30 Things Every 90's Kid Actually Believed

Every kid has quite the imagination but 90’s kids sure thought up some of their own unique beliefs.

Check out the list below to see if you were a believer yourself.

  1. Saying Bloody Mary 3 times in a dark bathroom would end badly

  2. Steve from Blues Clues had to leave because he was on drugs

  3. The Borrowers lived in your walls

  4. The Boogieman lived under your bed

  5. M.A.S.H told you your future fate

  6. If you didn’t send the chain email you would have 7 years of bad luck

  7. Stepping on a crack would break your mothers back

  8. Horoscopes from the back of magazines were creepily accurate

  9. Lindsay Lohan had a twin

  10. Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were Hollywood royalty

  11. Disney channel was cooler than Nickeledeon

  12. But MTV was the coolest channel out there

  13. And Nick @ Nite was the most sophisticated TV you watched

  14. There was a bus hierarchy of oldest kids in the back and you had to follow suit

  15. Y2K

  16. Pulling out a lunchable in the cafeteria made you the coolest kid at lunch

  17. Corey and Topanga were the definition of true love

  18. If your initials weren’t in your friend’s aim profile then it meant they were mad at you

  19. Mary Kate and Ashley were really kid detectives

  20. Group chats were safe and robot screen names were fun to piss off

  21. If you didn’t get corn rows and beads in your hair then you didn’t really go on vacation

  22. Pokemon was better than Yu-Gi-Oh!

  23. Friends was a good TV show but didn’t get how funny it was until after it was over

  24. Nickeldeon’s Face was better than Nick Afternoon’s Stick Sticky

  25. That there were two type of people in the world, those who dunked their Dunkaroos in the icing and those that dipped their finger in the icing

  26. Maury and Jerry Springer were the most scandalous shows on tv

  27. Having a pen pal from a different country was the only way to connect with someone far away

  28. Having your own phone line was essential to your social life

  29. To save your Beanie babies because they would be worth a lot of money one day

  30. Toe rings and ankle bracelets were the go to summer essentials 

??? Click here to see these 90’s Hearththorbs: Where Are They Now? 

??? Also check out these 40 Things Every 90’s Kid Will Miss Forever

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Published by

Amanda D Houli

She lives in Howell, New Jersey. Currently a senior at Loyola University Maryland studying Business Economics and Information Systems.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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