Every kid has quite the imagination but 90’s kids sure thought up some of their own unique beliefs.
Check out the list below to see if you were a believer yourself.
- Saying Bloody Mary 3 times in a dark bathroom would end badly
- Steve from Blues Clues had to leave because he was on drugs
- The Borrowers lived in your walls
- The Boogieman lived under your bed
- M.A.S.H told you your future fate
- If you didn’t send the chain email you would have 7 years of bad luck
- Stepping on a crack would break your mothers back
- Horoscopes from the back of magazines were creepily accurate
- Lindsay Lohan had a twin
- Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were Hollywood royalty
- Disney channel was cooler than Nickeledeon
- But MTV was the coolest channel out there
- And Nick @ Nite was the most sophisticated TV you watched
- There was a bus hierarchy of oldest kids in the back and you had to follow suit
- Y2K
- Pulling out a lunchable in the cafeteria made you the coolest kid at lunch
- Corey and Topanga were the definition of true love
- If your initials weren’t in your friend’s aim profile then it meant they were mad at you
- Mary Kate and Ashley were really kid detectives
- Group chats were safe and robot screen names were fun to piss off
- If you didn’t get corn rows and beads in your hair then you didn’t really go on vacation
- Pokemon was better than Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Friends was a good TV show but didn’t get how funny it was until after it was over
- Nickeldeon’s Face was better than Nick Afternoon’s Stick Sticky
- That there were two type of people in the world, those who dunked their Dunkaroos in the icing and those that dipped their finger in the icing
- Maury and Jerry Springer were the most scandalous shows on tv
- Having a pen pal from a different country was the only way to connect with someone far away
- Having your own phone line was essential to your social life
- To save your Beanie babies because they would be worth a lot of money one day
- Toe rings and ankle bracelets were the go to summer essentials
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