When Your Coworkers Become Family, A Whole New World Begins

No matter where you work at you are bound to make friends.

You could be working in an office, you could be working retail, you could be doing landscaping, etc. You and your coworkers eventually become like a big family because you spend so much time with them.


I’ve only ever worked retail, most times it’s been pushing carts, and bagging groceries, I worked in the deli once, but wasn’t as close with coworkers there.


The nice thing about having coworkers you get along with is you understand the other person. You are both stuck dealing with rude customers, or you are stuck dealing with slow customers, you even have coworkers you aren’t going to like.


When you bond with coworkers though it can be great. At my old job Meijer, I was the only girl who pushed carts with all guys. I felt extremely intimidated by them, but rather than them tease me and tell me I can’t do it, they worked with me, and showed me things.


I became best friends with a certain coworker of mine at Meijer pretty quickly, he willingly worked with me and if I was having a rough day we talked about it. He never judged me, and never made me feel bad when I screwed up.


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My name is Lauren, I am 25, have been with my boyfriend Jeremy for 6 years now. I suffer from depression and anxiety, but I try not to let it affect my life. I am new to writing so it may not always be the best. I write about my boyfriend, my friends, mental health a bit, but I am trying to expand my writing. Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Laurenthewriter/

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