26 Signs You Loved AIM as a Kid

Before Texting and Facebook there was AIM and every kid who had a screen name remembers just how great it was.

Check out the list to see if you were one of those kids.

  1. Talking to Smarterchild and other aim robots

  2. Saying inappropriate things to them to try and get them mad

  3. Spending too much time on your away message

  4. Your most creative ones had song lyrics in it

  5. And after awhile you had a long list of saved away messages to choose from

  6. Using only acronyms to talk

  7. But being selective to who you said LYLAS to

  8. Using chat rooms

  9. Changing the order of your friend’s initials in your profile

  10. Picking a buddy icon from Iconator

  11. Picking the right color and font

  12. Your aim profile was truly your finest work

  13. Especially if you copy and pasted quotes like this one:

  14. Also using your profile to explain your relationship status

  15. Sometimes that included doing this to your crushes name – ****

  16. Categorizing your buddy list, only a select few made your best friends group

  17. Your screen name had at least one of these: x, <3, xO, or a number

  18. You’ve definitely hit the block button…more than once

  19. Hearing the door open or shut instantly made you look to your buddy list

  20. And every time you hoped that it was the person you liked signing on

  21. Frequently changing the AIM notification sounds, the cow mooing was a classic

  22. Going through your chat boxes to see which one was blinking

  23. Comparing how many buddies you had to your friend’s buddy list

  24. Knowing the yellow notepad next to someone’s screen name meant they were Away

  25. Occasionally going invisible so you can just talk to your best friend

  26. Frequently yelling to find out who picked up the phone and knocked you offline

Published by

Amanda D Houli

She lives in Howell, New Jersey. Currently a senior at Loyola University Maryland studying Business Economics and Information Systems.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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