To My Best Friends, Remember This as I Move Away


I promise to make every hangout that we have a special and quality hangout, because we won’t get as many as we used to, which means no more silent coffee dates where we’re on our phones the whole time, we can silently enjoy each others’ company over FaceTime now.


I am begging you not to forget about me, because trust me I won’t forget about you. I’m going to be so lonely moving to a new city by myself, and I need you guys more than ever. I need your texts of encouragement, your phone calls, your jokes, your care packages, I need it all.


I know things are changing, but one thing that never will is how much I love you guys, and I do more than you know. We are going to be friends so long that our kids are going to be friends or get married, because we are not quitters.


So, yes I’m moving and I’m so sad about leaving you guys, but I’m also a little excited for what the future holds. I love that even though you guys would rather I’d stayed, you still are excited for me.


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