’t able to communicate that to you the way you deserved.


I’m sorry that it took me so long to realize that I wasn’t being the friend that I should have been. And, I would have totally understood if you had thrown in the towel on us a long time ago.


But, you didn’t. And, you have shown me such kindness and grace in a time when I really needed it.


I know that relationships aren’t always equal amounts give and take. But, you have always been so willing to do whatever it takes to be there for the people you love.


So, from this moment forward, I am going to learn from you: from your actions and from who you are in general. Because you are an inspiration and a beautiful person. And, there will never be enough words to describe how grateful I have been for you throughout the years.


So, thank you for your friendship. Thank you for giving me a chance to make this right. Thank you, for the million little things you do that make you an incredible forever friend.


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