The world is a pretty crazy place – you can drive yourself nuts tryng to make sense of it all. Just look around you at any given time, and you’ll be able to come up with a long list of things seem a little out of whack, like…
- Jeans not fitting BOTH your waist and legs
- How hair looks better after a nap
- Successfully remembering to take your make up off after a night out
- George Clooney getting married
- Prickly legs even though you just shaved, like just walked out of shower
- Why your friend wants to tell you every detail about her boyfriend. Every second of the day.
- Teletubbies
- Kim Kardashian’s Game and how it has made millions
- Spending several hours watching Youtube
- How Lululemon pants are supposed to be comfy
- Why you can’t just magically make food appear in front of you
- What happened to the people on the other end of 411 calls
- Why toys are so securely packaged
- Wheatgrass shots
- Why pebble poops pop the most brain cells
- How people can actually nail Pinterest DIYs
- Why shows aren’t forced to have reunions, most specifically, F•R•I•E•N•D•S
- Getting the most texts when trying to take a nap
- Why pants are more encouraged than naps are
- Why colleges make you take core classes
- 2 Girls 1 Cup
- Why Oprah still does interviews even though she retired
- Why Chipotle lines are always so long, and why there’s no V.I.P line
- How people actually lose weight
- When you’re convinced you have a fever but the thermometer doesn’t even reach 98 degrees
As long as you’re in a list reading mood, check out the 51 Most Awkward Moments Every College Girl Suffers Through