To My Bestie, My Life Would Be Totally Empty Without You


I never have to worry about being replaced or forgotten, but let’s face it, it would be really hard to forget me. Thank you for the big things and the small, for knowing my favorite pizza toppings and what flavors of ice cream I can’t live without.


Thank you for bringing me back down to Earth when I get a little too full of myself, for reminding me to laugh when life gets a little rough and for loving me when I can’t love myself. You are my constant in a world that is forever changing.


Thank you for laughing with me or in some cases laughing at me. For being the hand that I can always reach for when life seems unsteady and for always having open arms to pull me in close. I know that I can never find a better friend than the one I have in you. You’ve set the bar pretty high for what true friendship is supposed to look like.


I’m the lucky one really because you are stuck with me, even when I irritate you and drive you crazy. There is absolutely no way I’m letting you go so thank you for putting up with me.

I love you!


Published by

Audi Anderson

Audi is a 27 year old graduate, from the University of Iowa with a Bachelors Degree in English who one day aspires to attend law school. I am an avid lover of football, baseball, soccer, horror movies, selfies and napping. At a young age I loved reading and writing stories and connecting with people and from that sparked my endless rambling on about anything I can talk to others about. Writing is a huge passion of mine, it can bring so many different cultures and backgrounds together. If my writing reaches out to just one person and makes them feel better about themselves or the situation they are going through then it's worth every moment of vulnerability and putting yourself out there. Everyone struggles whether they vocalize it or internalize and sometimes you just need someone to relate to, or better yet someone to tell you that it's okay and things have to always get better. So just think of me as that friend who always has an open ear and attempts to help you make sense of it all. Think of me as the person who will constantly remind you of your worth Twitter handle: audifaceia Facebook URL:

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