Back in the dark ages, when people still wrote letters, I once wrote a letter to my cousin. He responded by suggesting that I type next time.
This has been happening my whole life and I’m not alone. Millions of us suffer from bad handwriting, and have shared many of the same frustrating questions and experiences because of it:
- We’re not all planning to become doctors. We appreaciate the vote of confidence but…no. Most of us aren’t headed to med school.
- Yes, we can read our handwriting. Most of the time.
- No, this does not mean we’re messy in general. I mean, we might be, but it’s really unfair of you to judge.
- Yes, as a matter of fact, we did learn to write in school. We also learned algebra, we we’re not necessarily good at that, eiither.
- Constantly commenting on our poor handwriting is not likely to improve it. After all, we don’t constantly point out that you’re nagging do we?
- Asking us why are handwriting is bad is like asking us why we’re right handed. We just are. There’s not much more to it than that.
- Just because we aren’t careful about our handwriting doesn’t mean we’re reckless in general. It’s a note, not a bomb. Calm down.
- Of course we can give directions…We’ll text them to you. Seriously, who writes down directions anymore?
- No, our grades were not bad in school. Unless handwriting counted.
- We can spell as well as anyone else. And if we can’t, you’ll never know.