26 Words That are Basically the Equivalent of Ugg Boots

Swag; as a noun: awesome. As a verb: Irritating. Cray cray? Love it. ’bout that life? Yup. But there are some catch phrases that need to go……Now. Here are 25, feel free to add your own.

  1. Turn up/Turn down for what: Every time I hear this I want to channel my inner old lady and shout “get off my lawn!”
  2. Ratchet: A ratchet is a tool. So is everyone who insists on using this word.
  3. Twerk: When I typed this word, the computer tried to correct me. As I am trying to correct those of you who think this word/behavior is okay. It’s not. 
  4. Basic: Basic? Really? Come on, now you’re not even trying.
  5. Amazeballs: Actually, this is fine. If you’re 11.
  6. YOLO: Not only is this acronym tired and irritating, it’s insensitive to people who believe in reincarnation.
  7. Totes: Unless, you work at Target and are unloading a shipment of reusable bags using this word makes you sound like a moron. And we are judging you.
  8. Wonky: Unless you are abbreviating Wonka then……no, never mind, don’t do that either.
  9. Surreal: People use this in an attempt to sound smart. And if you have to try to sound smart, you’re not. Sorry.
  10. Chillax: Ugh! It’s chill or relax and I can do neither until this word goes away.
  11. Shut up: Exactly.
  12. K.K: Meaning Okay. Are we seriously this lazy as a society? 
  13. Slippery slope: The next person who says this is getting pushed down one.
  14. As Such: This is an attempt at business speak, which is a whole other category of annoying.
  15. Deets: I don’t even know what this one means. And I don’t want to.
  16. Sitch: Again with the laziness. Isn’t sloth one of the seven deadly sins.
  17. 2 in place to too (or to, or two): Don’t make me kill you.
  18. Sesh: As in short for session. Who uses session in everyday convo? Which brings me to
  19. Convo: Seriously?
  20. Bestie: This only works if you’re Amy Farrah Fowler. As for the rest of you? Not so much.
  21. Mad (as in “mad hard”): This makes me……..well, you know.
  22. Wifey: Grounds for divorce, if you ask me.
  23. Frenemy: Is anyone still using this one? If so, please stop.
  24. Uber: This word is uber-annoying.
  25. Keep calm and_____on: Like so many other things, this one has run its course.
  26. Also, Confusion of They’re, there, and their: What is wrong with you people? 

Of course this is just my opinion, I could be wrong. (but i’m not).

Published by

Mar-li Pitcher

Mar-li can't decide whether or not she's a native New Yorker; she was born in San Francisco and is very proud of that. She has also spent the last 10 years living there, however, she was raised right here in the Big Apple. When not trying to decide which coast to claim (or deny) Mar-li is usually writing; (short stories mostly) or or thinking about her cat (Frosty), or actively working on her plan to fix her life by age 40... Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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